
Ski Bibliography
ISHA’s Guide to Ski-History Reference Works Worldwide
By E. John B. Allen
This bibliography provides a guide to 375 articles and reference books that explore the history of skiing worldwide. It’s designed to provide a starting point for anyone wanting to learn more about the history of skiing.
The material is organized as an “enumerated bibliography,” meaning it lists books in topical fashion, from ski bibliographies (by country of origin) to general histories, national histories, the Winter Olympics, instruction, ski jumping and more. It is a work in progress and will be continually updated as new books are published.
Thanks to the Fédération Internationale de Ski (FIS) and the International Skiing History Association (ISHA) for funding this ongoing project.
TMS = Typed manuscript
HMS = Handwritten manuscript
Table of Contents
1. Bibliographies
2. Journals
3. General Histories of Skiing
4. BC to Middle Ages
5. National, Regional, Topical Histories
6. Winter Olympics
7. Instruction
8. Exploration and Mountaineering on Skis
9. Ski Jumping
10. Personalities, Autobiographies and Biographies
11. Women
12. Military
13. Skiing in Film, Photo and Art
14. Miscellaneous
English Language Works
Adler, Allen, National Ski Register—Books. Barton, VT, USA: Netco, 1992.
Brown, Karl (Ed.), Modern Olympics: A List of Reference Material in the New York Public Library. New York: New York Public Library, 1939.
Brown, Rebecca J. (Ed.), Snow Studies: A Bibliography with Abstracts (Search Period Covered 1964-Oct.1974). Springfield, VA: NTIS, US Department of Commerce, 1975. Volume II: 1975-October 1977, published in 1977.
Burnes, Grant, The Sports Pages: A Critical Bibliography of Twentieth Century American Novels and Stories. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1987, Chapter 13.
Cross Country Skiing: Video/Film Directory. McLean,VA.: Ski Industries ofAmerica, 1987.
Dyson, R. G., New Zealand Skifields: A Preliminary Bibliography. Wellington, NZ: Department of Lands and Survey, 1978.
Fedden, Henry R., A Bibliogrphical Note on the Early Literature of Skiing in English. London (?): Author, 1960.
Forkes, David, Skiing: An English Language Bibliography 1891-1971. Vancouver, BC, Canada: Author, 1975.
Foster, Fred W., Bibliography of Skating. London: W.W. Warburst, 1898, with a few pages of ski material.
Goeldner, Charles R. et al., Bibliography of Skiing Studies. Boulder, CO., USA: Business Research Division, University of Colorado, 1972. Also in 1973, 1976, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1984, 1989.
Gonzales, Diana, Bibliography of Skiing Studies. Business Research Division,University ofColorado. McLean,VA.,USA: Ski Industries ofAmerica, 1989.
Morales, Leslie Anderson, Ski Resort Design: A Bibliography. Monticello, IL.:Vance Bibliographies, 1990.
Perla, Ron, Guide to Collection of References, Abstracts, and Books on Snow and Avalanches. Alta Avalanche Study Center, no. 101. [?]: USDA Forest Service, Wasatch National Forest, 1971.
Schwartz, Gary H. and Allen Adler, Skiing Literature: A Bibliographic Catalogue. Mill Valley, CA, USA: Wood River Publishing, 1995.
USDA Forest Service, Bibliography of Avalanche Literature: Supplement 1. Washington, DC: USDA Forest Service, 1964.
Vance, Mary A. Ski Facilities: A Bibliography. Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies, 1981.
White, Anthony G., Skiing Facilities: A Selected Bibliography. Monticello, IL: Vance Bibliographies, 1983.
Wicken, Ingrid P., Science and Medicine in Skiing: A Bibliography. Riverside, CA: Author, 1997.
Williams, Peter W., James F. Burke, Carol S. Williams, Ski Area Planning, Marketing and Management: A Selected Bibliography. Logan, UT: Institute of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Utah State University, 1979.
Yaple, Henry M. Skiing Bibliography. 2 vols. Woodbury, CT, USA: International Skiing History Association, 2007.
Österreichisches Dokumentations- und Informationszentrum für Sportwissenschaftern (ÖDISP), Universitätssportzentrum Schmelz, Austrian Bibliographical References Skiing Literature: Dokumentationsstudie. Östereicchische Beiträge zum Skilauf von dem Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. TMS in the Institut für Sportwissenschaften, University of Vienna.
