
Index to Skiing Magazine, 1949-1986

Skiing Magazine Index

includingRocky Mountain Skiing 1949-52

National Skiing 1949-52

Skiing Magazine 1958-1986

Rocky Mountain Skiing

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November 15, 1949

Italy Enters Top Contestants for FIS Downhill and Slalom          pg.1

Whiteface Ski  Area Ready for New Year’s Dedication       pg.1

CSR Sponsor Year’s First Race at Berthoud Pass                pg.1

New England Skiing Starts Dec 10                                       pg.1

NRMSA Adopts NAT Plan on Trial Basis                                     pg.1

CanadaPrepares for Winter Rush fromUSSkiers                       pg.

Work to Begin on Slide Mountain Lift Near Reno                        pg.1

Sugar Bowl Opens Dec 16                                                     pg.1

Univ of Wash Grooms New Ski Area                                             pg.1

Chile First S.A. Country to Accept FIS Invitation                         pg.1

Alf Engen to Direct Staff at Free Deseret News Ski School  pg.2

Ski Acres New Site of P-I Ski School, Albouy Heads Staff  pg.2

NY State has 58 Ski Areas                                                     pg.2

Championship Date Set for Mon du Lac Area                     pg.2

Kjellstrom Arrives in US, Swedes Pick Top FIS Team                  pg.3

Italian Olympic Ace Coaches Seattle Team                                    pg.3

Big Bromley Boosts Capacity of Lifts, Opens New Slopes   pg.3

NRMSA Schedules Four Championship Events                            pg.3

Forest Service Plans Development at Mineral King Area              pg.3

Tremblant Top Area in Eastern Canada                              pg.4

Foeger Again at Yosemite                                                      pg.4

Perrault Boasts Junior Jumping                                                     pg.5

Zips and May Co Sponsor Jay Film                                               pg.5

Schaeffler Coaches Pioneers for Six Collegiate Meets          pg.6

Swedish Pro to Coach Western State Races                          pg.6

Montezuma Basin Hut Improved Touring During Summer


Rutland to Provide Children’s Lessons                                 pg.6

“Snow Ranger” Film Delayed                                                         pg.7

Placid Prepares Trails and Jump for FIS Nordic Competition     pg.8

McGill Team Trains Under Coach Allen                              pg.8

Seattle Times Ski School Starts 8th Yea                                pg.8


January 1, 1950

Ruling May Bar Racers from Competing at FIS                              pg.1

RM Ski on Air 6:45 KMYR Mon, Wed, Fri                                        pg.1

Jalbert Protests at Omission from Canada’s FIS Team                 pg.1

Shortage of Funds May Limit Italian FIS Team to Four                pg.1

Plans Ready for Stevens Standard Races                                          pg.1

Downhill Series Starts Jan 1st at Whiteface                                      pg.1

Reddish and Werner Trim Fast Field at Annual Alta Snow Cup pg.1

RMS Awarded New Sanction                                                               pg.1

Drohat Cracks Up for Second Time at Middlebury                         pg.1

D.U. Wins Nat. Intercollegiates                                                             pg.1

Soviet Participation in Aspen FIS Events Not Yet                           pg.2

One Girl OK’d for P-I Ski School Staff                                                 pg.2

US Skiers Aid in Financing Austrian Team                                        pg.2

European Teams to Race Jan 7-8                                                         pg.3

Univ of Wash Team Faces Seven Meet Race Season   pg.3

Laurentian Tour Schedule Set by Zone Committee     pg.3

Six Colleges to Show at Norwich Winter Carnival     pg.3

Modern Weather Prediction Given the Heave-Ho     pg.3

Portland Day Race Set for Jan 7-8     pg.3

New Lift Planned for Mt Rose Bowl     pg.3

Unique Trophy Given at Mt Pisgah Race     pg.3

Nevada Univ Makes Strong Bid for 50 Intercollegiates     pg.5

New Innovations Added to Three Tyrol Boot Models     pg.5

Swiss Ace to Compete at Placid FIS     pg.5

World’s Largest Aerial Tram to be Built on MtSan Jacinto     pg.6

High Standards of First Aid Required in NSPS pg.6

Pioneer Ski Club Sponsors Snow Ball Jan 13     pg.6

NSA Announces Group Insurance for Ski Clubs     pg.6

Manufacture of Popular Model Continued by Northland Ski Co     pg.6

MInes and CU to Sponsor Intercollegiates at Steamboat Springs     pg.7

Swiss Champ Heads Snow Ridge School     pg.7

Couttet, Oreiller, Blanc, Train in Switzerland for Aspen FIS     pg.7

Far West Instructors Certified to Teach Unified Ski Technique     pg.8

“Hard Luck” Trophy Given to Ski Group     pg.8


January 13, 1950

Bietila Wins Central Assoc Jumping Meet     pg.1

Jump Hill Completed for PNSA Tourneys     pg.1

Swedes Out to Duplicate 1948 Victory     pg.1

Sugar Bowl Adopts NAT Program     pg.1

Predict Rough Competition from US Jumpers at Placid FIS    pg.1

North Americans to Draw Top Field of Int’l Competitors at Banff     pg.1

Aspen Training of Canadian FIS Team Protested     pg.1

New SRMSA Club Formed by Army Ski Instructors     pg.1

Two Skiers Killed on Chair Lift in ItalianAlps     pg.1

California Forests Lead in Skier Attendance, 580,000 Visits pg.1

Sun Valley Patrolman Upsets FIS Racers at SRMSA Champs     pg.2

PNSA Junior Championships Due Jan 21-22     pg.2

Season’s Outlook Good for Univ of Wyo Ski Team     pg.2

Knoles Leads Pack at Arizona Bowl Slalom     pg.2

Chairlift Shutdown at Belknap Caused by Unsafe Cable     pg.2

Final French FIS Team to be Picked at Race Jan14-15     pg.2

Recreational Ski Program Opened at Univ of Vt     pg.2

Univ of Wash Wins Rossland Intercollegiate Meet for 3rd Time     pg.3

Norwegian Skiers Dominate Field at Salisbury Jump     pg.3

Snowshoe Thompson Trophy Given FWSA by Norwegian Ski Group  pg.3

Wright Annexes Duluth Jumping Championships     pg.3

Unified Ski Instruction Prevails Throughout Canadian Resort Areas     pg.3

Grosjean, Schneider Share Honors at Season’s First Swiss Races     pg.5

Revelstoke Jump Tourney Planned for Jan 28-29      pg.5

Mad River Boosts Junior Skiing in Winter Program     pg.5

Soda Springs Area Inaugurates New Double Chair Lift     pg.6

USEASA Officials Veto Proposal for Unified Ski Instruction     pg.6

Mt Skiers Sweep Field at Tomahawk Jump      pg.6

New Glass Ski Put on Market by Northland     pg.6

Sun Valley Ski School Four FIS Competitors     pg.6

Steamboat High Skiers Trounce Schools in Meet     pg.7

SRMSA Ski Instructor Tests Due Jan 24-25 at Berthoud    pg.7

Ennis Club Gets Set for NRMSA Championships     pg.7

Leblanc High Scorer at St Lawrence Jump    pg.7

Steamboat Skier Develops Automatic Scoring for Jump Meets   pg.8

Caberfae Installs Improvements for Big Ski Season     pg.8

Need for Winter Warfare Training in Canadian Regiments     pg.8

Saarinen, ’32 Olympian, to Coach Finns at Lake Placid FIS pg.8


February 1, 1950

FIS Preview Scheduled for Winter Park Meet                      pg.1

Tokle Breaks Hill Record at Norge Meet                              pg.1

Colorado Men capture Combined Titles at Nansen Meet              pg.1

Molitor to be at Aspen FIS                                                    pg.1

FWSA Gives $2000 for FIS Team Training                                   pg.1

Holland Enters FIS                                                                pg.1

14 Teams Entered at Banff’s Fourth Intercollegiate            pg.1

21st Lauberhorn Race Won by Fredi Rubi-Couttet 2nd               pg.1

Mohawk Slopes Covered with Crushed Ice                                    pg.1

Italy’s Eugenio Monti Takes 1st at Three-Day Swiss Meet  pg.2

Sun Valley FIS Racers in Top Shape says Outzs                           pg.2

Tour of Ski Areas Offered as Prizes in Vermont Contest              pg.2

Bietila Wins Nelson and FDR Memorial Trophies at Bear Mt      pg.2

Nagel Sweeps to Victory in DHO Tourney                                     pg.2

Area Near SanJacinto Tram not Suitable for Skiing           pg.2

Wyoming Leads 10 Schools at Utah Tourney                      pg.2

Falkenger Outpoints US Jumpers at 29th Norsemen Meet  pg.3

Junior Jump Championships Feb 26th                                          pg.3

Steamboat Juniors Win Zip Team Races                             pg.3

Belleayre Opened at Formal Rites                                         pg.3

70-yr-old Alpinist to Attempt Climb of 17,000 Alaskan Peak       pg.3

High Winds Crumple Steel Jumping Tower                                  pg.3

3-Day-Meet to Highlight St Lawrence Carnival                             pg.3

Newcomb Trophy Won by McLeod for Second Year                   pg.3

Spokane and Rossland Men Win PNSA Race                      pg.3

Champlain to Enter Team for First Time in College Meets pg.5

Pfeiffer Top Qualifier in Recent Canadian Ski Instructor

Exams                                                                                     pg.5

US-Trained British Junior 3rd in Swiss Meet                       pg.5

McGill to Host College Meet at St Sauvier                                     pg.5

Harriman Captains Colby Ski Team                                             pg.5

Reno High School Skiers Cop Junior Race Tournament              pg.5

New Ski Trainer for Home Use Hits Market                                  pg.6

Johnson Top Man at Jackson Cross Country Tourney                pg.6

Buek Retains Nevada State Downhill Title                                     pg.6

Junior Racer Whips Seniors at Ryan Park                                    pg.6

Helmings to Manage Mt Spokane Lodge                             pg.6

French Skiers Set Pace                                                           pg.6

Saier Bros Annex Titles at Belmont Events                                    pg.7

Western State Stages Comeback, Takes College Meet

Steamboat                                                                              pg.7

American Team ‘Out for Blood’ at Aspen FIS                     pg.7

SRMSA Champs Named at Winter Park Tourney                        pg.7

NY Slalom Championships Won MacIntyre, Bombard                pg.8

All Applicants Fail SRMSA Tests for certification as

instructors                                                                               pg.8

Neidlinger Replaces Dodge on FIS Team                              pg.8

Three US Jumpers Hurt at Start of Lake Placid FIS Week pg.8

Injuries Hit US FIS Team                                                      pg.8


February 13, 1950

1950 Aspen FIS Edition

Parade, Welcoming by Officials Opening of FIS  Events              pg.1

Entertainment Every Evening of FIS Week                                   pg.1

Durrance Estimates Course Distances                                   pg.1

Running Order 1950 FIS Ladies’ Giant Slalom                            pg.1

Aspen FIS Race Schedule                                                      pg.2

Injuries Plague American and Foreign Teams- 21 Hurt So Far    pg.3

Russian Representatives Arrive in Aspen for FIS Alpine Meet      pg.3

February 14, 1950

1950 Aspen FIS Edition

Austrian Girls Show Heels to Field in Women’s Giant Slalom      pg.1

FWSA Sends $1600 Check fro FIS Training Fund                          pg.1

Running Order 1950 FIS Mens’ Giant Slalom                     pg.1

Results 1950 FIS Womens’ Giant Slalom                             pg.3

Thioliere Out with Sprain                                                               pg.3

FIS Championship Races Timed Automatic Equipment               pg.4


February 15, 1950

1950 Aspen FIS Edition

Zeno Colo Takes Title in Giant Slalom; First American 27th       pg.1

Running Order 1950 FIS Womens’ Slalom                                   pg.1

Two US Girls Out of Race with Injuries                               pg.2

Two Runs in Womens’ Slalom Race                                               pg.2

Results 1950 FIS Men’s Giant Slalom                                            pg.3

FIS Racers “Seeded” ; Running Order Picked by Draw               pg.4


February 16, 1950

1950 Aspen FIS Edition

Dagmar Rom Wins Slalom for FIS Victory;Andrea Mead 6th     pg.1

Running Order 1950 FIS Men’s Slalom                               pg.1

Official Results 1950 FIS Womens’ Slalom                                    pg.3

Berg Suffers Second Concussion in Downhill Trial  Run              pg.4


February 17, 1950

1950 Aspen FIS Edition

Schneider Takes FIS Slalom Fast Runs Over Tricky Course      pg.1

Running Order 1950 FIS Womens’ Downhill                                pg.1

Girls to Keep Numbers as Souvenirs of FIS                                   pg.2

Official Results 1950 FIS Men’s Slalom                                pg.3

FIS Men’s Downhill Racers up forSaleat Calcutta  Pool            pg.4


February 18, 1950

1950 Aspen FIS Edition

Jochum-Beiser Outclasses Field in Women’s Downhill;

Rodolph Fifth                                                                         pg.1

Running Order 1950 FIS Mens’ Downhill                                     pg.1

Official Results 1950 FIS Womens’ Downhill                       pg.3

Poor Light Conditions May Postpone Mens’ Downhill Race        pg.3

Injured FIS Racers on Recovery List                                              pg.4


