The 26th annual ISHA Awards banquet will be held on March 23, 2018 at Squaw Valley, California, in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of NASTAR and NASTAR’s annual national championships (for more information, see page 29). Since 1993, the ISHA Awards have honored the year’s best works of ski history, including books, films, Websites, photography and museum curation and exhibits. We also present lifetime achievement awards to individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the ski historical record.
ISHA’s upcoming March 2018 awards will honor works completed before the end of 2017. The deadline for submission is early December. For information, go to www.skiinghistory.org/events, call the ISHA office at 802.366.1158, or email ISHA Awards chair Rick Moulton (rick@rickmoulton.com).