Achard, Michel, La connaissance du ski en France avant 1890 (approche bibliographique 16 e – 19e siècle). Le Bessat: Achard, 2011.
Achard, Michel, Le Ski: Bibliographie et iconographie. Les sources de l’histoire du ski du 16c siècle à 1918. 2nd edition 2014 on CD.
Baretje, René and A. Lara, Tourisme et Hydrome: Sports d’Hiver. Aix-en-Provence: Centre des Hautes Études Touristiques, 1990.
Amanshauser, Gerhard and Peter Weiermair, Winterspiele: Neue Skigeschichten. Salzburg: Residenz Verlag, 1975.
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, has Diplomarbeit on the following subjects: Baumann, Alpine competition; Emde, ?; Joemann, Nordic competition; Jordan, Technical development of jumping; Hahn, Alpine danger; Pitzen, Development of cross country, especially skating style; Sauter, Ski acrobatics; Schipike, Ski touring and climbing; Theiss, Patrol races and Biathlon.
Deutsche Sporthochschule, Skisport, Alphabetisches Verzeichnis der Sportliteratur. Köln: Zentralbibliothek der Sportwissenschaften, 1985.
Ehrler, Wilfried, Skiliteratur, Deutschsprachige Veröffentlichungen von den Anfängen des Skilaufes in Mitteleuropa bis zum Jahr 1959. Leipzig: Veröffentlichungen der Bibliothek der Deutschen Hochschule für…, 1961.
Ehrler, Wilfried and Gotthard Schimizek, Skiliteratur. Deutschsprachige Veröffentlichungen 1960-67. Mit Annotationen. Leipzig: Hochschule f. Körperkultur, 1968.
Gleixner, Paul and Waltraut Dollinger, . Verzeichnis d. Ski u. Wintersportliteratur. München: Wehrbereichsbibliothek Sechs, 1969,
Hoek, Henry, Die Schi-Literatur (bis 1.januar 1908). Freiburg: O.Verlag, c. 1908.
Holz, Peter, Eine Bibliographie ausgewählter Literatur im Bereich Skilaufs: Skilauf in der Sportleherausbildung. Arbeits-Gemeindschaft Ausbildung im Skilauf an der Hochschule (AASH), Heft 2. Esslingen: 1976.
_____, Ergänzungen zu einer Bibliographie ausgewählter Literatur im Bereich des Skilaufs, Stand 1977. Skilauf in der Sportlehrerausbildung Arbeeitsgemeinschaft Ausbildung im Skilauf an Hochschulen (AASH), Heft 3. Esslingen: 1977.
Holz, Peter and Helga Holz, Auswahlbibliographie zu veschiedenen Bereichen des Skilaufs, Stand 1977, Skilauf in Theorie und Praxis, Material für die Ausbildung im Skilauf. Stuttgart: 1982.
Lennartz, Karl, Bibliographie Geschichte der Leibesübungen, Bd: 3 Sportarten, Heft 2 Skisport bis Wintersport, Register 6, Seminar für Leibeserziehung der Pädagischen Hochschule Rheinland Abteilung Köln. Köln, 1974, 139-156.
Sauter, Hans Jörg, Bibliographie zur Skiakrobatik. Köln, 1993. [Diplomarbeit]
Trojan, Wilhelm, Bibliographie der Jahrbücher des Österreichischen Kuratoriums für Alpine Sicherheit. Wien: Das Kuratorium, 1981.
Birolini, Leonello and Paolo Fassi, Il Camminalibro: Catalogo del Patrimonio Librario delle Sottosezioni del CAI della Media Valle Seriano. Albino: CAI, 1996.
Halldis, Aubert, Ski-Idretten International Preliminaer Bibliografi-Boker og Artikler 1968-73. Oslo: Norges Idrettshøgskole, 1973[?] TMS in Holmenkollen museum.
Grys, Iwona, Nowosci dotyczáce narciarstwa w zbiorach Akedemii Wychowania Fizcznego w Warzawie, Krakowie, museum Sportu i Turystyki w Warzawie, pozyskane w latach 1998-2000. Warsaw: Author, 2000, TMS.
Mlodzikowskiego, G. and J.A. Ziemilskiego, Narciarstwp; zarys encyklopedyczny. Warsaw: Sport i Turystyka, 1957, 712-718.
Ziemba, Stanislaw, Sladami dwóch desek: zarys dziejów narciastwa. Krakow: Wydawn, Literacki, 1955. Titles in Polish, German, French, English.