February 15, 1950

Norwegian Slalom Ace Trims 18 FIS Entrants                     pg.1

Title Events Due Feb 26-26 at Belknap Ski Area                           pg.1

Matt Leads US Racers at Eccles Giant Slalom                     pg.1

Retired Status Available for National Patrolmen                           pg.1

Foreign FIS Teams to Get Invites for Nat. Giant Slalom               pg.1

Wide Margin Marks Bjornstad’s Victory in FIS World Jumping

Title                                                                                         pg.1

No Combined Race Results at Aspen FIS                             pg.1

US Teams Show Top Form During Training Sessions at Sun

Valley                                                                                      pg.2

Coupe Air France Won by Swede                                         pg.2

Trophies Donated to Calgary Club                                                pg.2

UCLA Skier Wins Calif. Classic Meet                                  pg.2

Officials Lay Down Strict Rules at Aspen                                      pg.3

Mt Rose Time Trials Pick Reno Ski Club Team                            pg.3

Santa Fe Basin Slates Washington Team Races Feb 25-26  pg.3

Swedes Edge Out Finns in 25-Mile Relay Grind                            pg.3

Americans Wait Too Long to Get Into Condition-Olander pg.3

300-Foot Jumps Possible Feb 18 at Esmeralda Open           pg.4

Saanglard Scores Two Wins at International Week             pg.4

Avalanche Danger to be Checked on Aspen FIS Trails                 pg.4

FJ Boyle Picked as Medicine Man for US FIS Team            pg.4

Self-Lubricating Plastic Bottom Skis Developed                            pg.4

Heavy Snows atYosemiteAssure Good Season                             pg.4

Slaatvik Paces Five Norwegian to Victory First Event

Placid FIS                                                                               pg.5

SeattleFourth at Annual Running of Citydweller Derby              pg.5

Art Tokle WinsBear MountainMemorial Jumps                         pg.5

History Repeats- Snow Covers Proposed FIS Site High Sierras    pg.5

Forest Service Men Attend Ski Training Course                           pg.5

Two-Year Development Plan Grouse Mt- Another Chair Lift     pg.6

Univ ofCalSkiers Sweep All  Events Tresideer Cup Races pg.7

Jim Running Outclasses Field atSt PaulCarnival Jump              pg.8

Lack of Snow HitsRockiesand Eastern Hills                      pg.8

SRMSA Classif. System Final Revision Point Advancement         pg.9

Freeman Sets New Caspian Hill Record                                pg.10

Micoleau Book Combines Art and Ski Skill                                   pg.10

East’s Best Trail Possible inMaineatSugarMountain                 pg.10

FIS Interpreter Kept Busy 9 Languages Cross Country Races     pg.10

Steamboat Winter Carnival Ready to Roll Feb 25-26                   pg.10

Ski Technique Discussions in US Interest Swiss                    pg.11

Surprise Upset Scored by Swede in 50-km Race                            pg.11

FIS Jumpers Hit 50 mph Speed                                            pg.11

Speech by Governor Knous Highlights Opening of Berthoud

Pass Lodge                                                                              pg.11

DuluthCentral Skiers Retain Hold on State Title                          pg.11

CaliforniaStateJumping Titles at Stake Feb 12                           pg.11

Swedes Top Runners FIS 18 km Cross Country; Hasu wins

Combined                                                                               pg.12


March 15, 1950

Nat’l Giant Slalom Titles Nabbed by Austrian Stars           pg.1

Andrea Mead and Hans Nogler Share Harriman Cup Honors    pg.1

Ski-Less Jumper Gives Scare to Crowd of 15,000                         pg.1

World Jumping Record Broken, Now 432.9 Feet                          pg.1

New Snow GetsEastern USRace Schedule Moving            pg.1

NRMSA Names McCracken as New President                     pg.1

Nat’l 4-Way Intercollegiates at Arapahoe Mar31-Apr2                pg.1

Junior Undefeated U ofMinnTeam Winds Up Season                pg.2

France,ItalyandSwitzerlandStage National Championships     pg.2

Hans Holaas WinsN Amer-Canadian Cross-Country with 3-

Minute Lead                                                                           pg.2

Automatic Timing Device Provides Easy Race Results                  pg.2

McGill Captures Canadian Intercollegiate Title                             pg.2

Bertrand, Canadian Junior Racer Wins Dominion Downhill       pg.3

American Girl Takes Third DuringWhite Ribbon StMoritz       pg.3

Knowles Outscores Crawford at SRMSA Junior Jumping pg.3

Proctor AcademyUSEasternPrep SchoolVisitors              pg.3

Devlin Takes Title atNorth Amerand Canadian Jumping pg.3

SeattleWoman Places Seventh in French Downhill              pg.5

Blizzard Hits TwoCalifSki Tourneys                                            pg.5

Norwegian Ace to Make Screen Test                                     pg.5

Country’s Best Juniors Set for Alta Championships           pg.6

U of NH Wildcats Victors in Hochgebirge Trophy Meet               pg.6

Amateur Ski Club of NYAnnexesCityChampionship                pg.6

Constant Memorial Trophy Goes to Ruschp Instructor                pg.6

Three Nations Bid for 1954 FIS; Dispute Looms About

Amateurs                                                                                pg.7

Zips Retain Hold onColoradoSki Runner Trophy                      pg.7

Woodburn Keeps NRMSA Downhill and Slalom Title                 pg.7

Severson High Man at Wasau Jumping                               pg.7

FIS Slalom Too Easy- Schneider                                           pg.7

Ken Long Paces Field in Class-C Giant Slalom                    pg.7

White MountainJumping Taken by Kaarstein                             pg.8

Far Western Classic Combined Crown Nabbed by Hill Bros        pg.8

Mt Hood Aerial Tram to Open Soon                                              pg.8

Northeastern Univ Nabs Foley Memorial                             pg.8




April 1, 1950

McCulloch, Woodworth Sweep National Combined                     pg.1

Perry-Smith Nabs SRMSA Classic Combined Crown                 pg.1

SeattleCouple Score High in Swiss Races                                       pg.1

