
Volume 27, No. 5 September-October 2015

On the Cover: 

“Girl in Red Outfit” is a 1940 oil on canvas painting by Ellen Barbara Segner, a profilic illustrator whose images were published as magazine covers, in books, advertising art and as calendar prints. Courtesy Mason Beekley Collection of International Ski Art and Literature


14 Avanti!
Italian skiing has its roots in the military and the passion of a Swiss-born civilian named Adolfo Kind. By E. John B. Allen 

18 Mountains of Controversy
For five decades, ski areas have been wrangling with environmentalists over terrain expansion, real-estate development, wildlife protection, water rights and more. Is the era of opposition finally coming to an end? By Ken Castle

28 Up Above Albuquerque
 Inspired by the Alps, a scenic tram has carried skiers to New Mexico’s Sandia Peak for almost 50 years. By Jeff Leich

3 Readers Respond
The parallel universe of college ski racing.
5 Short Turns
Big-air event is an historic first for Fenway; land trusts preserve Vermont site of first U.S. rope tow.
6 Snapshots in Time
St. Sauveur is Coney Island of ski world (1956); Mrs. Winston Churchill and her daughter go skiing (1936).
8 Commentary
China and the future of the Winter Olympics. By John Fry
10 Ski Memories
After losing his sight, Jean Eymere became an advocate for blind outdoor athletes—and an Aspen icon. By John Sabella
12 Classics
Adolph’s restaurant in Park City is a popular spot for World Cup racers. By Stacey Closser
27 Timeless Tips
Skis are designed to turn themselves, if we know how to play to their strengths. By Ron Lemaster
31 Media Reviews
Ski pioneers Mathias Zdarsky and Rudolf Badjura.
32 Ski Literature
An epic poem celebrates a Norwegian ski hero. By M. Michael Brady
34 Remembering
Farewell to ski pioneers Jan Leonard, Bob Thomson, Ed Chase, Dick Bass and Bela Vadasz
36 Museum News
Celebrating Sierra ski history and the 1960 Games. Plus: News from the U.S. Hall of Fame, Alf Engen Museum.
38 News from ISHA
For Nick Paumgarten, skiing is a family tradition.

Photo courtesy of Nancy Greene Raine

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