Agranovskii, Miron A., Bibliograficheskii ukazatel’ nauchnioi i metodicheskoi literatury po lyzhnomu sportu (s.1896. po 1957 g.).(Bibliography of Scholarly and Pedagogical Literature on Skiing, 1896-1957. Moscow: State Institute of Physical Culture, Department of Skiing, 1957,) In cyrilic.
Register till “På Skidor” 1892-1974. TMS in Svenska Skidmuseet, Umeå.
Suokas, Paulina, Svensk Idrottshistorisk Bibliografi til och med 1997. Stockholm: Idrottshogskolan, 1998.
Wikstrom, Fritiof, Svensk Idrottslitteratur 1766-1950. Stockholm, 1965.
Yttergren, Leif, Svensk Idrottshistorisk Bibliografe til och med 1992. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet Historiska Institutionen, 1992.
Australia: Australian Ski Year Book 1928-1932 which was then incorporated into the Australian and New Zealand Ski Year Book 1932-1947, and then under its original title from 1948-1971, organ of the Australian National Ski Federation although published by the New South Wales Ski Council. From1972-1978, continuing as the organ of the Australian National Ski Federation, it was published by the Victorian Ski Association. It became the Australian Ski Yearbook from 1979-1994.
Schuss 1935-1961, organ of the Ski Club of Victoria.
Austria: Allegemeine Sport Zeitung, although not a strictly ski paper, has the most coverage of early skiing in Austria from the 1890s until the specialist magazines appear.
Der Schnee 1905-1931, organ of Zdarsky’s Internationalen Alpen-Skieverein.
Wintersport im Oesterreichischen Ski-Verein 1909/10, organ of the Austrian Ski Association.
Wintersport in Steiermark 1906, 1908-09, organ of the Landesverband für Fremdenverrkehr.
Wintersport im Bereich des steirischen Erzberges (Vordenberg, Präbichl, Eisenerz) 1909.
Nachrichten für den Wintersport 1906, published in Graz.
Canada: Canadian Ski Year Book 1923-1933, then changed to Canadian Ski Year Book 1934-1940.
Ski Canada Journal 1972, changed from newspaper format to magazine and with name change to Ski Canada 1974- present.
Finland: Hiihtäjän Vuosikirja (Skier’s Yearbook) 1937, 1940-1972, which changed title to Hiihtäjä 1973-present, organ of the Finnish Ski Association.
Ampumahiihtäjä (The Biathlonist) 1980-2011, organ of the Finnish Biathlon Association.
Skimbaaja (Skier) 1983-present.
Latu Ja Polku (Track and Path) 1974-present, organ of the Central Association for Orecreational Sports and Outdoor Activities inFinland.
France: Le Ski 1947-1966, organ of the Ski Club of Paris.
Sports de Neige et de Glace, later shortened to Neige et Glace 1923-1964.
Revue du Ski 1930-1939, organ of the FFS.
Ski Français 1940- present, organ of the FFS.
Germany: Der Winter 1906/7-1969/70, organ of the DSV.
Deutscher Wintersport 1901-1914.
NS-Sport 1939-1944/45.
Ski-Chronik 1909-1913, organ of the MESV.
Ski 1948-2001, changed to Activ 2002-present.
East Germany: Skisport 1961/62-1989, Organ of the DSLV.
India: Ski Club of India Annual 1920-?
Japan: Ski Nenkan 1924-1943, organ of the Japanese Ski Association.
Ski Journal 1966-present.
Ski Graphic 1978-present.
Bravo Ski 2006-present.
New Zealand: Australian and New Zealand Ski Year Book 1932-1947 which changed to the New Zealand Ski Year Book 1949-1983, organ of the New Zealand Ski Council.
Norway: Aarbog Foreningen til Ski-Idrætten Fremme 1894/95- present.
Fri Flyt (Freestyle).
Snø og Ski 1974-present.
Poland: Narty & (The Ski &) 1989-1997, then changed name to Sportowy styl: magazyn dla aktywnych (Sports Lifestyle—Magazine of Active People) 1998-2008.
Ski magazyn dla narciarzy (The Ski—Skier’s Magazine) 2000- present.
Magazyn NTN Snow & More (IST Snow & More Magazine [IST=Independent Ski Test]) 1997- present.