Canadian Women Hand Out Defeat to American Girls                pg.1

Macomber Shatters Record, Austrians Sweep Combined          pg.1

Leg Amputees Hold Ski Race inGermany                                       pg.1

Zipfelbergers Capture Matowakan Trophy Year’s 2nd Win        pg.2

Dean Perkins Nabs Doug Smith Memorial Race                            pg.2

IllinoisEquipment Dealer Boosts Safety Bindings                          pg.2

Rom and Colo to Star in New Durrance Film                                   pg.3

CalgaryTeamSeizesInter-citySki Trophy                                     pg.3

Crawford and Werner Cop National Junior Titles                          pg.3

Bertrand Snares Laurentian Slalom and Thibault Cup     pg.3

Perren andLundShare Honors in Gornergrat Day     pg.3

Cranmore Giant Slalom Won by Univ of NH Team     pg.3

Wolfer and Glasmman Winning Juniors During Intermountain Race    pg.3

Wilkins Beats 80 Contestants in NY Slalom Tournament     pg.3

Wahlberg Retires from Competition     pg.4

Hans Holaas Wins DonnerSummitMemorial Event     pg.4

Canadian Ski Assn Forms Plans for Selecting 1952 Olympic Squad     pg.4

Paul Smith’s College Outscores Five Schools     pg.4

Cancellation of 1952 Olympics Over Amateur Ruling Possible     pg.1

Mohn Beats Tokle to WinVermontClass A Jumping     pg.1

IdahoJuniors Capture Legion Championships      pg.1

DartmouthEarns Victory atNationalCollegeSki Meets     pg.1

Good Spring Ski Season Anticipated     pg.1

Sugar Bowl Squad NabsSacramentoBee Team Races     pg.1

Kimball Re-elected President of Inter-Mountain Assoc     pg.1

Violation of Rules May Alter Results of Steamboat Jumping     pg.1

Central AssocSets Up Restrictions for Class B Jumpers     pg.1

ColoradoReady to Boost Winter Sports Facilities     pg.2

PotentialTacomaSki Area Surveyed     pg.2

Boyan Takes Over as New Prexy of Central Ski Assoc     pg.2

Armstrong to Lead Univ of NH Team     pg.2

Gabl and Nagl Share Titles at Silver Dollar and FWSA Meet     pg.3

Andy Mead Tops Field in Eastern Women’s Slalom     pg.3

Firm Develops New Snow-Maker     pg.3

Delvin Sets New Record at Mont St Castin Jump      pg.3

VancouverSkiers Form Competitiors’ Association     pg.3

Minority Group Brings Criticism to National Ski Patrol System     pg.4

Klippgen andRodolphNabEstesParkSlalom     pg.4

YoungRacerCopsPennStateMeet     pg.4

Minnie Dole Resigns as Nat’l Director of NSPS      pg.1

CaliforniaGirl Suspended for Rest of Season     pg.1

Karl Stingl Wins Golden Pole Slalom     pg.1

Eastern Ski Assoc Wants Uniformity in Classifications     pg.1

FIS Wants NSA Support Against Olympic Ban on Instructors     pg.1

Biggest Season in History forRenoSki Areas     pg.1

Olympic Try-out Sites to be Picked at Nat’l Meeting     pg.1

NHNewspaperReportsCollegeSkiing Subsidized     pg.1

RMSkiing Applies fro Nat’l Sanction     pg.1

George Macomber Boosts Formation of Nat’l Ski Team     pg.1

DenverUniversityScores Victory in Vanderbilt Memorial Cup Meet     pg.2

50-Foot Schooner Sails toChilefor Summer of Skiing     pg.2

Vandhei and Harris Share Giant Slalom Titles at Alta Meet     pg.2

D Sylvester to Captain Univ ofVermontTeam     pg.2

Delegates to Mix Business and Fun atSun Valley     pg.2

Berge and BurrSplitTitle at Annual Silver Belt Race     pg.3

NSPS Opposed to Combining Office with NSA     pg.3

Ishpeming Bids for National Events in 1954     pg.3

ButlerCup Title Goes to Rodolph and Klipggen     pg.3

Ski Acres to Get Improvements in Summer Months     pg.3

FWSA Giant Slalom to Law and Gabl     pg.3

Alta Wants 1951 Nat’l Downhill and Slalom Meet     pg.3

Central AssocWants Citizens to Compete for Nat’l Jumping Crown     pg.4

Re-allocation of National Ski Fund Proposed     pg.4

Opening of Hood Tramway Delayed     pg.4

New Ruling Establishes 2000-Ft Drop for all Dominion Downhills     pg.4

Top Favorites Win East’s Last Race      pg.4

Race Rule Changes Proposed by SRMSA at National Convention     pg.4

Olympic Group Rejects FIS Amateur Proposals      pg.1

TaylorReplaces Dole as National Director of NSPS     pg.1

Nat’l Ski Assoc Scraps Present Racing Rules    pg.1

Nickel-a-Ticket on Way to Becoming Nationwide Success     pg.1

Eugenio Monti Sweeps Rugged Canin Downhill     pg.1

Alice Kiaer Boosts International Races for American Girls     pg.1

Granstrom Cites Lack of Certified Jumping Officials     pg.1

Skiers to be Taxed in Order to Finance National Assoc     pg.1

Austria, Switzerland,JapanInviteUSSkiers     pg.1

Foreigners Now Restricted in National Jumping Meet     pg.2

Sun Valleyto Host Olympic Downhill and Slalom Tryouts     pg.2

NCAA toConsiderCollegeSki Meets    pg.2

Edvi Aro New Chief of Far Western Ski Instructors’ Group     pg.3

NSA Revokes Sanction from Ski Publications     pg.3

Bellmar Takes Over National Assoc Presidency from Barth     pg.3

Colo Tops Field During Sass Becie Giant Slalom Meet     pg.3

Brewster Downhill Set for June 18 onColumbiaIcefields     pg.3

International Competitions Committee Established     pg.3

Margaret Packard Heads Middlebury Women’s Team     pg.4

Nation-wide Standards Finally Set Up for Advancement of Juniors     pg.4

ArapahoeBasinSlates Closing Day Fun Race     pg.4

‘Snowslide’ Exciting New Novel byAspenAuthor     pg.4

GriffithWins Three South American Championships     pg.1

Canadato Stage Olympic Try-Outs for First Time     pg.1

Couttet Named New Chief of French Ski Fed     pg.1

Work Resumed on Pine Mtn Jump After Labor Mixup     pg.1

Squaw ValleySlated to Open Thanksgiving     pg.1

Joe Ryan, Mont Tremblant Owner, Killed in 22-Story Fall in NY     pg.1

NY State Reaches All-Time Record with 68 Ski Areas     pg.1

Bradley Picked Director ofWinter ParkAssoc     pg.1

Univ of Wash Ski Team Anticipates Good Race Season     pg.1

Young Austrian Star Joins Ski School at Aspen     pg.1

French Ski Teams Commence Early Training Period in Alps      pg.2

Cannon Mtn Lists New Trail Among Major Changes     pg.2

American Ski Trophy Awarded to Andrea Mead     pg.2

March Races Climax Sun Valley Events     pg.2

High Capacity Lift Constructed at Mount Hood     pg.2

French FIS Model Leads Northland’s 1950-51 Line of Skis     pg.2

Denver University Ski Team Loses 4 Men to Armed Forces     pg.2

Gretchen Fraser Boosts International Racing in US Tour     pg.3

“Ski Champs” World Premiere Held  Denver Matowakan Ski Club     pg.3

Denver Becomes Nat’l Headquarters fro NSA and NSPS     pg.3

Faski Co Marks Improvements in Lacquer and Wax     pg.3

Dodge Ridge Gets Heron Double Lift     pg.3

Utah Firm Offers New Type Safety Binding to Skiers     pg.3

Exchange Rates Provide Low Cost Austrian Skiing    pg.4

Taylor Awards National Badge to 15 Patrolmen     pg.4

Stowe Erects New Constam T-Bar Ski Lift     pg.4

John Jay Starts Nation-Wide Trip with Most Recent Ski Film     pg.4

Second Ringer Lift in US Installed at Chewelah Peak     pg.5

50,000 Spectators Witness England’s First Ski Jumping     pg.5

Franz Gabl and JoAnn Kittleson Bag Golden Rose Downhill Titles     pg.5

Dover Produces Novel Design in Ski Boot Trees     pg.5

Ski Rack for Convertible Top Owners Now Ready     pg.5

McLean Designs New Racing Model Ski Boots for Henke    pg.5

Bass Boots Offer New Inner Lacing     pg.5

Bob Parker Joins Staff of Skiing     pg.6

Thorner to Film $150,000 Feature Length Ski Movie    pg.7

Ski Distribution Begun by Bancroft Racket Co     pg.7

Alf Engen Heads Free Ski School for Third Year     pg.8

New San Francisco Plant Begun for White Stag Mfg Co     pg.8

Chippewa Passes 20-yr Mark in Boot Business     pg.8

Two Killed, One Seriously Hurt on Mountain Climb     pg.8

Improved Ski Acres Site of P-I Ski School    pg.8

Famed Skiers Escape Death in River Rapids     pg.8

Emile Alias Endorses Werner Ski Equipment    pg.8

2 Girls Attain National Ski Patrol Status     pg.9

Western Ski Mag Awarded to New Publishing Firm     pg.9

Production Begins on New Spray-On Plastic Lacquer     pg.9

Plastiglass Bottom on New Holley Ski     pg.9

Negotiations Take Place Between Bay Ski Fed and FWSA     pg.9

Engen and Keller Share Crown at Timpanagos Glacier Slalom     pg.10

Skiing Partners Open Large Ski Shop in Denver     pg.10

Plans Formulated for First Lodge at Arapahoe Basin    pg.10

Pioneer of Junior Skiing Succumbs After Long Illness     pg.10

German Racing Highlighted by International Week     pg.10

Liquid Soap Now Included in Base Lacquer by Aloid     pg.10

Sandler Lists Nine Ski Boot Models     pg.10

Holiday Hill Installs New Type Ski Lift     pg.11

Third Season of Operation Set for Mad River Glen     pg.11

Spalding Expands Into Full Scale Ski Line Production     pg.11

Book of Ski Songs Due Out Nov 25     pg.11

Two Ski Magazines Cut Production fro 1950-51     pg.11

Swiss Races Prepare Skiers for 52 Games     pg.12

$100,000 Addition to Spokane Lodge May Stay Closed     pg.12

Manufacturers Awarded Army Ski Contracts     pg.12

Importers Market Complete Line of French Ski Goods     pg.12

Gaboury Trophy Award Goes to McGill Univ Girl     pg.12

Bill Farrell Scores Upset at Peruvian Cup Slalom     pg.1

Extra Year Now Given Juniors in West Canada     pg.1

Junior Racer Given Senior Class A Rank     pg.1

Garmisch Boasts First Skiing of Season in Europe     pg.1

Mountain Training Assured for Ex-10th Div Men Who Re-Enlist     pg.1

Ten-Day Tour to Include Six Western Areas      pg.1

Tom Constant to Coach West Point Ski Team     pg.1

Central NY Ski Area Features Flood-Lighted Slope     pg.2

Peterson Named NSP Chief of Inter-Mountain Region     pg.2

Training Camp Set Up fro Denver University Ski Team     pg.2

Swiss Ski Resorts Expect Record-Breaking Winter     pg.3

Montana Ski Season Begins at Belmont Mt     pg.3

James Couttet Still Not Certified as Ski Instructor     pg.3

Rain Falls to Wash Out Holiday Skiing at Mammoth Mt     pg.3

Swiss Strive to Retain Strong Nat’l Ski Team     pg.4

Order of Eagles to Stage National Junior Meet at Aspen, Feb 10-11     pg.4

John Jay to Lead Winter’s First KLM Ski Flight to Europe      pg.4

Victory Prospects Look Bright for University of Utah Ski Team     pg.5

Dodge Ridge to Promote Junior Skiing     pg.5

Officials Seek Operator for Spokane Lodge    pg.5

Porcupine Mtn Area Near Completion     pg.5

Dave Clark Named Chief Ski Instructor at Bogus Basin     pg.6

SRMSA Officers Split Over Ski Patrol Policies     pg.7

Over 400 Ski Huts Now Ready in Austrian Mts     pg.8

Briggs and Gore Compile Ski Booklet for US Boy Scouts     pg.8

SRMSA Ski Instructors Form Completely New Organization     pg.8

Denver Firm Plans Distribution of New Skier’s Sun Tan Oil     pg.8

New Cable Tram to Begin Operation at Austrian Resort     pg.9

Middlebury Cabin to be Ready by Winter Carnival     pg.9

Eastern College Ski Group Lists 41 Members     pg.9

Members for Austrian Nat’l Team Named     pg.9

Dates Set for Landes Jump and Alta Cup     pg.9

Dodie Post Conducts San Francisco Clinic     pg.9

Five French Guides Complete November Ascent of Mont Blanc     pg.10

Dutch FIS Entry Designs Combination Binding     pg.10

Contest Winners to Receive Free Week in Austria     pg.10

Water Skiers Hold International Meet in Florida     pg.10

Laurel Mountain Readies All Slopes for 1950-51 Season     pg.10

New Idaho Ski Resort to Open in December     pg.11

US Olympics Chances Good States Fraser     pg.11

Stowe Gets East’s First 1950-51 Skiing     pg.11

Canadian Title Events Set for February     pg.11

Several Top Skiers Retire from Ranks of Swiss National Team    pg.12

Part-Time Ski Instructors Eligible for 52 Olympics     pg.1

Keith Wegeman Paces Field in Golden Rose     pg.1

Stowe’s Bid for 1952 Nat’l Alpine Events Approved     pg.1

Record of 35 Nations Entered in Olympics     pg.1

Early Snowfalls Point to Excellent US Ski Season     pg.1

US Funds Help Austrian Victims of 51 Avalanches     pg.1

Skiers to Fine Many Challenges at Belleayre     pg.1

Thousands Thrilled in LA by Jumping from 225-ft Tower     pg.1

Sun Valley Moving Proctor Mtn Lift Onto Mount Baldy     pg.1

Accomodations in Oslo to be Jammed During Games     pg.2

Scandivanian Air Lines Sets Special Flight to Olympics    pg.2

US Army to Send Military Ski Patrol to 52 Olympics    pg.2

Winter Games Costly    pg.2

New England to Concentrate on Promotion of Spring Skiing     pg.3

Micarta Bottoms Now Used on Paris Skis     pg.3

Tavi Stocks up on Norwegian Ski Waxes     pg.3

Jannette Burr Wins Austrian Water Ski Title     pg.3

Australian Skiers to Enter Olympics for First Time     pg.4

Eastern Ski Resort Operators Appoint Williams as Prexy     pg.4

Four Lettermen Return to Boost DU Potential in College Skiing     pg.4

Engls Heads SV School McLean Joins Staff     pg.4

Marc Hodler Appointed FIS President at Congress in Venice     pg.5

International Ski Week Slated for Austria Jan 17-20     pg.5

Winter’s First KLM Ski Trip to Europe Set for Jan 26     pg.5

FIS Congress Acts to Clarify Definition of Endorsement Rule     pg.6

Canada Olympic Skiers to Wear Tyrol Allais Racer     pg.6

Western Germany and Japan Again Members of FIS     pg.6

PNSA Names Helge Sather as New President     pg.7

Beginners to Benefit by New Aspen Changes     pg.7

