
Snow Country Index

Subject Subject 2 Title Author First Name Author Last Name Date Page Department
Chic-Choc Mountains Challengin Places To Go Ned Gillette Mar-88 120
Minnesota-Arrowhead Challenging Places to Go Ned Gillette Mar-88 122
Mt. Marcy climbing Challenging Places to Go Ned Gillette Mar-88 120
Mt. Shasta climbing Challenging Places to Go Ned Gillette Mar-88 122
Rock Creek Challenging Places to Go Ned Gillette Mar-88 122
Car Racks Review Choosing A Multipurpose Rack Henry Godbout Dec-90 88
Glove review for '93-'94 A Warming Trend Henry Godbout Dec-93 182
Helmets for skiing, review of Tips on buying a good helmet Helmets for the Hill Henry Godbout Dec. 96 181
Mt. Hood summer activities Windsurf/Ski Combo Henry Godbout May-89 52
Sunglass Review Eye Care..Sunglass Review Henry Godbout March/April 93 87
Sunglasses for 1994 Great High-Tech Gifts Henry Godbout Dec-93 182
Sunglasses, on-slope test results tested during ski equipment tests Six Superb Sunglasses Henry Godbout Jan-96 115
Bicycling Touring 3 Tips For Bicycle Touring Todd Gogulski May/June 93 14 Follow Me
Speed skiers listing Data taken from Ski Survey Who Went Fastest--When and Where? David Goldsmith Nov-94 40 It's A Fact
Instruction-alpine ski turn Tuck Feet Back After A Turn Herman Gollner Mar-90 75 Follow Me
Children Skiing Instruction When Kids Should Start Skiing Linda Good Jan-89 65 Follow Me
Los Angeles: S. Calif. Ski Experiences First person profile A Snowball in Paradise Paul Gordon Dec. 96 98
Cat Skiing lodges are springing up in the Northwest offering the heliskiing experience at half the price Powder for the People Lisa Gosselin Nov-97 64 Adventure
Guide to cat ski lodges that promise a true wilderness experience. Ungroomed of one's own Lisa Gosselin Nov-97 71 Adventure
Ski clinics: Extreme Team to Women's Ski Adve North America's best star-led ski clinics Higher learning Lisa Gosselin Sept. 97 56 Travel
Stowe Derby, America's oldest downhill cross country race. Derby Day at Stoew Lisa Gosselin Dec-97 51 Adventure
Cartoons, Mountain Life page Robert Goubeaux M/A 94 20 Mountain Life
Himalaya skiing by ponicular World War II skiing Skiing By Pony Power Pat Gould Dec-94 89
Extreme skiing clinic at Bolton, Vt. DesLauriers, Egans and Dean Decas Extreme New England Susan Graham Dec-96 231
Ski Shops: Top 50 of 1995 America's Top Shops Susan Graham Jan-96 122
Instruction Bend the Downhill Knee Pepi Gramshammer May-89 80 Folllow Me
Instruction, downhill skiing Parallel Hands And Shoulders for Balance Butch Graves Nov-91 31 Follow Me
Colorado's Alpine Loop Ghost Towns Along Colorado's Loop Stewart Green May/June 93 49 Scenic Byway
Poles Instruction Getting A Proper Grip on Ski Poles Nancy Green Raine Dec-91 50 Follow Me
Skimeister racing Back To The Future With the Skimeister Douglas Greene Feb-90 96 Ahead of Their Time
Instruction, downhill skiing poling Getting A Grip on Ski Poles Nancy Greene Raine Dec-91 50 Follow Me
Summer Ski Camps Ski Camps are Super Nancy Greene Raine May-89 34
Snowboarding instruction Best Foot Forward on Snowboards Grell Mar-89 80
Instruction-alpine skiing Sideslip to Handle Tough Terrain Danny Griffin Nov-89 17 Follow Me
Instruction-centeredness A Test for Centeredness Sigi Grottendorfer Apr-89 85 Follow Me
Hostels lodging Hostels in Snow Country Pam Grout Dec-89 67
California Hike: Sonora Peak Carson-Iceberg Wilderness 5 Ridgeline Day Hikes Mike Grudowski Spring 96 35
Canada: Alberta Ridgeline Hike Powderface Ridge Trl, Kananaskis Country 5 Ridgeline Day Hikes Mike Grudowski Spring 96 36
Colorado: Continental Divide Hike San Juan National Forest 5 Ridgeline Day Hikes Mike Grudowski Spring 96 36
Hikes: 5 Ridgeline Day Hikes White Mts., Rockies, High Sierra 5 Ridgeline Day hikes Mike Grudowski Spring 96 35
New Hampshire: Franconia Ridge Hike White Mountain National Forest 5 Ridgeline Day Hikes Mike Grudowski Spring 96 37
New York: Adirondack Park Hike Alfred E. Weld Trail 5 Ridgeline Day Hikes Mike Grudowski Spring 96 36
Children Skiing Instruction Turn Kids On To Skiing Linda Guerrette Feb-90 78
Handicapped Ski Patroller: Chuck Coffey Patroller at Crystal Mt., Washington Paralyzed & Patrolling Amy Gulick Mar-96 43
Canoe Paddling Instructional Tip J Stroke Use A J Stroke to Stay On Course Laurie Gullion Summer 96 74 Follow Me
Children's Games to teach skiing Instruction Laurie Gullion Jan/Feb 91 30 Follow Me
Cross-country ski, no-slip stride instruction Developing a firm, no-slip stride Laurie Gullion M/A 94 28 Follow Me
Pottery maker in Idaho Idaho Mudworks Michael Gurgin Aug-89 96 S C Store
Pottery maker in Idaho Idaho Mudworks Michael Gurgin Aug-89 96 S C Store
Gardens Altitude High Altitude Gardens Mike Gurya Jan-89 93 S C Store