Resort Narciarski (Ski Resort) 2008-2010.
Wyciag Narciarski (Ski Lift) 2002-2007.
Slovenia: Smuk 1970-1975, organ of the Ski Association of Slovenia.
Trainer and Ski Instructor 1963-1980, organ of the Ski Instructors Association of Slovenia and the Ski Association of Slovenia.
Smučanje 1980-1985, organ of the Ski Association of Slovenia.
Modre novice (Blue News) 2000-2009, organ of the Ski Association of Slovenia.
Sweden: På Skidor 1896-
Switzerland: Ski: Jahrbuch des schweizerischen Ski-Verbandes 1906-present.
Der Schneehase: Jahrbuch des Schweizerischen Akademischen Skiclubs (SAS) 1924-present.
Swiss Ski-Jahrbuch 2000-2004.
Snowactive: das Schweizer Schneesportmagazin 2005-present.
Swiss Snowsports 2002-present.
United Kingdom: Alpine Ski Club Annual 1908-1913 which was incorporated into the Year Book of the Ski Club of Great Britain.
Kandahar Review 1924-present.
Public Schools Alpine Sports Year Book 1909-1931.
Ski Notes & Queries 1911-1972 which was incorporated into Ski Survey.
Year Book of the Ski Club of Great Britain (with variations of title) 1905-1914, 1920-1971 which became Ski Survey1972-1997, which became Ski and Board 1997- present.
United States: The Skisport 1906-1924 published irregularly.
USEASA Year Book 1929, NSA of America Year Book 1930-31.
Eastern Ski Annual (1934) became the American Ski Annual 1935-1957, then Eastern Ski Annual 1957-61.
Ski Magazine 1936- present. By 1948 had absorbed Ski Illustrated (established 1935), Ski News (originally Empire Ski News established 1938), Western Skiing (established 1945), Ski Sheet (established 1946), and Ski Life (1958-61) in 1961.
National Skiing 1948-1958, became Skiing 1958-2011, and 2011-present publishing on line only.
Snow Country 1988-1999.
Blizzard 1989-1992, became Skiing Heritage 1993-present, organ of the International Skiing History Association.
Allen, E. John B., The Culture and Sport of Skiing: From Antiquity to World War II. Amherst, MA, USA: University of Massachusetts Press, 2007.
_____., Historical Dictionary of Skiing. Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2012.
Allen, E. John B. (Ed.), 2002 International Ski History Congress: Selected Papers from the Seminars held at Park City, Utah January 20-24, 2002. New Hartford, CT, USA: International Skiing History Association, 2002.
_____ (Ed.), “The Spirit of Skiing”: Papers from the 2009 International Ski History Congress, Mammoth, California, USA. [Denver]: International Skiing History Association, 2009.
Ballu, Yves, L’Épopée du Ski. Paris: Arthaud, 1981.
_____, L’hiver de glisse et de glace. ?: Découvertes Gallimard Sports et Jeux, 1991.
Berg, Karin (Ed.), History of Skiing Conference. Oslo: Skiforeningen, 1998.
Bompard, Jean-Jacques, Encyclopédie du ski. Paris: Hermé, 2005.
Cereghini, Mario, 5000 Years of Winter Sports. Milan: Edizioni de Milione, 1955.
Dudley, Charles M. 60 Centuries of Skiing. Brattleboro, VT, USA: Stephen Daye Press, 1935.
Falkner, Gerd (Ed.), Internationale Skihistorigraphie und Deutscher Skilauf. Planegg: DSV, 2005.
Fry, John, The Story of Modern Skiing. Hanover, USA: University Press of New England, 2006.
Goksøyr, Matti et al (Eds.), Winter Games, Warm Traditions. Selected papers from the 2nd International ISHPES Seminar, Lillehammer, 1994. Oslo: ISHPES, 1996
Guček, Aleš. Po smučinah od pradavnine: Zgodovina smučanja. Ljubljana: Magnolija, 1998.
Herzog, Marquart (Ed.), Skilauf—Volkssport—Medienzirkus: Skisport als
Kulturphänomen. Stuttgart: Kohlmann, 2005.
Huntford, Roland, To planker og en lidenskap: Skiløpnings historie. Oslo: Aschehoug, 2006. Translated from the ms. of Two Planks and a Passion. The Dramatic History of Skiing, before it was published in English.