McCulloch Takes Over Ski School at Mont Tremblant     pg.7

Free Olympic Folder Offered by Norwegian America Boat Line     pg.7

New Spray-On Ski Wax Placed on US Market     pg.7

Engen Again Heads Deseret News School     pg.8

Three New Staff Members Report European Events     pg.9

Jay Begins US Tour with New Motion Picture     pg.9

NH Legislature Vetoes Large Expenditure for Cannon Mtn     pg.11

Ski Team Needs $50,000 Before Leaving States     pg.11

New Towers Added During Summer to Arapahoe Basin     pg.11

Far West Tries New Approach to Raise Olympic Team Funds     pg.11

USEASA Demands Same Departure Date US Olympic Teams     pg.13

Wooly Bears Predict Mild Winter in East     pg.13

Mad River Glen Teacher Authors Ski Instruction Volume  Children     pg.13

Black Plastic Top Added to Head Ski     pg.13

Wind Tunnel Tests Slated for English Olympic Skiers     pg.13

Jennings Enlarges Salt Lake Ski Shop     pg.13

American Ski Trophy Awarded Posthumously to Al Lindley      pg.14

Nat’l Ski Patrol Takes Stand on Safety Bindings     pg.14

Olympic Skiers in Service     pg.16

Robison, Goodwin Win at Argentine National Slalom     pg.16

Plymold Moves into New Burbank Plant     pg.16

New NSPS Manual Being Backed by Miller Beer Co     pg.1

Editor Predicts Old-Fashioned Winter in East     pg.1

Intermountain Assoc. Certifies 31 Instructors     pg.1

European Training Schedules Set for US Olympic Ski Teams     pg.1

Forest Service Releases New Color Ski Film     pg.1

Holiday Hill to Operate Under Single Owner     pg.1

Olympic Fund Falling Far Short of $50,000 Goal      pg.1

Urquhart Resigns as Manager of Canadian Skiers     pg.1

Swiss Rescue Dogs to Attend Classes     pg.1

Germany Sending 55-60 to Olympic     pg.1

Crans Gains in Popularity Among Swiss Ski Resorts     pg.2

$28,000 Building Program Planned fro Glenwood Lift     pg.2

Schneibs Loses Two Stars from St Lawrence Team     pg.2

French Resorts Schedule Heavy List of Events     pg.2

Big Mountain Resort Readies New Ski Trails     pg.3

Nation’s Skiers Flock to Slopes Over Thanksgiving Holidays     pg.3

Portable Tow Can be Adapted for Use in Many Situations     p.3

Interest in Skiing Shows Big Gains in NYS     pg.3

Beconta Imports Colo Ski Boot for American Market     pg.3

Numbers System Will be Tried on Winter Park Lifts     pg.4

K.I.M. Arranges Variety of Ski Tours to Europe    pg.4

Popular Northland Ski Uses French Design     pg.4

Many Miles of New Downhill Runs Opened Up Kitzbuhel Ski Circus     pg.4

NSPS and Highway Dept to Fight Colorado Slides     pg.5

Alpinists Fight Tram to Summit of Matterhorn     pg.5

Seattle Times Free School Set for 9th Season     pg.5

Reno Groups Push Plans for Major Slide Mt Resort     pg.6

NY Firm Imports New Austro Ski Boot     pg.6

$97,000 Lawsuit Filed Against NY Central by Jump Designer     pg.6

Sandler Featuring Hightop Motel     pg.6

McLean Writes Free Booklet on Selection and Care of Ski Boots     pg.6

Eleven Resorts in NH Report Daily Condition     pg.7

New Trail Bigger Practice Slope Among Mod River Glen Changes    pg.7

Instructors of Nine Nations Meet for Initial Congress     pg.11

Corey Engen Named Ski Program Director at Payette Lakes Area     pg.11

Skier Buried but Uninjured in Avalanche    pg.11

Strong Austrian Olympic Team Begins Training     pg.12

Film on Allais Method Now Available in US    pg.12

Nevada Univ Ski Team to Receive Full Support of Athletic Dept    pg.13

Cascade Club’s New Jump Hill Nearly Finished     pg.13

Spokane Lodge to Open Under New Manager     pg.13

Pepi Gabl Arrives to Teach at Stowe     pg.13

14 Avalanche Badge Awards Made by NSPS     pg.14

Aspen Begins Plans for Second Annual Carnival     pg.14

Denver Opens New Center for All Colorado Ski Information     pg.14

Rodegard to Conduct Scandinavian Air Trip to Winter Olympics     pg.14

Pine Needles, Hay Provide early Skiing at Mohawk     pg.16

Bathing Suit Skiers in Dispute     pg.16

Swiss Resorts Getting Set for Big Ski Season     pg.16

Gene and Rhona Gillis Take Over at Bogus Basin School     pg.16

US Olympic Committee Rejects NSA’s Al Lindley     pg.1

Mount Hood Aerial Tram in Operation     pg.1

Sixty of Nation’s Best to Enter Iron Mountain Olympic Jump Trials     pg.1

American Stars Reach Europe for Big Events     pg.1

Plans Made for Longest Lift in World at Shasta     pg.1

Gen Clark Halts Enlistments Into Mountain Unit     pg.1

Nine Schools Enter Meet at Dartmouth Winter Carnival     pg.1

$25,000 Snow Maker Installed at Mohawk Mtn     pg.2

All-Time High Reached at Sun Valley     pg.2

McCulloch and Rytting Capture Nat’l Giant Slalom     pg.2

Baer to Captain Univ of Calif Ski Team     pg.2

Four Students Stage Squaw Valley Victory     pg.3

Duluth Jump Crown Won by Ramfjord     pg.3

Norge Club Sets 45th Tourney for January 21     pg.3

New Tow Planned for California at Fronyer Summit    pg.3

New Foeger Ski Movie Released for Bookings    pg.3

Olsen and Running Score New Record at Tomahawk Hill     pg.5

Bogus Basin Starts Ten-Week School for Boise Juniors     pg.5

Over $1000 Necessary fro Each Canadian Sent to Oslo Olympics    pg.5

Rudi Matt Arrives at Sun Valley as Head Ski Instructor     pg.5

Aspen Ski Team Registers Win on CSR Trophy     pg.6

Devlin Takes Lake Placid Meet by Narrow Margin     pg.6

Art Tokle Receives FDR Trophy After Error Awards Title Barber     pg.6

Laurentians Receive 14 New Type Patrol Sleds    pg.6

Mohn Leads Univ of Wash to Win at Rossland     pg.6

Airline Supplies Skiers with Cars and Racks     pg.6

New High Hit at Opening Day of P-I Ski School     pg.7

Coach and Racing School Graduates 35 at Middlebury     pg.7

Dates of Aspen Eagles Junior Meet Changed     pg.7

US Jumping Stars Head Big Roster of Entries Brattleboro Nationals     pg.8

US Ski Conditions Look Brighter After Recent Snowfalls    pg.8

All-Steel Jumping Hill Completed at Garmisch    pg.8

Ski Accident Proves Fatal to Olympic Skier Griffith    pg.1

Baker Leads Field at Squaw Valley in First FWSA Racing of Season    pg.1

Safety Award Given to Cannon Mtn Ski Patrol     pg.1

Intercollegiate Meet at Aspen Set Dec 21-22

Holiday Hill Disputes Ended as Steinmann Becomes Sole Owner     pg.1

Picard Rates Three US Women’s as Tops     pg.1

Nogler of Austria to Join Staff of Aspen Ski School     pg.1

Forest Rangers Attend Safety Classes at Alta     pg.1

$300,000 Fire Levels Lutsen Resort Lodge    pg.1

Reorganization Program Set fro Tremblant Patrol     pg.2

Campbell Has High Hopes for Husky Ski Team    pg.2

Injury Forces Couttet Out of Any Further Pre-Olympic Training    pg.2

Mental Conditioning Most Vital to US Olympic Skiers- Haensli     pg.2

Second Earliest Opening in 11 Years Recorded at Pico     pg.2

Lone Swiss Climber Killed While Scaling Peak at Himalayas    pg.2

Eric Johnson to Lead Pan American Flight to Olympics    pg.3

Internat’l Military Ski Patrol Meet Set for Andermatt     pg.3

Holmenkollen Jump Scheduled Two Weeks After Olympics     pg.3

Landes Memorial Jumping Won by Barrus     pg.3

Spokane Paper to Hold Second Free Ski School     pg.4

Cooperation of Armed Forces Helps Training     pg.4

Internat’l Sand Skiing Tournament Staged on Slopes in Florida    pg.4

Free Ski Tour Folders for European Trips Available from KLM     pg.4

Berge Returns to Norway to Train with Olympic Team    pg.5

Manager for Canadian Team Still Not Named     pg.5

Red Mountain Cuts Long Lift Line by Adding Rope Tow     pg.5

New Beginners Slope Ready at Whiteface Mountain     pg.6

All-German Olympic Ski Team Seen as Possible     pg.7

Review of Barber ‘s Status Set by Eastern Officials   pg.1

Western Mts Hit by Series of Avalanches   pg.1

Squaw Valley Lift Stopped by Deep Snowfall   pg.1

Entries for Jr Nationals Due by February 20   pg.1

US Olympic Girls Set Pace to Win Swiss National Championships   pg.1

Suzy Harris-Rytting Drops from Roster of Olympic Team   pg.1

Record Number of Nations in Winter Games   pg.1

Dartmouth Downs Five Colleges in Lyndonville Event   pg.1

Holiday Crowds Establish New Record in Eastern US   pg.1

Germans Lack Official Anthem for Olympics   pg.2

One Full Teacher’s Rating Given at Recent IMSA Tests   pg.2

Barber Scores Clean Sweep of Titles at Bear Mountain Meet   pg.2

Postponement Set for Schneider Pokal Race   pg.2

Dodge Ridge Offers Free Ski Lessons   pg.2

Opening Mount Hood Jump Won by Taylor   pg.2

Univ of Wash and WSC Tie at Red Mountain   pg.2

Griffith’s Plane to be Sold for Olympic Benefit   pg.2

Perrault’s Injury Serious Blow to Olympic Jumpers   pg.3

Over 100 Juniors Enrolled in Bogus Basin Free School   pg.3

Tour of Vermont Ski Resorts Awaiting 10 Winners of Contest   pg.3

Russia Fails to Meet Olympic Entry Deadline   pg.3

Officials Concerned Over Lack of Snow at Olympic Sites   pg.3

Olympic Benefit Jumping at Salt Lake Nets $500- Barrus Wins pg.3

Elderly Skier Treks 22 Miles in 7 Hours   pg.3

US Olympic Men Set Pace in Sun Valley X-Country   pg.4

Olympic Fund Increased by Late Donations   pg.4

Injuries Force Italian Ace from Olympics   pg.4

USEASA Senior Men’s Title at Stake in Bromley Tournament   pg.4

Denverites Back DU Ski Team Trip to Dartmouth Meet   pg.5

Two Olympic Jumpers Charge Norge Club with Discrimaination   pg.5

Snowshoe Thompson Trophy Duplicate of Holmenkollen award   pg.5

Weekly Giant Slalom Trials at Sun Valley   pg.5

British Ex-Olympic Skier Killed in Spill   pg.6

British Olympic Skier Triumphs in Roberts-Of-Kandahar Meet   pg.8

Red Onion in Aspen Reopens this Winter   pg.8

Lisac Snares Win in Annual Portland Day Downhill Test   pg.8

Suzy Rytting Return Stirs Up Nationwide Dispute   pg.1

Norge Title Captured by Art Devlin   pg.1

Marvin Crawford Leads DU Skiers to Steamboat Victory   pg.1

Winter Olympic Ducat Sales Almost 900,000   pg.1

Gunderson Scores on Form Points in Everett Jump Meet   pg.1

SV Ski Club to Honor Griffith with Memorial   pg.1

Olympic Skiers Out-Jumped by 11-Year-Old Boy   pg.1

Ericksen to Train US Olympic Skiers   pg.1

Marooned Dogs Rescued by Daring Reno Skiers   pg.1

One Dead, Three Missing in Sun Valley Avalanche   pg.2

Celebration in Franconia Nets $1500 for Fund   pg.2

Skiers Warned of High-Voltage Wires in Deep Cal Snow   pg.2

Banff Winter Carnival to Feature Alberta’s First Inter-High Meet   pg.2

Crack Field to Enter National Classic Events   pg.2

Status of Rom and Colo Questioned- OK’d by FIS   pg.3

Rutland Stages Day in Honor of Andy Lawrence   pg.3

California Assured 7 Months of Skiing   pg.3

Lawrence Fills Vacancy Left by Macomber   pg.3

Bednarz Scores Class A Victory at Beloit Meet   pg.3

Donner Meet Scheduled for Air Force Units   pg.4

Grand Elan Area in Laurentians Now Named Cardy Hills   pg.4

Holmenkollen Hill to be Open for Practice Leaps   pg.4

Titles at Ennis Races Swept by MSC Entries   pg.4

Swiss Resorts in Northeast Gain US Favor   pg.4

Leading Jumpers Aiming to Break Steamboat Record   pg.5

Kongsberg Chosen Training Site for Olympic Jumpers   pg.5

Salisbury Expects 7,000 for Nat’l Jumping on March1-2   pg.5

Snow Reports Part of Large Exhibit in Montreal Stadium   pg.5

Snow Ridge Ski Program Starts Seventh Season   pg.5

Wausau Juniors Swarm to Lessons at 4-Day Ski School   pg.5

Ten Colleges Entered at Dartmouth Carnival   pg.6

US Women’s Ski Team Trimmed to Six Members   pg.6

Four US Men Named International Judges   pg.6

Langlauf Trails in Norway Closed to Olympic Training   pg.8

27,000 See Devlin Set Longest Jump of Year on Bear Mountain   pg.8

Brilliant Skiing Earns Constant Memorial Title for Corcoran  pg.9

USFS Seeking Builder for Lift on Mammoth   pg.9

Giant Pair of Skis on Way to Oslo as Display at Olympics   pg.9

Fund Drive for DU Team Gains Speed   pg.9

US Girls and Austrian Men Triumph at Bad Gastein International Races   pg.10

Art Tokle Leaps into 13th Place at Stockholm   pg.10

Clifford Optimistic Over Canadian Ski Team at Olympics   pg.10

Barber Refused Amateur Status   pg.10

Far West Areas Snowed Under by Record Storms   pg.11

Germans Disagree Over Olympic Teams   pg.11

US Skiers Top All Former Olympic Performances   pg.1

Patrol Rescues Injured Skier in 5-Hour Trip   pg.1

Andy Lawrence Wins Medal in Opening Race   pg.1

US Olympic Pair Secretly Married for Over a Year   pg.1

Women’s Olympic Langlauf Swept by Three Finnish Girls   pg.1

Giant Slalom to Eriksen; Dodge of US Takes 6th   pg.1

Austrian Ace Skies to Victory in Slalom; US Dodge Surprise 9th   pg.1

Colo Speeds to Olympic Title; Beck 5th   pg.2

Finns Capture Olympic Relay; Americans Twelfth   pg.2

SRMSA Juniors at Steamboat Led by Knowles and Otteson   pg.2

500 Worked on Preparation of Olympic Trails   pg.2

Vermonter Gains Second Gold Medal in Giant Slalom   pg.3

Banff Ready for North American Championships   pg.3

Iron Mountain Stars Dominate Central Contest   pg.3

Olympic Flame Blown Out on Trip to Oslo   pg.3

Northwest Patrol Refused Use of Nat’l Guard Gun   pg.3

Meissner Trophy to Junior X-Country Star   pg.3

Finn Sets Pace in Stiff 50-km Cross-Country   pg.3

Need of Air Force Boost Possibilities at Slide Mountain  pg.3

Denver Pioneers Drub 9 Ski Teams at Nev U Carnival   pg.4

Sun Valleyites Share Honors in Eccles Cup   pg.4

Private Turns Tables on Brass; Chews Out General at Olympics   pg.4

