Cervinia, 1953, by Arnaldo Musati (1916–1988). Image courtesy of Eric Kellenberger Collection, Classic Posters, Blonay/Switzerland.
Ebay sales: postercollection
12 Populism in the Backcountry
Volunteers, ski areas and landowners team up nationwide to restore historic ski trails. BY JEREMY DAVIS
16 Where Are They Now?
Skiing with Junior Bounous, Utah’s legendary powder guru and ski-school director. BY EDITH THYS MORGAN
20 Movers and 20 Shakers
During the 1980s, these high- profile folks—from resort owners to politicos and CEOs—shone a special light on skiing. BY JOHN FRY
24 Classics
Johnny Carson and the most famous ski lesson of all time. BY JOHN FRY

3 Readers Respond
Schaeffler’s vision for a national ski-team training center.
4 Short Turns
U.S. Ski Team steps up to pay more athletes’ expenses; traditional ski and snowboard print magazines in free- fall; U.S. nordic Olympic women reunite.
6 Snapshots in Time
Scores hurt on ski lift (1985), oil embargo impacts ski weekends (1974), ski-school instructors at risk (1959).
8 Ski Racing
Vonn vs. Stenmark vote results: Who was the best?
10 Ski Business
Ski-company stocks pose a minefield of moguls for investors. BY SETH MASIA
14 Historic Dining
The Ram restaurant in Sun Valley preserves a slice of ski history with a revamped historic menu. BY JENNA BLUMENFELD
25 News from ISHA
Skiing History Week: In Park City, the 27th annual ISHA Awards honored 10 authors from around the world.
28 Media Reviews
Leisure cultures and the making of modern ski resorts.
29 Remembering
Farewell to ski pioneers Charlie Paterson, Gjermund Eggen, Nick Howe, John Hitchcock, Harry Leonard, Dietrich Oberreit and Frank Vener.
32 Ads from the Past
When Spiderman sold back-to-school clothes.