_____, Two Planks and a Passion. The Dramatic History of Skiing. London: Continuum, 2008.
Jay, John, Skiing the Americas. New York: Macmillan, 1947.
Kleppen, Halvor (Ed.), Winter Sport and Outdoor Life. Papers presented at the Telemark Conference for Historians of Sports February 23-26, 2011. Morgedal: Norsk Skieventyr, 2011.
Lunn, Arnold, A History of Skiing. London: Oxford University Press, 1927.
_____, The Story of Ski-ing. London: Eyre and Spottiswoode, 1952
Luther, Carl J., “Geschichte des Schnee- und Eissports,” in G.A.E. Bogeng (Ed.), Geschichte des Sports aller Völker und Zeiten. 2 vols. Leipzig: Seemann, 1926, II, 497-557.
Mehl, Erwin, Grundriss der Weltgeschichte des Skifahrens. I: Von der Stienzeit bis zum Beginn der schigeschichtlichen Neuzeit (1860). Schorndorf bei Stuttgart: Karl Hofmann, 1962.
Mogore,, Christian, La grande histoire du ski. Chambéry: Agraf, 1989.
Palmedo, Roland (Ed.), Skiing: The International Sport. New York: Derrydale Press, 1937.
Palmgren, Ulla (Ed.), The 2nd FIS Historical Conference Helsinki, Lahti 2001. Lahti: Esoprint, 2001.
Polednik, Heinz, Weltwunder Skisport. Wels: Verlag Welsermühl, 1969.
Vaage, Jakob, Norske ski erobrer verden. Oslo: Gyldendal, 1952.
_____, Skienes Verden. Oslo: Hjemmenes, 1979.
Wergeland, O., Skiløbning, dens historie og Krigsanvendelse. Christiania: Schibsted, 1865.
Alsvik, Elling, “En helt annen verden? Omskihistorie i Sovjetunion,” in Trøndelag Folkemuseum Sverresborg Årbok 1991. Trondheim: Trøndelag Folkemuseum,1991, 41-58.
Berg, Gösta et al., Finds of Skis from Prehistoric Time in Swedish Bogs and Marshes. Stockholm: Esselte, 1941, reprinted Stockholm: Generalstabens Litografiska Anstalts Forlag, 1950.
Berg, Karin, Ski i Norge. Oslo: Aventura, 1993.
Bø, Olaf, Skiing Throughout History. Oslo: Norsk Samlaget, 1993.
_____, Skiing Traditions in Norway. Oslo: Norsk Samlaget, 1968.
Falkner, Gerd, “Ull und Skadi—Skibrauchtum und Götterglaube,” Fd Snow 28 (April 2006): 39-51.
Flaten, Rune, “Skadi and Ullr—God and Goddess of Skiing?” in Ulla Palmgren (Ed.), The 2nd FIS Ski Historical Conference, Helsinki, Lahti 16-18.2. 2001. Lahti: Esoprint, 2001, 31-37.
Lid, Nils, On the History of Norwegian Skis. Oslo: Foreningen til Skiidraettens Fremme, 1937.
Obholzer, Anton, Geschichte des Skis und des Skistockes. Schorndorf bei Stuttgart: Hofmann, 1974.
Zhaojian, Shan and Wang Bo (Eds.), The Original Place of Skiing—Altay Prefecture of Xinjiang, China. Xinjiang (?): People’s Sports Publishing House and Xinjiang People’s Publishing House, 2011.
Callender, Bill and Bruce Osborne (Eds.), Snow on St. Bernard: The Wangaratta
Ski Club Jubilee Book 1930-1980. Victoria: Wangaratta Ski Club, 1980.
Clarke, Norman W., Kiandra—Gold Fields to Ski Fields. Sydney: Cremorne
Self-Publishing, 2006.
Cross, Wendy, Australian Skiing: The First 100 Years. Sydney: Walla Walla Press, 2012.
Larkins, John, The Story of the Snowy Mountains: Its History and People. Sydney: Reed, 1980.
Lloyd, Janis M. Skiing into History, 1924-1984. Toorak: Victoria Ski Club, 1986.
Sheridan, Lynette, Shes and Skis: Golden Years of the Australian Women’s Ski club, 1932-1982. Melbourne: Australian Women’s Ski Club, 1983.
Ward, G.R.T., The Diamond Jubilee of the Kosciusko Alpine Club. Sydney: Kosciusko Alpine Club, 1969.