Frenchman Replaces Russian as Judge   pg.4

Early Morning Call Informs Mother of Daughter’s Victory   pg.4

Norse Student Jumps to Title at Leavenworth   pg.4

Vermont Veterans Star in US Eastern Senior Title Meet   pg.4

Duo of Sun Valley Skiers Star During PNSA Title Races   pg.5

Eccles Victorious in IMSA Jr Giant Slalom   pg.5

Fisk Race to Burden   pg.5

Trude Beiser Flashes to Gold Medal in Fast Olympic Downhill   pg.5

Tahoe to Stage Nat’l Jr Jump March 15-16   pg.5

Giant Pine Mt Hill Readied for Meet Mar 8-9   pg.5

Awards Presented to Santa Fe Ski Students   pg.6

Wash State College Team Wins Tourney   pg.6

Norwegian Star Wins 18-km Cross-Country   pg.6

Helicopter on Duty at Site of Olympic Downhill Courses   pg.6

Paul Wegeman Hurt in Jump   pg.6

Alberta Scholastic Ski Meet Draws Big Field   pg.6

Death Toll Rises in Alpine Snow and Avalanches   pg.6

No Combined Olympic Alpine Ski Results   pg.7

Donner Ski Resort Owners Ask Faster Hwy 40 Open   pg.8

Bergmann Claims Jumping Medal; Wegeman 12th   pg.8

Slaatvik Takes Olympic Nordic Combiation   pg.8

Olympic Men Receive Bid to Cascade Meet   pg.8

George Encil New Owner of Sunshine Lodge at Banff   pg.8

Stanford University Team Retains Hold on Tresidder Medal   pg.8

Nat’l Giant Slalom Crowns Go to Spence and Gillis   pg.1

Wegeman High US Jumper at Ski Flight Week   pg.1

3000 Soldiers on Skis During NY Maneuver   pg.1

Teams at Nat’l Intercollegiates Limited to 2 Foreign Students   pg.1

PNSA Giant Slalom Championships Go to Sun Valley Aces   pg.1

Werner and Dunn Win Nat’l Junior Alpine Titles   pg.1

Dartmouth Ski Team Triumphs at Middlebury   pg.1

Cattle Disease Halts Canadian Ski Meet   pg.1

Rugged Eastern Giant Slalom Title Course Upsets Favorites   pg.2

Eastern Senior College Crown to Middlebury   pg.2

NYC and Jersey Ski Clubs Hold Benefit for Tuckerman Hut   pg.2

Iron Mountain Jr Jumpers Dominate Central Title Event   pg.2

Sorensen Stars at Placid Washington’s Birthday Tournament   pg.2

Allais Pleased with Olympic Team   pg.2

Nat’l Downhill Trail Slated to be Rugged Test   pg.3

Barber Top Scorer in National Jumping; Hill Class A Winner   pg.3

Acute Shortage of Models for Ski Clothing Develops   pg.3

Rocky Mountain College Skiers Set 1952-53 Schedule   pg.3

Pioneer Squad Annexes Rocky Mountain Title   pg.3

Montana State U Co-Eds Victors in Big Mountain Meet   pg.3

Magney and Lemmer Share Central Alpine Championship   pg.3

Engen Leads Field at Intermountain Jump   pg.3

First 300-Ft Jump East of Rockies   pg.4

Over Million Dollars Lost by Oslo at Games   pg.4

Irked Club Will Stage No Future FWSA Title Races   pg.5

Record Field of 170 Compete in Sun Valley Race   pg.5

Norwegian Sergeant Wins Army Downhill   pg.5

Bourden Takes All USEASA Senior Men’s Alpine Honors   pg.5

Five Thousand See Clarence Hill Take Ishpeming Contest   pg.5

Zoberski Takes Sierra Nevada Jump Tourney   pg.6

Jannette Burr Smith in Swedish Slalom   pg.6

Clean Sweep at Banff by Calgary Racers   pg.6

Strolz Winner of Parsenn; 5th Spot to Reddish   pg.6

Miller and Jones Lead Field During Brad Mead Slalom   pg.6

Eastern Prep School Title to Kimball Acad.   Pg.6

Offers to Lease Chewelah Peak Center Refused   pg.6

Seattle Area Schools Lead Beta Cup Racers   pg.6

Arnfinn Bergmann Wins Holmenkollen   pg.7

Dagmar Rom Weds Editor in Oslo   pg.7

Brockelmeyer Takes Glenwood Jump Meet   pg.8

Sun Valley Learn to Ski Weeks Continuing Through April19th   pg.8

Critical Injuries Suffered by Young Skier at Pine Mt   pg.8

Canadian Experts Star in Laurentian Zone Slalom Event   pg.8

Corey Engen National Classic Combined Titleist   pg.8

Avalanche Surveys Recommended for Sierra Ski Regions   pg.8

Farwell Highest US Scorer in Swedish Nordic Combinations   pg.8

Two US Skiers Capture Chilean National Ski Titles   pg.1

Norwegian Aces to Compete in US Events This Year   pg.1

Lawrences and Acker to Run Pico Peak Area   pg.1

Three Olympic Stars Sign with Sun Valley Staff   pg.1

First Nat’l Winter Sports Trade Show Set in NYC   pg.1

Andrea Lawrence Honored by NSA   pg.1

NSA Opposes Elimination of Ladies’ Downhill   pg.1

Laurentian Ski Resorts Report Many Changes   pg.1

Congress Fails to Supply Funds for Ski Facilities on NF Land   pg.1

Hornets in Laconia Predict Hard Winter   pg.1

Austria Gets Six Major Ski Events   pg.2

Sun Valley Sets Opening for Dec 20   pg.2

Saska Exclusive Distributor in US for Kneissl Skis   pg.2

2 Water Skiers Establish New Distance Record   pg.2

Ski Jumper Named Prexy of Lake Placid Chamber of Commerce   pg.2

Improvements in All Bass Boots   pg.2

$850,000 for 1952 Winter Olympics   pg.2

NYC Site of NSA Convention   pg.3

Colorado High School Skiers Allowed Time Out for Race Training   pg.3

High-Power Lift Installed at Winter Park   pg.3

Macomber and Clair Appointed to NSA Positions   pg.3

One Killed, Another Injures in Tragic Aspen Climbing Accident   pg.4

KLM Schedules Three European Ski Trip Flights   pg.4

Pint-Size Ski Models Now Available for Kids   pg.4

Corty Hill Awarded 1952 American Ski Trophy by NSA   pg.4

FIS Takes Action on New Zealand  pg.4

SRMSA Paper Changes Format and Circulation   pg.4

Snow Machines to be Used by Three NY State Resorts   pg.4

Sweden Makes Plans for 1954 FIS Contests   pg.4

New Official Ski Publication fro Eastern Assoc   pg.5

Grant Ford to Guide SRMSA During 1952-53   pg.5

Fraser Olympic Ski Tops Gregg Line of Models this Year   pg.5

Denver to Operate Rocky Mountain Ski Information Center Again   pg.5

US Eatern Divisional National Ski Patrol Chairman Resigns Post  pg.5

Survey Set for Lift Possibilities in Estes Park   pg.5

New Double Lift Ready to Operate at Sugar Bowl   pg.6

Colorful Decal Promoting NSPS Drive for Funds   pg.6

Nat’l Ski Assoc Schedules Eight Title Events   pg.6

NSA Returns to Use of Own Rule Book   pg.6

Free Ski Movie Available from Aetna Life Co   pg.6

Former Winter Park Lift Now at Waterville   pg.6

Varied Selection of Bindings Being Offered by Dovre   pg.6

US Eastern Lifts Ban on Barber’s Amateur Status   pg.7

Free Pair of Skis to Each Member of Viking Ski Trip   pg.7

Norway Ski Club to Mark 25th Birthday in NY Nov 22   pg.7

Denver Univ Ski Team to Have Own Jumping Hill   pg.7

Dunaway Back on NNS Staff as Feature Writer   pg.8

PNSA Discontinues Publication of Ski West Mag   pg.8

Expert Says US Boot Business Best in 4 Years   pg.8

Eaton New President of Nat’l Assoc   pg.9

McCrea Takes over Sun Valley Mgmt   pg.10

Murphy Takes Over as New Manager at Mad River Glen   pg.10

Two Junior Trophies Donated for Races at Belleayre Mt   pg.10

Jay Touring US with Movie on 1952 Olympics   pg.10

Development of Sugarloaf Mt Under Survey   pg.10

Reno Bowl Development Entering Initial Stages   pg.11

New Aerial Tram Completed in Tyrol at St Christophe   pg.11

Plans Approved for Tramway at St Moritz   pg.11

New Miller Film Well Received in Denver Showings   pg.11

NY State Instructors to Meet at Syracuse on Nov 22-23   pg.11

Italian Skiing Starts Dec18 at Cortina   pg.11

Sestrieres Gains Popularity Among American Skiers   pg.11

Nat’l Results Must List Amateur and Open Separately   pg.12

Civilian Skiers Again Allowed Use of Luxury Hotel at Garmisch   pg.12

Helge Sather Re-Elected as PNSA Prexy   pg.12

Jack Reddish Awarded Jim Griffith Plaque   pg.12

Heron Installing 24-Car Aerial Tramway into the Sugar Bowl   pg.14

All Facilities and Trails Improved at Cannon Mt   pg.14

Boundary Lines Revised in Two NSA Divisions   pg.14

New LeTrapper Ski Boot Models Arrive in US   pg.14

No Attempt on US Record to be Made During Nat’l Jumping   pg.15

Captains Named for Middlebury   pg.15

Southern Cal Group Plans National Junior Race   pg.15

Ski Free Bindings to be Distributed by Northland Co   pg.15

3500 Spectator See Tremblay Take Belknap Summer Jumping   pg.16

Ski Lacquer is Same Product- New Name   pg.16

Henke Incorporates many New Features in 1952-53 Models   pg.16

Scandinavian Ski Judges Oppose Record Jumping   pg.1

United Air Lines Gives Safety Belts to Stevens Patrol   pg.1

No Limit Set on Amount Needed to Stage Games   pg.1

Construction Being Rushed on Two Double Lifts at Mt Baldy   pg.1

Ravine Lodge at Moosilauke Not Open this Year   pg.1

Berge Transfers to Middlebury   pg.1

Memberships in Broken Bone Club Show Increase   pg.1

Colorado Plans Continued Fight Against Slides   pg.1

Eastern Areas Awarded Three National Events   pg.1

Nat. Intercollegiates at Aspen or Reno   pg.1

Skiers Across Nation Cheered by Early Season Snowstorms   pg.1

Cold Winter in East Say Wolly Bears   pg.2

Free Poster Offered by Gregg Ski Co   pg.2

Training Begins for Denver U Nat’l Champs   pg.2

Former Treasurer of NSA and Early Jumper Dies   pg.2

ERP Funds Help in Construction of Kitzbuhel Lift   pg.2

New Gripper Helps Rope Tow Riders   pg.2

Engineers Develop Process to Provide Colored Snowstorms   pg.2

Avalanche Sheds Proposed fro Danger Zones on Alta Highway   pg.3

Many Changes Reported for Mohawk Mt   pg.3

Jacobs Will Coach Colo Univ Team   pg.3

Ski Groups Urged to Promote Sale of Patrol Manual   pg.3

Norwegian Ski Season Topped by Holmenkollen   pg.3

Yosemite Installs Constam T-Bar at Badger Pass Area   pg.3

Broomhall to Teach Skiing for Farmington, SC   pg.3

Another Ski Tour Added to KLM’s Flight Schedule   pg.4

Hotel Jerome Provides Bus with Hostess and Meals for Guests   pg.4

Laurentian Ski Resorts Prepare for Winter Carnival   pg.4

Beconta Imports Italian Ski Boot Designed by Colo   pg.4

Three National Title Events Still Open   pg.4

New Lift Leads Improvements at Holiday Hill   pg.5

Plastic-Type Lacquer Added to Wiessner Line of Ski Bases   pg.5

Aspen Slopes Prepared for 1952-53 Ski Season   pg.5

Norse Jumping Champ Enrolled at Wenatchee   pg.5

NY Importing Firm Featuring German Boots   pg.5

German Ski Season Scheduled to Start in Mid-November   pg.5

Scandinavian Air Lines Arranging European Tours   pg.5

Briggs Retained as Pres of Eastern Assoc   pg.7

Henke Provides Free Ski Movie for Dealers   pg.7

Free Guidebook of All NY State Ski Centers Available   pg.8

Ski Resorts in New Hampshire Note Expansion   pg.8

Free Banff Ski Movie Now Available from Canadian Pacific RR   pg.8

Eleven Jump Meets Billed for Bear Mtn   pg.9

Glenwood Lift Overhauled by Heron Co   pg.9

Free Descriptive Booklet on Quebec Ski Areas Available   pg.9

Free Illustrated Booklet on Attenhofer Skis   pg.9

Development at Sno Summit Moves Ahead   pg.10

Hogback Continues Long Range Plan of Ski Improvements   pg.10

Miller Film Set for Showings in East   pg.10

Schneider Honored at NY Affair   pg.10

Final Plans Made for Nat’l Winter Sport Show in NY   pg.12

Thorner Returns to US with Series of New Ski Films   pg.12

Eastern College Group Slates 21 Tournaments   pg.12

Allais Racer Leads Tyrol Line of Boots for this Winter   pg.12

Russians Preparing for Future Internat’l Meets   pg.1

10th Mt Alumni Assoc Planning More Activity   pg.1

Museum in Honor of Alta Pioneer Planned by Wasatch Club   pg.1

Andrea Lawrence Bags Six-Point Buck   pg.1

McLean Maps Downhill for 1954 Nat’l Juniors at Jackson Hole   pg.1

Ste Agathe Ski Center to Open Early in Month   pg.1

Silk Ski Scarfs Sold in USEASA to Raise Funds   pg.1

Central Division of Nat’l Ski Patrol Meets Dec 13th in Detroit   pg.1

12 US Colleges Asked to Form Team for Internat’l Ski Tourney   pg.1

Changes Made at Dutch Hill for Ski Season   pg.2

Deseret News Ski School Opening Dec 6th   pg.2

Record Snowfalls Predicted at Valley by Mother Nature   pg.2

Japanese Olympic Skier May Become Dartmouth Student   pg.2

Old Forge Making Plans for Annual Winter Carnival   pg.2

Training Started for Nebelhornet Juniors by Edelweiss Coach   pg.2

Heavy Snows Get Ski Season Off to Early Start Across Nation   pg.3

Joint Ad Plans Set by Pico and Rutland Officials   pg.3

Rugged Swede Skier Becomes Own Doctor   pg.3

Couttet Again to Coach French Nat’l Ski Team   pg.3

Intermountain Ski Teachers Postpone Exams Til Spring   pg.3

Installation of New T-Bar Completed at Brighton Ski Area   pg.3

Major Size Jump Hill Constructed at Snow Ridge Area   pg.3

Big Prizes Await Winners of Contest by Ski-Par-El Co   pg.4

Three Permanent Ski Patrolmen Needed at Winter Park, Colo   pg.4

Seat for Ski Poles Now Available on National Market   pg.4

Free Ski Folders Available from Austrian Bureau   pg.4

NH Resorts Set Up System for Snow Reports   pg.4

All Facilities at Cranmore Set to Roll Dec 14   pg.5

Canadian Ski Instructors School at Chalet Cochand   pg.5

Improved Duck Kote Again Being Packaged in Spray Top Cans   pg.5

Early Snowfalls Blanket Resorts in High Alps   pg.5

Ski Safety Group to Continue Program at Resorts in Utah   pg.5

New Type Nylon Boot Laces on Ski Market   pg.5

US Skiers Need Training to Improve Internat’l Standing-Lunn  pg.5

National Junior Dates May be Postponed   pg.6

West Michigan Resorts to Bid for Big Trade   pg.6

Army Training for Winter Warfare at Snow Ridge   pg.6

New Dynamic Ski Models Offered by Le Trappeur Inc   pg.6

Expert Instruction Faculty Signed for P-I Ski School    pg.6

Improvements Added at Little Mountain Area Near Salt Lake   pg.6

Toni Matt Beginning Fifth Year at Big Mountain   pg.7

