Thanks to our 2013 ISHA Donors!
The nonprofit International Skiing History Association (ISHA) raised $75,576 in 2013 unrestricted donations -- 22.9 percent higher than the previous record of $61,509 set in 2011.
The number of donors also set a record. Almost 400 history lovers made donations ranging in size from $10 to Jean-Claude Killy's $5,000. More than three-quarters of the gifts around from the associations's fall fundraising campaign.
Almost 50 companies aided ISHA with $39,329 in corporate sponsorship fees, also a new record. Their 2013 support was more than double the amount of sponsor funding just two years ago.
Donations and sponsorships literally make possible the publication of Skiing History Magazine and the operation of ISHA's website (skiinghistory.org), since dues of $49 annually per member cover only 26.4 percent of the association's needs.
ISHA is a 501(c)3 charitable organization, allowing donors to use their gifts to reduce U.S. income tax liability. --John Fry, ISHA Chairman
ISHA Pinnacle Club ($10,000 or more)
Chairman's Circle ($5,000 to $9,999)
Jean-Claude Killy
Super G(ivers) ($2,000 to $4,999)
Beekley Family
Jake Hoeschler, Saint Paul Foundation
Nicholas Paumgarten
Bernie Weichsel, BEWI Productions, Inc.
History Leader ($1,000 to $1,999)
Barbara Alley Simon
Robert Beattie
Albert $ Dr. Gretchen Rous Besser
John J. Byrne III
Dave & Renie Gorsuch, Gorsuch
Josef "Pepi" Gramshammer
P. Andrews & Linda McLane
Juliette McLennan
Stephanie McLennan
Dr. Donn & Janet Moser
Gustav Raaum
James Schaefer
Nicholas Skinner
Thomas Wilkins
Gold Medalist ($500 to $999)
Christin Cooper & Mark Taché
Sarah Faulkner
Charles Ferries
Bert Field
Peter Fischer
Victor & Karen Frohlich
John Fry
James & Barbara Gaddis
Luzius Hitz
Carol & Mike Hundert, NM Morris Family Foundation
Robert & Bill Irwin, The Baird Foundation
Kim Koehn, K2 Ventures
Natalie Bombard Leduc
Serge & Caroline Lussi
J. Howard Marshall
Debby McClenahan
Barry McLean, McLean-Fogg
David Moffett
Richard Pearce
Lee Perry, Jr.
Penny Pitou
William Polleys
Charles Sanders
Snow Summit Ski Corporation
Barry & Carol Stone, in memory of Jeff Stone
Einar Sunde
Laurie Tisch, in honor of Bernie Weichsel
Silver Medalist ($100 to $499)
Sabin Abell
Thomas Adams
Mark Addison
Adaline & Osvaldo Ancinas
Graham Anderson
Thomas Andrews
Becky Arnold
David Arnold
Gordon Arwine
Alan Baker
Sallie Baldwin
William Barrier
Joan Bauer
Allan Beck
Cal Beisswanger
John Benson
Stephen Berry
Nicholas Besobrasov
Michael Bing
Tom Blair
Spencer Bocks
Richard Bohr
Andrew & Carola Boisselle
Bill Borman
Scott Bradley
James Briggs
Aaron Brody
T. Anthony & Linda L. Brooks
The Brooks Foundation
Frank Brown
Buck Hill, Inc.
Joan Burdge
Margreth Butterworth
Michael Calderone
California Ski Industry Association
Doug Campbell
Harvey & Reserl Chalker
Alpine Sports
Jaycee Clark
Norm’s Ski & Bike Shop
Blaise Colt
Julie Conn
Samuel Connery
Phil Cooke
Thomas Corcoran
Jay Cowan
Robert Cram
Robert Craven
Jeff Crowley
Andrew & Lucinda Daly
Peggy Dean
Michael Dederer
Christopher Diamond
Thomas Dillon
Richard Donahue
John Douglas
John Drucker
James Duke
Paul & Marilyn Duncan
Nick Dyslin
William Eastham
D. Trowbridge Elliman
Thomas Engelman
Tania & Tom Evans
James Fain
Elaine Filzer Bennett
Mitchell Fleisher
John Flender
Curtis Fong
TGFT Productions
Serge Gagarin
Ken Gallard
John Garnsey
Caleb Gates, Jr.
Hans & Roberta Geier
Peter Gibson
R. Joseph Gore
James Graves
Gerald Groswold
Susan Hagemeister
Thomas Halloran, Jr.
Michael Halstead
Curtis Hammond
Hugh Harley
Dawn Hazelett
Ronald & Shirley Heck
Brett Heineman
C.J. Helm
James Henderson
Gary Hohl
Helm of Sun Valley
David Holton
James Hunter
Joe Irwin
John Jacobs
William Jensen
Philip Johnson
Greg Jones
Peter Kidd
Leroy Kingland
Fred Kinsley, Jr.
Gary Klein
James Klein
Willi Klein
George Kohn
Alain Lazard
Walter Levering
Peter MacDonald
Nancy Macy
Richard Maider
Thomas Malmgren
Robert & Trudy Matarese
Jean Mayer
Sloan McBurney
William McCollom
James McConkey
John McMurtry
Robert McNeill
Christine McRoy
Renee & Marvin Melville
John Meyer
Danny Minogue
Minogue Medical
Peter Monk
Kenneth Moore
Alex Morley
Stan Morse
Rick Moulton
Allen & Lyn Mundt
Paul Naeseth
Jack Nantz
National Ski Areas Association
Michael Neal
Dennis Nefeldt
Robert Orbacz
Tom Parrott
Fred Passmore
James Pech, Jr.