Aichner, Gerald, Die weisse Spur. Tyroler Skitouren Geschichten: 100 Jahre Tourenlauf. Thaur: Druck- und Verlagshaus, 1996.
Bronische, Alexander et al, Hahnenkamm. The Chronicle of a Myth: 100 Years of the Kitzbühel Ski Club (K.S.C.). München: Kitzbühel Ski Club, 2003.
Brugger, Andreas, Vom Pioniergeist zum Massensport. 100 Jahre Skisprt im
Montafon. Schruns: Heimatschutverein Montafon, 2006.
Glaser, Joachim (Ed.), 1911-2001: 90 Jahre Salzburger Landes-Skiverband. Salzburg:
Salburger Landes-Skiverband, [2001?].
Hüttenegger, Theodor und Pfliger, Steirische Skigeschichte. Graz: Steirischen Skiverbandes, [1968?].
Müller, Josef, “Vor zwanzig Jahren,” in Zwanzig Jahre Österreichischer Ski-Verein. Wien: Österreichischen Ski-Verein, 1912, 5-23.
Polednik, Heinz, Das Glück im Schnee: 100 Jahre Skilauf in Österreich. Wien, München: Amalthea, 1991.
Schmal, Felix, Skisport in Österreich. Wien: Beck, 1911.
Werthau, Elfriede und Heribert Thaller, Spuren die kein Wind verwebt: 100 Jahre steirische Skigeschichte. Schladming: Einverlag, 1990.
100 Jahre Skilauf Vorarlberg. Dornbirn: Vorarlberger Verlagsanstalt, 1986.
Ball, W. L., I Skied the Thirties. Ottawa. Deneau Publishers, n.d. [1988?]
Corbet, Elise A. and Anthony W. Rasporich (Eds.), Winter Sports in the West. Calgary: Historical Society of Alberta, 1990.
Douglas, Henry Percy, My Skiing Years: The Story of the Start and Development of Competitive Skiing in Canada. Montreal, Canada: Whitcomb and Gilmour, 1951.
Lund, Rolf Tonning, History of Skiing in Canada Prior to 1940. MA thesis,University ofAlberta, 1970. TMS.
Marshall, Herbert, How Skiing Came to the Gatineau. Ottawa [?]: Canadian Ski Museum [?], n.d.
McKenty, Neil and Catherine, Skiing Legends and the Laurentian Lodge Club. Montreal: Price-Patterson, 2000.
Soucy, Danielle, Des traces dans la neige. Cent ans de ski au Québec. Montréal: Éditions La Presse, 2009.
Allen, E. John B., “Western Skiers in Eastern Cultures (China and Japan),” in
Gertrud Pfister and Liu Yueye (Eds.), Sports—the East and the West. Documentary Volume of the 3rd International ISHPES Seminar: Sports—the East and the West, Shunde, Guangdong, China, 16-22 September 1996. Sankt Augustin: Academia Verlag,
1999, 44-49.
The History of skiing in China (In Chinese). Beijing: Chinese Society for the History
Of Sports and Physical Education, 1994.
Czechoslovakia, Czech Republic, Slovakia
Polednik, Heinz, Stolze Erinnerungen: Die Geschichte des Wintersportes in den Sudentenländern. München: Buch- und Kunstdruckerei, n.d. [1971].
Vaiksaar, Arnold and Enn Mainla, “Winter Sports in Estonian Sports Culture,” in Matti Goksøyr et all (Eds.), Winter Games, Warm Traditions. Lillehammer: ISHPES, 1994, 63-69.
Voolaid, Kalle, “Early Years of Skiing in Estonia—Foreign Influences and Local Interests,” in Ulla Palmgren (Ed.), The 2nd FIS Ski Historical Conference. Helsinki, Lahti 16.-18. 2. 2001. Lahti: Esoprint, 2001, 17-22.
Claudelin, H. W, (Ed.), Oulun hiihto 1889-1938. Oulu: Kalevan, 1939.
Eljanko, Harri and Jussi Kirjavainen, Suomen Hiihdon Historia 1886-1968. Porvoo, Helsinki: Söderström, 1969.
Heikkinen, Antero, Kansallisurheilun suuri nousu, 1918-1940.
_____, Suomen hiihtourheilun laajes, yhteiskunnalliset tavoitteet ja
Merkitys 1918-1940. (The Extent, General Aims and Significance of Leisure-time
Skiing in Finland, 1918-1940). Publication of the LTS [Finnish Society for Research in
Sport and Physical Education], No. 82,Lappeenranta, 1981.