Four Lettermen Return to Univ of NH Team   pg.7

Silver Dollar May be Held with Univ of Nev Carnival   pg.7

Sverre Engen to Direct Program at Bogus Basin   pg.7

New Double Lift Set to Operate at Terry Peak   pg.7

Seven Important Events Given to Sno-Hawk Club   pg.7

Newspapers Claim Impending Divorce for Olympic Stars   pg.9

Colby College to Begin Forming Co-Ed Ski Squad   pg.10

Three Rope Tow Areas in Mount Rainier Park   pg.10

Lake Placid Lists Biggest Schedule in Ten Years   pg.10

New Cableway at St Moritz Ready in 2 Yrs   pg.10

Bainbridge Takes Over Management of LaMadera Area   pg.10

Skiing to Become Major Sport at Montana State   pg.10

Hanover Ski Firm Distributing Full Line of Equipment   pg.10

Ski Weeks Top Special Events at Sun Valley   pg.11

Redesigned Top Rack Offered by Northland Ski Co   pg.11

Promotion Campaign Begun for Special Ski Week at Franconia   pg.11

Old Forge to Honor Junior Patrolmen   pg.11

Six Lettermen Form Nucleus for Nevada Ski Team   pg.11

Derby and Ball Skis to be Distributed by Bancroft Co   pg.11

Changes at Jiminy Peak Include New Rope Tow Facility   pg.11

PNSA Proves Merit of Nickel-a-Ticket Program   pg.12

Nat’l Collegiate Title Meet Still has No Sponsor   pg.12

Mont Tremblant Schedules Event Honoring Founder   pg.12

Large Jumping Hill Erected at Terry Peak   pg.12

Forest Service Snow Ranger School at Alta   pg.13

Belleayre Mt Area Ready for Another Record Ski Season   pg.13

Stowe Instructor to Lead Viking Ski Cruise in March   pg.13

Sundin Scandia Ski Available in Five Models this Year   pg.13

Seattle Times Free School Begins Jan 3rd   pg.13

New Norwegian Film has Showing in Rutland School   pg.13

Thieves Ransack Sugar Loaf Mtn Ski Club   pg.13

Plasticite Base Now a Feature All A&T Models   pg.14

Dartmouth Alumni to Sponsor Denver High School Meet   pg.14

British Firm Issues Booklet Describing Various Lift Types   pg.14

Manufacturers Show Interest in Trade Show   pg.14

Swiss Expecting Record Number of American Skiers   pg.16

New York’s Ski Bird Club Sets Varied Events   pg.16

Veteran Canadian Ski Teacher Returning to St Adele School   pg.16

Texas Skiers Get Low Plane Fares to Santa Fe Area   pg.16

Miller Signed for Films by Scandinavian Airlines   pg.1

Cortina Site of Italian Olympic Group Meeting   pg.1

Laurentian Mt Resorts Report Heavy Bookings   pg.1

Army Ski Patrol Unit in Germany Accepted to NSPS Membership   pg.1

Sixteen Awards to be at Stake During Nat’l Cross-Country   pg.1

US Skiers May Now Get Membership in Austrian Ski Association   pg.1

Canadian Ski Patrol System Adopts Use of NSPS Manual   pg.1

New York Ski Areas Urged to Issue Accurate Snow Reports   pg.1

Ski Areas in Pacific Northwest’s Inland Empire Make Changes   pg.1

Aspen Ski School to Have 22 Instructors   pg.1

French Teachers Change Duties of Annual Ski School   pg.2

Season’s First Race Staged at Squaw Valley   pg.2

Popular Jackson Hole Ski Lodge Taken Over by New Management   pg.2

Aspen’s Hotel Jerome Schedules Special Ski Weeks All Winter   pg.2

Washington DC Ski Club Prepares Area in W Virginia Hills   pg.2

All Facilities at Snow Ridge Begin Operation   pg.2

Travelling School for Ski Instructors Slated in Ontario   pg.2

Experts Dispute Merits of New Austrian Trail   pg.3

Crack Teams Entered in Nevada Winter Carnival   pg.3

Ski Jumpers Take Over Management of Area at Emigration Canyon   pg.3

Swiss Resort Hotels May Reduce Rates During Off-Season   pg.3

Four Italian Jumpers to Train in Norway   pg.3

Ski Center Being Developed Near Montpelier, Ida.   pg.3

Winter’s First Race Staged on the Zugspitze   pg.4

Pre-Season Training Begun for Farmington High School Ski Team   pg.4

Deep Snows Mark Season’s Opening Day at Dodge Ridge   pg.4

Wausau Planning Complete Winter Sports Carnival   pg.4

Early Skiing in Europe Slowed by Heavy Rains   pg.4

Free Tow Tickets Given All Skiers on Oopening Day at Bear Canyon   pg.4

New Miller Ski Film Playing to Packed Houses   pg.4

Thirty Teams Invited to Intercollegiate Ski Meet, Aspen, Dec 20   pg.4

Denver and CU Teams Start to Train on Snow   pg.5

New Style Aerial Tramway Built at French Resort   pg.5

Giant Hill Completed in Austria for Internat’l Ski Flying Week   pg.5

Bookings for KLM Ski Tours Heaviest Ever Experienced   pg.5

Henke Invades Low Price Range with New Boot   pg.5

Oregon Officials Meet to Outline Season Ski Plans   pg.5

Nickel-a-Ticket Plan Adopted at Rib Mountain   pg.5

est Skiing in Years Expected for Opening of Sun Valley Dec 20   pg.6

Former European Writer Returns to NNS Editorial Staff   pg.6

Open House Marks Start of 2nd Year at Kratka Ridge Area   pg.7

Early Ski Season Marked by High Injury Figure   pg.7

Univ of NH Skiers Open Race Season at Lyndonville, Vt   pg.7

Special Blanket Rate Set for all Cannon Mt Lifts Mon thru Fri   pg.7

Strong Scorers Return to Univ of Utah Squad   pg.8

New Spokane Ski Areas to Benefit Novice Skiers   pg.8

Estes Park Plans to Expand Facilities if Approval  for Chai r pg.9

Scandinavian Air Lines Offers New Ski Tour Folders   pg.9

Two Major Jumping Tourneys Included on Central’s Schedule   pg.9

Projects Improve Little Mountain Ski Area Near Logan   pg.9

Free Ski Posters from Austrian Tourist Dept   pg.9

US Forces in Austria Forming Own Ski Group   pg.10

Outlook Appears Bright for UCLA 52-53 Ski Team   pg.10

Descriptive Booklet on US Star Binding Available from Mfgr   pg.10

Special Slalom Races at Seattle Times School   pg.10

Facilities Readied for Active Season at Laurel Mt   pg.12

Snow Equipment Installed at Lake Placid Ski Slope   pg.12

Mad River Glen Plans Opening for Dec 20th   pg.12

Arapahoe Basin Issues Colorful New Ski Folder   pg.12

Schenectady Club and YMCA Hold Dry Ski Classes   pg.12

Ontario Winter Folder Now Ready for Free Distribution to Skiers   pg.12



 Skiing October 1958

Cover: Junior Bounous soars from a Sunlit Cornice in Utah’s

Wasatch Range

We Battled Sierra Snows by Lennie Lamb                                    pg.10

Patterns for Parkas- Skiing Fashion for 1959                                pg.22

Snow’s Fine-But Straw’s Cheaper- Fall Photo Feature                  pg.32

Ski Champions of Tomorrow- Photos by Emery Woodall            pg.49


Skiing November 1958

Cover: The Piz Nair Cable Car above Corviglia, St. Moritz Area

Essay on Skimanship by James G. Trager, Jr.                              pg.10

Ski Holiday in Switzerland- Travel, Photo Feature                       pg.14

Crackup!- Story by Curtis Casewit                                                pg.22

Cram Looks at Ski Instructors- Cartoons by Bob Cram              pg.24

How Bud Werner Trains- Photos by Bob Parker                          pg.27

One-Legged Wedeler- Photos by Kim Massie                                 pg.32

The Knitted Look- Ski and Apres-Ski Wear, Fashion                   pg.62


Skiing December 1958

Cover: Skiing Family Leaving the Eastern Slope Inn, North Conway

New Hampshire

Our Olympic Challenge- by Alan Bartholomy                              pg.10

Scientists on Skis- by Bob and Ira Spring                                      pg.30

Ski Flight to the Alps- by Sandra Heath                                        pg.39

France’s First Winter Resort- by Robert Corbier                           pg.50

Arlberg vs. Wedeln by Gordon Wren                                             pg.54

Two’s Company- by Ray Carroll                                                   pg.60

Ski Slides to Paintings by Thomas Hook                                        pg.76

Santa’s Choice- Christmas Fashions                                               pg.82


Skiing January 1959

Cover: Marius Eriksen (Stein’s Brother) and Bogner Fashion Model

Ina Climbing the Slopes Above Zermatt, Switzerland

Stamps for Skiers- by Tom Burrier                                                pg.14

Learning Wedeln with Fred Iselin                                                   pg.17

Alps in Ohio- Photo Feature                                                            pg.22

Winter In Paradise- Louie Kirk Photos                                          pg.26

Skiing Types- Cartoons by Bob Cram                                           pg.38

The Big Quilt- Quilted Ski Parkas, Skiwear, Fashion                    pg.50


February 1959

A Look at the Pros- American Ski Instructors                               pg.9

Ski Family at Sun Valley                                                                 pg.18

Of Skis, Salaams and Sausages by Zig Bulanda                           pg.22

Not For Beginners- Photos by Emery Woodall                              pg.26

Deep Powder Skiing with Alf Engen                                              pg.33

Call the Ski Patrol- Ski Minutemen in Action                                pg.42


March 1959

A Talk with Toni Sailer by Curtis Casewit                                    pg.8

Ski Hula                                                                                           pg.11

Skis to School                                                                                   pg.14

Ski Silhouettes by William Tague                                                   pg.18

A Way of Life- The Story of Otto Schneibs                                   pg.23

Guardians of the Alps                                                                     pg.34

Barnyard Ski Tow- Photos by Hanson Carroll                             pg.38

The Great Wedeln Controversy                                                      pg.44

Ski Fever in Finland                                                                        pg.48

Perils of Spring Skiing by Bob Cram                                             pg.52


October 1959

Squaw Valley Preview                                                                     pg.13

Training Can Be Fun with Bev Anderson                                      pg.25

Gertie and the Green Mountain Bear by Leon W. Dean               pg.28

Ski Fashions for 1960                                                                      pg.34

Tyros at Timberline- Summer Ski Training                                   pg.44

Ullr- God of Skiers                                                                          pg.47

Things We Learned Last Winter- Cartoons by Bob Cram, Humor       pg.50

Summer on Monte Kaolino                                                             pg.60


November 1959

Ski Holiday in Aspen                                                                       pg.8

Countdown on Baldy- Bill Dunaway Fiction                                 pg.17

Can Schussboomers Be Stopped? by Minnie Dole                         pg.29

Ski Pony- New Aid for Lazy Skiers                                                pg.36

Chamonix-A Glacier World                                                            pg.53

Tyrolian Ski Safari                                                                          pg.71

Sweaters for an Olympic Year- Fashion                                         pg.77


Skiing December 1959

Skiing with Stein- Fred Lindholm Photos                                      pg.9

America’s Only Woman Snow Ranger by Jim Scott                     pg.23

Is Your Ski Vocabulary Showing? by Murray Olderman            pg.30

Innsbruck-Olympics 1964                                                               pg.32

First Day on Skis                                                                             pg.40

Elegance De Ski                                                                               pg.46

Hi Buddy! Tenth Mountain Reunion                                             pg.52

Countdown on Baldy- Part II                                                         pg.60

Vermont’s Amazing Snite Sisters                                                    pg.73

Reindeer Race in Lapland                                                               pg.84

Sun Valley Oldster                                                                           pg.90

Memorial for Hannes                                                                      pg.100


Skiing January 1960

The Sun Valley Kids                                                                        pg.7

By Boat to Norway’s Ski Fields                                                       pg.16

Girl meets Boy at Mammoth- John Stephens Photos                     pg.29

Technique of the Future- by Doug Pfeiffer                                    pg.42

Sweater Parkas- Versatile Skiwear, Fashion                                  pg.55

He Died On Skis by Curtis Casewit                                                pg.59


Skiing February 1960 Olympic Souvenir Issue

All Eyes Are on Squaw                                                                    pg.7

US Olympic Coaches                                                                       pg.12

Work Your Way to the Olympics by Bob Cram                           pg.14

Canada’s New Ski Queen                                                                pg.22

Stars to Watch- VIII Olympic Games                                             pg.27

