On the Cover:
“Davos Parsenn” by Herbert Leupin (1916–1999), a Swiss graphic designer known primarily for his travel and poster art, recently sold at auction for $1,250 (see story on page 18). Image courtesy Swann Auction Galleries (swanngalleries.com)
15 Skiing’s Central Asian Origins
At a recent conference in China, historians explored the ancient birth of skiing and how it spread across the continents. By Seth Masia
20 Snail Mail & Split Stretch Pants
NASTAR’s mid-1970s national coordinator fondly remembers the low-tech camaraderie of the racing program’s early days. By Kathe Dillmann
24 Squaw Valley Olympics Scrapbook
A behind-the-scenes look at the preparation and staging—things practical, ingenious, silly, memorable and forgotten—that contributed to the success and new traditions of the 1960 Winter Games at Squaw Valley. By David Butterfield

4 Readers Respond
Warren Miller memories; Michael von Grünigen is a GS great; homemade ski-boot gadgets.
6 Ski News
#MeToo strikes skiing as charges of sexual abuse come to light in Austria and Canada. By John Fry
9 Short Turns
Ester Ledecka’s historic ski-snowboard double gold; U.S. wins its first cross-country racing gold.
10 Snapshots in Time
Olympic Games canceled (1940, 1944); jet set convenes at Vermont’s Mascara Mountain (1960); skiing is cheaper than bowling (1988). Plus: The art of Max Barsis.
18 Collectibles
Annual auction brings best poster prices in 10 years. By Everett Potter
23 Timeless Tips
Mogul control: Check your speed in the softer snow on the uphill side of each bump. By Ron Lemaster
30 Media Reviews
62 years of skiing in Missoula; Bob Fries looks back at 40-plus years of managing ski resorts large and small.
31 News from ISHA
Dave and Renie Gorsuch, from Olympic racers to Rocky Mountain retailers.
32 ISHA Donor Roll
Our annual tribute to ISHA members who gave above and beyond their membership dues in 2017.
36 Remembering
Farewell to ski pioneers Brooks Dodge, Ted Johnson, Ian Cumming, Kingsbury Pitcher and Hub Zemke.

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