
Henry Yaple's Ski Bibliography

Henry M. Yaple, the chief librarian at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Wash., spent 11 years assembling a massive bibliography of skiing. The goal was to list every book, dissertation, film video and piece of software published on skiing, in English, between 1890 and 2002.

The resulting two-volume work, comprising 732 pages, was published by ISHA in 2004. It lists more than 7,000 items.

How to Use Ski Bibliography

Information in Ski Bibliography can be found through multiple access points.

SUBJECT INDEX: There are three subject indices: NORDIC, ALPINE and COMBINED. These indices are located in Volume I, xxiv-xxvi and Volume II, xxxi respectively. Citations in the NORDIC Index are concerned with skis and skiing where the skier's heel is not fixed or attached to the ski. Citations in the ALPINE Index are concerned with skis and skiing where the skier's heel is fixed or attached to the ski. Citations in the COMBINED Index concentrate primarily upon the business or industry of skiing, and may apply either to nordic skiing, alpine skiing or both.

The various sub-categories of the NORDIC, ALPINE and COMBINED indices are derived from the subject matter of the actual works listed. For example, there are works listed under NORDIC/Trails, ALPINE/Lifts, and COMBINED/Market Research.

The entries or citations in Ski Bibliography are numbered consecutively so that each entry has its own discrete or unique number. The numerical range of items are listed for each sub-category in the respective subject indices. For example, NORDIC/Autobiographies covers items 2 through 15. ALPINE/Film covers items 1487 through 2123, and COMBINED/Fiction covers items 4937 through 5166.

NORDIC Bibliography section contains all entries on nordic skiing from item 1 to 1137 in Volume I.

ALPINE Bibliography section contains all entries on alpine skiing from items 1138 to 4372 in Volume I.

COMBINED Bibliography section contains all entries from items 4373 to 7183 in Volume II.

Within the NORDIC, ALPINE, and COMBINED bibliography sections respectively, the subject sub-categories are arranged alphabetically, and the within each sub-category the entries are arranged chronologically by publishing or release date. Within each year, the entries are arranged alphabetically by author or by title if an author is lacking.

SERIALS Bibliography section is arranged alphabetically by title. This section of the bibliography contains entries from items 7,184 to 7,617 in Volume II.

AUTHOR Index contains a list of all authors, editors, illustrators, photographers, producers, directors, writers included in the bibliography. It is arranged alphabetically, and each name carries the number(s) of the citation(s) in the bibliography to which it refers.

TITLE Index contains a list of all titles included in the bibliography. It is arranged alpha-betically, and each title carries the number(s) of the citation(s) to which it refers in the bibliography.

e Primary K Secondary Di Author 1 Title Publication Date Issue
2125 Alpine Freestyle Broze, Matt C. Freestyle Skiing: The Parka Pocket Guide To Trick And Hot D Seattle, WA:Wildcat Books, 1972 111 p. illus
2126 Alpine Freestyle Mann, Bob "Boogie" Hot Dog Skiing New York: W.W. Norton, 1973 143 p. illus.
2127 Alpine Freestyle Hiltner,Walt PNSIA Examination Guide For Freestyle Certification Seattle, WA.: PNW Ski Instructors Assoc. 1974
2128 Alpine Freestyle Johnson, Rob Hot-Dogging: A Guide To Stunt Skiing Philadelphia:Dorrance, 1974 128 p. illus.
2129 Alpine Freestyle Johnston, John Freestyle Skiing Technique Manual Vancouver, BC, Canada: Winter Habit Productions, 1974 128 p. illus
2130 Alpine Freestyle Everson, Bob Trick And Ballet Skiing Alameda, CA: Fotoflip Book Company, 1975 131 p. illus.
2131 Alpine Freestyle Canadian Ski Instructors' Alliance Freestyle Pedagogy Manual Canadian Ski Instructors' Alliance, 1976 47 p.
2132 Alpine Freestyle Mohan, John Freestyle Skiing: The Fundamentals New York: Winchester Press, 1976 214 p. illus
2133 Alpine Freestyle Athans, Greg Ski Free Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Clarke, Irwin, 1978 126 p. illus.
2134 Alpine Freestyle Athans, Greg Ski Free New York: E.P. Dutton, 1978 126 p. illus
2135 Alpine Freestyle Broze, Matt C. Freestyle Skiing New York:Arco, 1978 160 p. illus.
2136 Alpine Freestyle Mohan, John Freestyle Skiing New York: Winchester Press, 1978
2137 Alpine Freestyle Nentl, Jerolyn Ann Freestyle Skiing Mankato, MN: Crestwood House, 1978 32 p. illus.
2138 Alpine Freestyle Luini, Mario Freestyle Skiing: Ballet, Aerials, Moguls Woodbury, NY: Barron's, 1979 97 p. illus.
2139 Alpine Freestyle Wieman, Randy Freestyle Skiing: A Complete Guide To The Fundamentals Of Sydney, Australia: Angus & Robertson, 1979 156 p. illus
2140 Alpine Freestyle Wieman, Randy Freestyle Skiing: A Complete Guide To The Fundamentals Of London:Angus & Robertson, 1979 156 p. illus.
2141 Alpine Freestyle Wieman, Randy Freestyle Skiing:A Complete Guide To The Fundamentals Toronto, Canada:Personal Library Publishers, 1980 156 p. illus
2142 Alpine Freestyle Wieman, Randy Freestyle Skiing: A Complete Guide To The Fundamentals Of Sydney; London: Angus & Robertson, 1980
2143 Alpine Freestyle Canadian Ski Association Freestyle Coaching Certification, Level 1: Manual Vanier, Ontario, Canada: The Association, 1982 99 p. illus.
2144 Alpine Freestyle Smalley, Park Skiing Freestyle: Official Training Guide Of The U.S. Freestyl Dallas, TX: Taylor Publishing Company, 1986 180 p. illus.