America’s Alpine Skiers                                                                   pg.34

A Tough Break for Bud Werner by Bill Dunaway                        pg.53

Riders and Sliders                                                                            pg.63

India’s One Man Ski Team                                                             pg.80

A Skier’s Glossary                                                                           pg.86

Ski and Shoot                                                                                  pg.92


Skiing March 1960

Spring Skiing East and West

Diehards at Tuckermans                                                       pg.8

Down Baldy Chute at Alta                                                    pg.11

Sierra Spring Carnival                                                          pg.14

Tour in the High Cascades                                                    pg.16

Young Yankees Ski the Alps                                                           pg.20

Visit to a Small Snow Covered Planet by Zig Bulanda                 pg.27

The Kids Who Wouldn’t Quit- Colorado’s NCAA Victory           pg.34


October 1960

Avalanche! Fred Lindholm Photos                                                 pg.12

They Said It Couldn’t Be Done- The Olympic Ski Patrol              pg.64

Spaghetti Ski Jump                                                                         pg.46

Ski Fun in the City, A Visit to Vancouver, BC- Resorts, Ski Areas        pg.58

“I’ll Make the Next Olympics”- Jimmy Heuga’s Story by Jim Scott      pg.25

Ski Bum- Fiction by Michael Curran                                             pg.22

Why Do You Ski? Cartoons by Bob Cram, Humor                      pg.77

See and Ski- Winter Fashions for 1961                                          pg.37

Shape Up for Stretch Pants – Fall Conditioning Exercises

by Bonnie Prudden                                                                pg.18


November 1960

Skier’s Grand Tour of European Ski Resorts                                pg.12

Improve  Your Skiing Through Slalom with Aspen’s Toni Spiess         pg.21

Shape Up for Stretch Pants Part II- Fall Conditioning Exercises

by Bonnie Prudden                                                                pg.27

The Worst Way to Die- Fiction by Curtis Casewit                         pg.30

‘Swonderful in Sweaters- Fashion                                                   pg.37

Whatever Became of my Friends-the Ski Bums? Cartoons

by Bob Cram, Humor                                                           pg.55

He Wants to Cut Your Skis Off Short- Clif Taylor                       pg.60


December 1960

White Symphony- Photo Feature by Hans Truol                          pg.17

Is Wedeln Old-Fashioned? by Doug Pfeiffer, Technique               pg.12

Teaching Your Child to Ski by Barbara Jones Thoreu, Technique       pg.26

Furs and Furbelows- Fashion                                                          pg.30

Water Skier at Sun Valley                                                               pg.39

Pal Joie- Tomboy of the Slopes by Jim Scott                                 pg.82

Mom Takes up Skiing by Muriel Bergquist                                   pg.42

Doesn’t It Happen to Everyone? Cartoons by Bob Cram, humor         pg.92

Do It Yourself Skiing                                                                       pg.80


October 1961

They Ski For Money                                                                        pg.13

Smiley Hits the Big Time- Photos by Dick Smith                           pg.18

The Mountain Doctor- Photo Essay by Heini Mayr                      pg.22

Ivan Sets His Sights- Soviet Press Photos                                        pg.30

World Record Jump- Photos by Hans Truol                                 pg.36

Accent on the Positive for 1962- Fashion                                        pg.60

Bongo Bounce- Conditioning                                                          pg.66

Those Lucky Bums Who Skied All Summer- Humor by Bob Cram      pg.69


Skiing November 1961

Kitzbuhel Ski Holiday- Photos by Heini Mayr, Travel                  pg.13

California Ski Scandal by Burt Sims                                             pg.18

There Is An American Technique- Fred Lindholm photos            pg.21

Sayama Ski slopes- Tokyo’s Indoor Ski Paradise                          pg.27

Death Skis the Icefall- Ficiton by Pierre Marteau                           pg.30

Target: Chamonix- US Alpine Skiers Train, Competition            pg.35

They Ski for Money Part II- Competition                                      pg.86

Skiing is Believing- Fashion                                                            pg.71


Skiing December 1961

Fabulous Stein- Photos by Fred Lindholm                                     pg.13

Jay Peak’s Walter Foeger- Hanson Carroll Photos                        pg.25

Sun Valley’s Silver Anniversary by Curtis Casewit                       pg.19

The Prizeby Donna Marie Forsha                                                   pg.22

Winterskol in Aspen- Fred Lindholm photos                                   pg.29
The Omelet technique- Fred Lindholm photos                                  pg.40
Ski Belles at the Bar- Sketches by Vavra                                          pg.56

First Aid, Frustration and Fervor- Skiing Report

by Curtis Casewit                                                                                            pg. 19

O p e r a t i o n   S h o r t   S k i s -   T e c h n i q u e ,   E l m a r   B a x t e r

P h o t o s                                                                                                                        p g . 24

S k i e r s   R e n t   a   C o o p e r a t i v e   L o d g e -   R e s o r t   L i v i n g

H a n s o n   C a r r o l l   P h o t o s                                                                                                                                     p g . 5 8

L o u i e ‘s   R o b o t -   F i c t i o n   b y   W i l l i a m   M o r e y                                                                                            p g . 3 1

T r y o u t   O n   S k i s -   F i c t i o n   b y   C o ns t a n c e   M c M u l l e n                                                                p g . 3 3

O n   t h e   W a y   t o   t h e   B i e r s t u b e -   F a s h i o n                                                                                p g . 7 0

L i k e   F a t h e r ,   L i k e   S o n   b y   D o r o t h e a   P e n i z e k                                                           p g . 1 6

P e t e ‘s   P a r a d i s e   b y   B o b   P a r k e r                                                                                                                                     p g . 2 2

W e s t e r n   P i o n e e r   b y   T o m   K o r o l o g o s                                                                                                              p g . 4 0


 F e b r u a r y   1 9 6 3

C a n a d a ‘s     ’6 8   O l y m p i c   B i d   S K I I N G   R e p o r t                                       p g . 1 3

A   T r i b u t e   t o   T r e n k e r   b y   C u r t i s   C a s e w i t                                              p g . 2 1

T h e   P h a n t o m   R i d e s   A g a i n -   P e r s o n a l i t y  C h i c k   H a y w a r d      p g . 3 4

B i g   M o u n t a i n   L o v e   A f f a i r -   R e s o r t s   b y   S h i r l e y   M i l l e r                      p g . 2 6

S t e a m b o a t ‘s   S n o w y   S p e c t a c u l a r -   R e s o r t s ,   S k i   A r e a s

B y   C h u c k   L e c k e n b y                                                                                    p g . 5 6

O l y m p i c   T r a i n i n g   C a m p   a t   V a i l -   C o m p e t i t o n                                p g . 2 8

T h e   C o m p l e a t   S k i   I n s t r u c t o r -   H u m o r   b y   B o b   C r am                p g . 4 1

D e r   G r o s s   L a u g h e n -   H u m o r ,   C o u r t e s y   o f   F e d e r   V e r l a g      p g . 5 8

S n o w   R a n g e r -   F i c t i o n   b y   G o r d o n   A l l r e d                                              p g . 3 1

M t .   H o o d   H o u d i n i   b y   B i l l   K e i l                                                                        p g . 1 8

W i n d o w s   t o   W a r e h o u s e s   b y   D a w n   D e n z e r                                           p g . 2 4


M a r c h   1 9 6 3   ( S p r i n g /   S u m m e r )

S k i   t h e   R o c k i e s   t h i s   S p r i n g -   S K I I N G   R e p o r t                                  p g . 1 3

F o l l o w   W i n t e r   t o   C h i l e -   S K I I N G   I n t e r v i e w                                       p g . 3 8

T h e   B a u e r n   S w i n g -   T e c h n i q u e                                                                         p g . 2 2

A   D o g ‘s   E y e   V i e w   o f   A s p e n -   R e s o r t s ,   S k i   A r e a s

D i c k   W i l l i a m s   P h o t o s                                                                         p g . 2 5

A   P a g e   F r o m   G u g l i o ‘s   S c r a p b o o k -   R o g e r  , B a r b a r a   B r o w n            p g . 4 2

S k i e r s   T r a i n   f o r   M t .   E v e r e s t -   S K I I N G   R e p o r t                               p g . 3 2

T h e   M a n   W h o   H a t e d   S p r i n g -   H u m o r ,   B o b   C r a m   C a r t o o n s         p g . 4 6

M a i n e   W e d e l n   M a s t e r   b y   V i c t o r   A .   S c h l i c h                         p g . 2 0

A l a s k a   s   F i r s t   N a t i o n a l s   b y   E d   F o r t i e r                                     p g . 3 6

S u m m e r   R a c i n g   S c h o o l   b y   E d   T h o m a s                                       p g . 5 0


 O c t o b e r   1 9 6 3

C o v e r :   E r n s t   H i n t e r s e e r   M a k e s   a   G e l a e n d s p r u n g

T h e   N a t i o n a l s -   C o m p e t i t i o n ,   J i m   B a l o g   P h o t o s                            p g . 1 3

O n   t h e   W a y   t o   I n n s b r u c k -   B i l l   K e i l   P h o t o s ,   R e p o r t   f r o m   t h e

U S   O l y m p i c   T r a i n i n g   C a m p                                                         p g . 6 5

A r e   Y o u r   S k i s   O n   S t r a i g h t ? -   T e c h n i q u e ,   N e w   T h e o r y                      p g . 1 8

W a l l   o f   F e a r -   F i c t i o n   b y   D o n o v a n   F i t z p a t r i c k ,   R a c e r ‘s

S t r u g g l e W i t h   I n n e r   F e a r s                                                                            p g . 25

S u n   V a l l e y   S c r a p b o o k -   R e s o r t   L i v i n g ,   C .   R o b e r t   L e e   P h o t o s                                                                                                                         p g . 3 3

5 0 -   M i l e   D o w n h i l l   M a r a t h o n -   J o e r n   G e r d t s   P h o t o s -

V a i l   S k i e r s   A c c e p t   P r e s i d e n t   K e n n e d y ‘s   C h a l l e n g e         p g . 46

T h e   A m e r i c a n   F l y e r s -   b y   D i c k   D i l l m a n ,   I n t e r v i e w   w i t h

A m e r i c a ‘s   T w o   B e s t   J u m p e r s                                                       p g . 5 6

F a s h i o n s   F o r   O l y m p i c   Y e a r                                                                     p g . 7 7


 N o v e m b e r   1 9 6 3

S k i   C o u n t r y   U S A -   R e s o r t   L i v i n g ,   C o l o r a d o   S k i   V a c a t i o n           p g . 1 3

A q u a s c h u s s e r s   H o l i d a y -   C h a r l i e   G r o v e r   P h o t o s ,

W a t e r   S k i e r s   H o l i d a y   o n   S n o w                                                           p g . 4 1

A   F r a m e s -   V a c a t i o n   R e t r e a t s   f o r   S k i e r s                                                      p g . 9 7

Y e s t e r d a y   I s   N o t   T o d a y -   F i c t i o n   b y   C u r t i s   C a s e w i t -

A   F o r m e r   C h a m p i o n   R a c e s   A g a i n                                               p g . 2 0

T h e   A m e r i c a n   S y s t e m -   T e c h n i q u e ,   P S I A   A p p r o v e d

U n i f i e d    T e c h n i q u e                   p g . 2 9

T h e   P u n c t u a t i o n   T e c h n i q u e -   H u m o r   b y   B u r t   S i m s   w i t h

C a r t o o n s   b y   B e v   M o o r e                                                                         p g . 5 0

T e c h n i q u e s   W e   S h o u l d   M a s t e r   T h i s   F a l l -   H u m o r ,

B o b   C r a m    C a r t o o n s                                                                                         p g . 6 5

A   R a i n b o w   o f   C o l o r -   f a s h i o n   S k e t c h e s   f o r   1 9 6 3 – 6 4                      p g . 7 3

A   C r o s s – C o u n t r y   S u p e r m a n    C o m p e t i t i o n                                                 p g . 8 6

T h e   W o r l d ’s   F a s t e s t   S k i e r s -  T w o   A m e r i c a n s   B r e a k

W o r l d   Sp e e d   R e c o r d   [speed skiing]                                                          p g . 1 1 2


 D e c e m b e r   1 9 6 3

S a t u r d a y   a t   S t r a t t o n -  V e r m o n t   L o d g e s ,   S k i   A r e a s                    p g . 1 3

C r a n m o r e ’s   2 5 t h   A n n i v e r s a r y   b y   T a p   G o o d e n o u g h                 p g . 9 0

T h e   N e w   D y n a – T u r n -   O l y m p i a n   T e c h n i q u e

by B o b   B e a t t i e                                                                                                p g . 1 8

S k i v e e   J e e b i e s -   H u m o r ,   N e w   L o o k   a t   O l d   S i t u a t i o n s                               p g . 2 8

R u n ,   S k i e r ,   R u n -   C r e s t e d   B u t t e ,   C o l o r a d o   H o s t s   N o r d i c

C h a m p i o n s h i p s                                                                                                 p g . 4 9

A m e r i c a   s   B i a t h a l o n   C h a l l e n g e -   U S   A r m y   A i m s   F o r   G o l d

M e d a l                                                                                                              p g . 9 8

I n s i d e   S q u a w   V a l l e y   b y   J i m   S c o t t ,   F o u r   Y e a r s   A f t e r   t h e

