
Henry Yaple's Ski Bibliography

Henry M. Yaple, the chief librarian at Whitman College in Walla Walla, Wash., spent 11 years assembling a massive bibliography of skiing. The goal was to list every book, dissertation, film video and piece of software published on skiing, in English, between 1890 and 2002.

The resulting two-volume work, comprising 732 pages, was published by ISHA in 2004. It lists more than 7,000 items.

How to Use Ski Bibliography

Information in Ski Bibliography can be found through multiple access points.

SUBJECT INDEX: There are three subject indices: NORDIC, ALPINE and COMBINED. These indices are located in Volume I, xxiv-xxvi and Volume II, xxxi respectively. Citations in the NORDIC Index are concerned with skis and skiing where the skier's heel is not fixed or attached to the ski. Citations in the ALPINE Index are concerned with skis and skiing where the skier's heel is fixed or attached to the ski. Citations in the COMBINED Index concentrate primarily upon the business or industry of skiing, and may apply either to nordic skiing, alpine skiing or both.

The various sub-categories of the NORDIC, ALPINE and COMBINED indices are derived from the subject matter of the actual works listed. For example, there are works listed under NORDIC/Trails, ALPINE/Lifts, and COMBINED/Market Research.

The entries or citations in Ski Bibliography are numbered consecutively so that each entry has its own discrete or unique number. The numerical range of items are listed for each sub-category in the respective subject indices. For example, NORDIC/Autobiographies covers items 2 through 15. ALPINE/Film covers items 1487 through 2123, and COMBINED/Fiction covers items 4937 through 5166.

NORDIC Bibliography section contains all entries on nordic skiing from item 1 to 1137 in Volume I.

ALPINE Bibliography section contains all entries on alpine skiing from items 1138 to 4372 in Volume I.

COMBINED Bibliography section contains all entries from items 4373 to 7183 in Volume II.

Within the NORDIC, ALPINE, and COMBINED bibliography sections respectively, the subject sub-categories are arranged alphabetically, and the within each sub-category the entries are arranged chronologically by publishing or release date. Within each year, the entries are arranged alphabetically by author or by title if an author is lacking.

SERIALS Bibliography section is arranged alphabetically by title. This section of the bibliography contains entries from items 7,184 to 7,617 in Volume II.

AUTHOR Index contains a list of all authors, editors, illustrators, photographers, producers, directors, writers included in the bibliography. It is arranged alphabetically, and each name carries the number(s) of the citation(s) in the bibliography to which it refers.

TITLE Index contains a list of all titles included in the bibliography. It is arranged alpha-betically, and each title carries the number(s) of the citation(s) to which it refers in the bibliography.

e Primary K Secondary Di Author 1 Title Publication Date Issue
3179 Alpine Technique Schniebs, Otto Modern Ski Technique Brattleboro, VT: Stephen Daye Press, 1936 119 p. illus.
3180 Alpine Technique Skardarasy, Frank Ski-ing--A Description Of The Arlberg System Of SkiDemonst Melbourne, Australia:Betterment & Publicity Board, 1936? 37 p. illus.
3181 Alpine Technique Ward,G. Robert T. Skier's Handbook Of Concise, Modern Ski Technique And Cla Sydney, Australia: Alliance Printing Company, 1936? 55 p. illus.
3182 Alpine Technique Bracken, William R. Sk-ing: Its Technique Henley-on-Thames, The Borough Press, 1937 70 p. illus.
3183 Alpine Technique Chambers, William Edward The ABC Of Downhill Skiing: The Official Book Of The Tyrol S Philadelphia, PA: E. A. Wyn, 1937 96 p. illus.
3184 Alpine Technique Cliff, H.T.("Sam") Ski-ing Simplified Toronto, Canada: Ski-ing Publications, 1937 108 p.
3185 Alpine Technique Cunningham, Elijah Self-Instruction In Skiing And Other Winter Sports New York: Reader Mail, Inc., 1937 31 p. illus
3186 Alpine Technique Dickson, Snowshoe Skiing Made Easy:Official Handbook Of The Suicide Squad, Toronto: Outdoor Interests, 1937 30 p. illus.
3187 Alpine Technique Dudley, Charles M. When We Ski New York: Grossett & Dunlap, 1937 106 p. illus.
3188 Alpine Technique Fanck, Arnold The Wonders Of Ski-ing:A Method Of Correct Ski-ing And Its New York:C. Scribner's Sons, 1937 232 p. illus.
3189 Alpine Technique Gross, Arnold Ski Chart: Concentrated Ski Technique Illustrated In Colors. Boston: Open Road, 1937
3190 Alpine Technique Jessup, ElonH. Skis And Ski-ing New York: Dutton, 1937
3191 Alpine Technique Lang, Otto Downhill Skiing London: Arthur Baker, Ltd., 1937 76 p. illus
3192 Alpine Technique Mosauer, Walter On Skis Over The Mountain Hollywood, CA:The Cloister Press, 1937 [8], 17-93 p. illus
3193 Alpine Technique The Open Road Publishing Company Ski Chart, Concentrated Ski Technique Boston, MA:The Open Road Publishing Company, 1937 1 fold out chart
3194 Alpine Technique Salt Lake City (Utah). Parks & Recreation Department Recreation Skiing Salt Lake City, UT: 1937 25 p. illus.
3195 Alpine Technique Schniebs, Otto Modern Skiing Brattleboro, VT:Stephen Daye Press, 1937 119 p. illus.
3196 Alpine Technique Ward,G. Robert T. Frozen Lessons:A Handbook Of Ski Technique Kosciusko, Australia:Kosciusko Alpine Club, 1937? 28 p. illus.
3197 Alpine Technique Daoust Lalonde Ski Book Company Daoust Handbook Of Concentrated Ski Technique Montreal, Canada:Daoust, LaLonde & Co., Ltd., 1938 48 p. illus.
3198 Alpine Technique Durr, William Ski-ing In Switzerland: Handbook Of Instruction London: A. Baron Ltd, 1938 147 p. illus.
