
Volume 26, No. 2, March - April 2014

On the Cover: 

This illustration by an unknown artist was clipped from the November 5, 1934 issue of Punch Magazine. Courtesy Beekley International Collection of Skiing Art and Literature.


16 Sweet Success
From 1961 through 1967, the annual Bee Hive giant slalom competition attracted the world’s top professional racers to Canada. The inaugural race was Stein Eriksen’s first win as a pro. by Caroline Forcier Holloway

20 After the Games
Through the Olympic Regional Development Authority, Lake Placid’s 1980 investment in hosting
the Winter Games has continued to pay economic dividends. by Phil Johnson

23 Schussboom at the Geldhof!
America’s ski paradise for swinging singles, on the exciting slopes of Mount Runout. by Lee Fowler and George Woodbridge


3 Readers Respond
Tremblant’s founding—an alternative account; the
evolution of cross-country ski composition.

6 Commentary
After Sochi, what? Pondering the environmental impact and future of the costly Winter Olympics. by John Fry

8 Short Turns
Pepi Stiegler celebrates his 1964 Olympic slalom gold. 

8 Snapshots in Time
The myth of expensive skiing (1989), skiers want
upgrade from rope tow (1949).

15 Collectibles
Rising prices for ski posters. By Everett Potter

Where Are They Now?
Otto Tschudi has made the switch from alpine
racing star to finance star. By Edith Thys Morgan
28 For four decades, Myles Rademan has served as ski country’s prophet of boom. By Jane Gendron

Resorts Then and Now
Font Romeu is France’s second-oldest ski town and a national biathlon center. By Michael Brady
26 Founded by a mining company, the Park City Mountain Resort celebrates 50 years of making silver out of snow. By Jane Gendron

30 Media Reviews
Ski history books and DVD: Montana, Idaho, Argentina

31 Remembering
Franz Gabl, Ron Funk, Lloyd Bolander, Joe Wood

33 News from ISHA
ISHA sets a fundraising record from individual donors and corporate sponsors in 2013.

36 Last Run
Edsel Corsair—a car that makes sense for skiers?

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