_____, “The Political Function of Leisure-time Skiing in Finland, 1918-1940,” in Sport and Politics: Sport und Politik 1918-1940. Proceedings/Bericht ICOSH Seminar, 1984. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1986, 105-112,
Nikkilä, Eino, Suksen Tarina. Porvoo-Helsinki: Söderström, 1966.
Nygren, Helge, Pitka Latu: Vuosisata Suomalaista Hiihtourheilua. Helsinki: Söderström, 1983. In English, French and German as well as Finnish.
Sandberg, Hugo Rich., Hiitourheilu Suomessa. Helsingissä: Sundmanin, 1891.
_____, Den Finska Skidan i Arbetets och Idrottens Tjanst. Trans. from Finnish by Ossian Reuter. Helsingfors: Söderström, 1893. (Finnish Skis in the Service of Work and Sport).
_____, Die Schneeschuhe und deren Anwendung in Finland. Helsingfors: Weilin and Göös, [?]
Achard, M., Histoire du ski et des sports d’hiver dans le Massif du Pilat(Loire-Forez) de 1892 à nos jours. Le Bessat-Saint-Etienne: Achard, 1989.
Arnaud, Pierre and Thierry Terret, “Le ski, roi des sports d’hiver,” in Thierry Terret (Ed.), Histoire des Sports: Espaces et temps du sport. Paris: Harmattan, 1996, 159-201.
Bérot, Marcellin, L’Épopée du ski aux Pyrénées. Toulouse,Milan,Tarbes: Randonnées Pyrénéennes, 1991.
Fédération Française de Ski, Ski français 1924-1949. Lyon: Durand-Girard, 1950.
Helly, Louis, Cent ans de ski français. Grenoble: Éditions de Cahier de l’Alpe, 1966.
Lombard, Jean-Pierre, L’Histoire du ski dans les Alpes-Maritimes de 1909 à 1939. Nice: Editions Gilletta, 1985.
Merle, Roger, Historie du ski dans le Briançonnais. Gap: Ophrys Alpes etMidi, 1989.
Morales, Yves, Une histoire culturelle des sports d’hiver: Le Jura français des origins aux années 1930. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2007.
Allgeier, Sepp, Die Jagd nach dem Bild: 18 Jahre als Kameramann in Arktis und Hochgebirge. Stuttgart: Engelhorn, 1931.
Deutscher Skiverband, 100 Jahre Deutscher Skiverband 1905-2005. Planegg: DSV, 2005.
Falkner, Gerd, Chronik des Skisports in der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik. Planegg: DSV, 2002.
_____, 100 Jahre Deutsche Skiverband. Chronik des deutschen Skilaufs von den Anfängen bis zur Gegenwart. 3 vols. Planegg: DSV, 2005.
Friedrich, Anton, Aus der Geschichte des Harzer Ski-Verbandes 1896-1936. Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 1936.
Gattermann, Reiner, Skilauf im Bayerischen Wald: Anfänge und Entwicklung. Grafenau: Morsak, 1986.
Krusche, Günter (Ed..), Vom deutschen Skilauf und 50 Jahre Deutscher Skiverband. München: DSV, 1955.
Lauterwasser, Erwin, Rainer Mülbert, Fritz Wagnerberger (Eds.), Fazination Skilauf: vor hundert Jahren fing es an. Heidelberg: Braus, 1995.
Ski-Club Freiburg 75 Jahre: 1895-1970. Freiburg i B.: Ski-Club Freiburg, n.d. [1970].
Ski Club Todtnau, Ski Heil: an der Wiege des deutschen Skilaufs. Freiburg i B.: Poppen und Ortmann, 1931.
Ski Club Todtnau, 100 Jahre Ski-Club Todtnau 1891 e.v.: Eine Chronik in bildern zum 100 jährigen Jubiläum des ältesten Skiclubs in Deutschland am 11./12. Oktober 1991. Todtnau: Ski-Club Todtnau, 1991.
Spathelf, Klaus (Ed..), 100 Jahre Freiburger Ski-Geschichte: Ski-Club Freiburg e. V. 1895-1995. Freiburg im Breisgau: Kehrer, 1995.
Chernelházi, Chernal Istvan, Lábszánkózás Kézikönyve. Budapest: Lampel Róbert, 1897.
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