John & Alice Pepper
Tom Pierce & Lu Ann Dillon
William Prime
Dorothy Pomagalski-Preus &
George Fox
Michael Purcell
Thomas Putnam
Roland Puton
Resort Industry Marketing, Inc.
Jean Richmond & Horst Essl
Alex Riddell
Tom Rider
Lutsen Mountain Corporation
David Rodgers
Rodgers Ski & Sport
G. Joseph Rogers
H.W. Roosli
Albert Rosenblatt
Renee & Howard Rubin
Roland Sabourin
Mike Sanford
Mary Sargent
E. William Scott
John Shearer
Lowell Skoog
Ernest “Skip” Smith III
Howard Smith
Preston Leete Smith
Robert Soden
Ronald Steele
Stephen Storey
Barry Stott
John Stout
Samuel Stout
Malan Strong
Jean Stueber
Bill & Carolyn Stutt
Carwill Foundation
William Stratton
John & Sarah Sullivan
East Coast Alpine, Inc.
Summit Ski & Cycle
Vernon Taylor, Jr.
Ruth & Vernon Taylor Foundation
Vernon Taylor III
Ed & Christina Thys
John Twomey
Charles Upson
A.D. Vail
John Valentine
Jon Vegard Lunde
Stephen Waterhouse
Raymond Watkins
Peter Weaver
Raymond Weisbond
Tom West
Pete Wither
Bronze Medalist (up to $99)
Roger & Cynthia Adams
Alf Engen Ski Museum
Donald Allen
Mirage North America, Inc.
Coralue Anderson
Kendall Bacon
Karin H. Baker
Charles Banta
Kent Barnes
Barnes Bros. Creative
Skip Beitzel
Thomas Bennett, Jr.
Theodore Bense
Maren Berge
Peter Birkeland
Douglas Bombard
Junior & Maxine Bounous
Bernie & Vlasta Bovee
William Bradbury
Jack Brendlinger
Brendlinger Enterprises
Sally & Dave Brew
Colleen Brolin
Jan & Judith Brunvand
Norman Burton
Jack Calhoun
Ken Campbell
Guy Cantrell
Thomas Chapin
James Cherry
Marie Chilman
Joan Christensen
Ned Cochran
Andrew Cohen
Steve Cohen
Jane Cooke
Sven Coomer
Zip Fit LP
Drury Cooper
Harry Covington
George & Jean Davies
Michael Dawson
Creston Dorothy
Pro Print, Inc.
Dorothy Dyer
Christian Eitrem
H. Newcomb Eldredge
John Farley
Catherine & David Farnsworth
Gordon Ferguson
Ian Ferguson
Keith Fisher
Jim & Diane Fisher
Corey Fowler
Kira Gardner
Bob & Christana Gnehm-Boyle
Kenneth Goodman
David Gossard
Bob Grey
Debbie Grubb
Paul Grunland
Les Guilford
Steve Haber
Edson Hackett
Maurice Halladay
Evan Hansen
Theodore Heck
Thomas & Roberta Heinrich
Roger Hesseltine
Sandy Hogan
Robert Holland
Scott Holmer
John Howe
William Humes
Linda Irvin
Pennsylvania Ski Areas Association
Kevin Jordan
Hank Kaufmann
John Kirschner
Francis Klay
Jim Kauffman
Yvonne Kerby-Miller
Pamela Halle Konkal
Madi Kraus
Jan Kunczynski
Gary Lambert
Michael Lattyak
Andu Lauba
Jean-Claude Legras
Warren Lerude
John Lewis
Steve Linck
Richard Lind
John Lutz
Chris & Jim MacInnes
Dick Malmgren
James Mangan
Sebastian Marcussen
Sloan McBurney
John C. McCrillis
Anna McIntyre
Julie & Steve Meineke
Russill Morin
Robert Morse
Karla Mundt
Carolyn Nally
National Ski Patrol Systems, Inc.
Gary Neptune
Gary Nichols
Heinrich Nowak
Robert Parker
Tom & Sally Patterson
Ruthann Pederson
Chuck & Jann Perkins
Nancy Pesman
Gary Pestello
Lorna & Bert Petersen
Ann Petroni
Allison Pobrislo
Prance Corporation
Bob Presson
Jay Price
Thomas Quinn
Charles Reeves, Jr.
James Reilly
Haldor & Eugenia Reinholt
Wilbur Rice
Equipe Sports
Mark Rodenburg
Otto Ross
Jan Rozendaal
Jack Sanders
Barbara & Alden Sawyer
Fred Schaaff
Richard Schuck
Donald Schwamb
Eric & Renee Seaborg
Shawnee Ski Area
Morris Shepard
Bob Soden
Joan Stueber
Charles Sweningsen
Berkley Tague
Cherry Talbot
Bob & Marcy Tatge
Douglas Taylor
The Alpine Sport Shop
Robert & Sue Thibault
Sheila Threndyle
David Thurgood
W. Davis & Louise Van Winkle
Frank Vener
Nathaniel Vinton
John Warner
Deborah & Donald Welch
Katherine Westby
James Wick
Michael Williams
Marilyn Wilmerding
Sears Winslow
Alice Witchel
William Witte
Mike Wolcott
Pamela Woodman
Marjorie & Malcolm Wright
Henry Yaple