O l y m p i c s                                                                                                                  p g . 6 9

F a s h i o n   s   G r e a t   N e w   L o o k                                                                             p g . 7 7

S k i   S a g a   i n   A l a s k a   b y   H u g h   C r u i k s h a n k , J r . -   H u m o r o u s

P e r i l s  O f   a   S k i   A r e a   M a n a g e r                                                                  p g . 1 1 5


January 1964

Instant Austria- Munich, Gateway to Bavaria and the Tyrol,

Elmar Baxter photos                                                                                              pg. 13

Glacier Adventure- Alaskan Ski Adventure, by Dick Barrymore                            pg.31

Is This America’s Year? Forecasts by Past Olympians and Officials                                    pg. 19

They Search for Speed- US Olympians prepare for the Downhill-

John Stephens photos, Competition                                                                   pg. 38

The Crown Jewels of American Skiing- National Ski Trophies,

by Zig Bulanda                                                                                                       pg. 46

The Mail Must Go Through- Floyd Wilson skis the Toughest Mail

Route, by John W. Pekarcik                                                                                pg .27

The Innsbruck Look- Fashion                                                                                         pg. 55

Midweek Blues- Cartoons by Bob Cram, Humor                                                       pg .64

Kangaroo Jump- California Skiers Jump for Fun, Paul Ryan photos

Resort Living                                                                                                           pg. 70


F e b r u a r y   1 9 6 4

W o r l d   s   G r e a t e s t   S k i e r s – P o t e n t i a l   O l y m p i c  M e d a l   W i n n e r s   p g . 1 3

Q u e s t   f o r   V i c t o r y -   T o p   I n t e r n a t i o n a l   R a c e r s                                            p g . 2 7

L o n g   a n d   S i x t y   b y   M a r t i n   C r a w f o r d -   T h e   R e a l   S t o r y

B e h i n d   S k i   J u m p i n g   b y   F o r m e r   U S   O l y m p i a n                        p g . 3 3

O l y m p i c   W i n n e r s   P r e d i c t e d -   b y   S e r g e   L a n g                                         p g . 2 2

P o w d e r   S m o k e -   G e o r g e   S c h w a r t z   p h o t o s ,   P o w d e r   S k i i n g

A t   A l t a ,   U t a h                                                                                                p g . 4 3

W h e n   I n   I n n s b r u c k -   B e v   M o o r e   C a r t o o n s ,   H u m o r                         p g . 5 2

T h e   N e w   B u d   W e r n e r -   b y   S e r g e   L a n g                                                p g . 5 8


 M a r c h   1 9 6 4   ( S p r i n g /   S u m m e r )

W h i r l a w a y   H o l i d a y -   H e l i c o p t e r   H o p   t o   V a i l   C o l o r a d o ,

Sk i   A r e a s             p g . 1 3

U l l r   D a g   F e s t i v a l – S t a n l e y   Z a m o n s k i   p h o t o s ,   K i n g d o m   o f

B r e c k e n r i d g e   C e l e b r a t e s   i t s   I n d e p e n d e n c e       p g . 6 1

I   D a r e d   t h e   H e a d w a l l -   b y   T o n i   M a t t ,   S k i i n g ‘s   M o s t   H i s t o r i c

S c h u s s        p g . 2 1

I   R e m e m b e r   C h i l e -   b y   D i c k   B a r r y m o r e ,   S k i   A r e a s        p g . 2 5

S k i   A u s t r a l i a            p g . 5 6

O f f i c i a l   S k i   R e s u l t s   I X   W i n t e r   O l y m p i c s          p g . 3 1

T h e   S a d   S a g a   o f   H a r l e y   S t e m w e l l -   B o b   C r a m   C a r t o o n s ,

H u m o r       p g . 6 6

I n   t h e   G o o d   O l d   S u m m e r   T i m e -   T w o   o f   A m e r i c a ‘s   S u m m e r

R a c i n g   C a m p s           p g . 7 2



October 1964


T h e   H a r d   R o a d   t o   t h e   O l y m p i c s -   E d s ,   W h a t   i t   W i l l   t a k e

A m e r i c a n   A l p i n e   S u p e r i o r i t y                                                                             p g . 3 4

T h e   S i l v e r   B e l t -   O l y m p i a n s   G a t h e r   f o r   W e r n e r   M e m o r i a l

S l a l o m                                                                                                      p g . 4 2

A   M e m o r y   o f   B u d   W e r n e r -   C o a c h   B o b   B e a t t i e   R e c o u n t s           p g . 4 6

G e t   F i t   W i t h   M e -   C o n d i t i o n i n g   b y   S t e i n   E r i k s e n                                   p g . 5 8

I n s t r u c t o r s   C o r n e r -   S k i i n g   A i l m e n t s   R e v i e w e d                             p g . 6 5

A n t i c i p a t i o n – O r   C o u n t e r   R o t a t i o n ?   W h a t   t h e   P r o s   L e a r n e d

Fr o m   t h e   O l y m p i c   T e a m ,   T e c h n i q u e                                                      p g . 7 3

F o u r   A g a i n s t   t h e   A l p s -   b y   A n n i e   B o u l a t ,   A l p i n e   A d v e n t u r e ,

Sk i   M o u n t a i n e e r i n g                                                                                p g . 5 0

H i g h   S t y l e   S w e a t e r s -   F a s h i o n                                                               p g . 8 2

A l l   A b o u t   B o o t s   b y   E m e r y   W o o d a l l ,   J r . ,   G u i d e   t o   F i t t i n g

a n d   N e w   C o n s t r u c t i o n ,   E q u i p m e n t                                           p g . 7 6

U S A : T h e   W i n d s   o f   C h a n g e ,   B i g   a n d   S m a l l   S k i   A r e a

D e v e l o p m e n t s                                                                                                    p g . 8 8

E u r o p e :   F o u r t h   S i d e   t o   t h e   S k y -   C h a m o n i x ‘s   L o g n a n

P r e m i e r   S k i   S t a t i o n ,   S k i   A r e a s                                                                 p g . 9 0


 N o v e m b e r   1 9 6 4

R e s c u e   a t   V a i l   b y   B o b   P a r k e r ,   t h e   O r d e a l   o f   M a r t i n   K o e t h e r ,  J r .                                                                                                                          p g . 6 0

A m a t e u r s   a n d   A v a l a n c h e s   b y   M o n t g o m e r y   M .   A t w a t e r

E x p e r t   A d v i c e                                                                                             p g . 8 0

T e c h n i q u e   T o d a y :   A n   E v a l u a t i o n   b y   M i k i   H u t t e r ,   I s   A p p e a r a n c e

T h e   E s s e n c e   o f   S k i i n g ?                                                                                                  p g . 9 9

I n s t r u c t o r s   C o r n e r -   T e c h n i q u e   b y   D o u g   P f e i f f e r   a n d   A n t h o n y

R a v i e l l i ,   F o r   B e g i n n e r   a n d   E x p e r t                                                                  p g . 1 0 3

S t e m   C h r i s t i e   W i t h   S t e i n   b y   S t e i n   E r i k s e n ,   T e c h n i q u e                       p g . 1 10

F o u r   A g a i n s t   t h e   A l p s   b y   A n n i e   B o u l a t ,   L a s t   L e g   o f   t h e

F r a n c e   t o   A u s t r i a   A d v e n t u r e ,   S k i   M o u n t a i n e e r i n g               p g . 7 4

L o n g   a n d   L e a n -   F a s h i o n ,   F r e n d   L i n d h o l m   p h o t o s                          p g . 6 4

S k i   S h o p   b y   B o b   B u g g ,   H u m o r   ( S k i   B u y i n g   M a d n e s s )                           p g . 7 0

M o u n t a i n   i n   t h e   M i d d l e -   b y   M i k e   B e a t r i c e ,   G l e n   E l l e n

a n d   t h e  M a n   W h o   B u i l t   I t                                                                                           p g . 8 3

S k i i n g   P e r s i a n   V e r s i o n   b y   J o h n   J a y                                                         p g . 8 6

I t   H a p p e n s   B e h i n d   t h e   H e e l -   b y   E m e r y   W o o d a l l ,   J r . ,   H e e l

R e l e a s e   a n d   I t s   F u t u r e ,   E q u i p m e n t                                                   p g . 1 1 2

T h e   I n h a b i t a n t s   o f   V e n u s -   b y   I r w i n   S h a w ,   F i c t i o n                  p g . 9 1

 S p e c i a l   E a s t e r n   S e c t i o n

F a m i l y   F r i e n d   i n   M t .   W a s h i n g t o n   V a l l e y   b y   M i k e   B e a t r i c e ,

B i l l   W h i t n e y ‘s   B l a c k   M t n .                                                                                     p g . E 1

N e w   E n g l a n d   M o v e s   t o   N e w   Y o r k   b y   A l f r e d   G r e e n b e r g ,

N e w   C a v e   M o u n t a i n                                                                                             p g .   E 2 0

A   P l a c e   f o r   P e n n s y l v a n i a n s -   B l u e   K n o b                                                      p g . E 6

B i g   S k i i n g   f o r   t h e   B o r d e r   b y   M a r v i n   M o s s                                                         p g . E 1 7

S k i i n g :   W h a t   t h e   D o c t o r   O r d e r e d -   T h e   S t o r y   o f   C r o t c h e d

M o u n t a i n                                                                                                                              p g . E 2 4

E a s t e r n   R o u n d u p -   W h o’s   B u i l d i n g   W h a t                                                 p g . E 1 0


December 1964

Fear and the Skier by Denise McCluggage                                     pg.52

Rural Renewal by Alfred H. Greenberg, Before you buy Virgin

Mountainside ReadThis                                                                  pg.104

Diary of a Shattered Ego by Janet Wagner,

Canadian Alliance Course                                                 pg.132

Rebel With a Cause by Dinah B. Withchel,

Racer Harry Richard Ryan III                                              pg.68

The Fine Art of Giant Slalom by Bob Beattie, the Olympians and their

Coach Show You How                                                          pg.70

Buying for the Youngsters by Emery Woodall, Jr., Equipment   pg.80

Christmas is for Children (and their Parents Too)- Fashion         pg.84

Return to the Summit by Martin Luray, Vail, Colorado, Ski Areas      pg.62

A Ringing of Bells, A Falling of Snow by Ruth Rudner-

Oberstdorf and the Klein Walsertal enclave in the Alps               pg.76

To Oslo As the Crow Flies by Tatto Murray,

Cross Country in  Norway with NATO Forces                                pg.120

Technique Today-Part II by Miki Hutter, Elegance and Motion  pg.92

Instructors’ Corner by Doug Pfeiffer and Anthony Ravielli         pg.95

The Unsinkable Darcy Brown by George Bush, Man Who Runs

Aspen Colorado Ski Areas                                                              pg.112

Mont Blanc- Del Mulkey’s Evocation of Shelley’s Poem                pg.56


January 1965

An End to Slalom Racing? by Roland Huntford                          pg.40

The Art of Downhill Racing by Bob Beattie, Gordie Eaton

Demonstrates                                                                          pg.54

Anatomy of a Ski by Emery Woodall, Jr.- How they’re Made,

Work and Buying Them                                                       pg.60

The Many Worlds of Skiing: 1- Photos by Fred Lindholm           pg.42

The Many Worlds of Skiing: 2- Drawings by Cecil Johnson        pg.48

Above the Blue Coast by Melton Davis, Ski Areas Above the Riviera   pg.64

Instructors’ Corner- Technique                                                       pg.83

Voyage Out, Voyage Home- Skiing and Love in the Swiss Alps   pg.67

Eastern Section

Skiing: A Nursery Story by Alfred H. Greenberg, Ski Area

Babysitting More Popular                                                     pg.E1

Skiing From Capitol Hill by Barbara Dubivsky- Ski Club of

Washington, D.C.                                                                  pg.E8


February 1965

The Lure of Touring- Interest Revived in Ski Touring                 pg.30

Silver Glaciers, High Peaks by Harvey Edwards and Del Mulkey,        Switzerland’s Aletsch Glacier          pg.34

Ski Mountaineering by Gilbert Robino, Techniques and Equipment    pg.40

Cross- Country Skiing by Johnny Caldwell                                  pg.44

Instructors’ Corner by Doug Pfeiffer and Anthony Ravielli, Technique         pg.53

Technique Today: Part III by Miki Hutter, Width of Track Doesn’t

Measure Strength of Skier                                                     pg.58

The Science of Slalom by Bob Beattie, Why It Has Become American

Specialty                                                                                 pg.70

Rebirth of the Butte by George Bush, Crested Butte, Ski Areas   pg.62

When It Rained on Washington’s Birthday by Mort Gerberg      pg.66

Enchanting Apres-Ski- Fashion                                                      pg.46


March/ April 1965

16,000 Miles of Downhill- Racing                                                   pg.27

The Big Breakthrough- US Hosts International Team Races        pg.30

The Bittersweet World of Francois Bonlieu by Harvey Edwards,

French Olympian Turns Pro                                                 pg.32

High and Mighty Obergurgl by Ruth Rudner, Spring Skiing Austrian

Alps                                                                                         pg.34

White World Down Under By Jules Eberhardt, Australia-

New Zealand Ski Areas                                                         pg.38

Spring Vacation in the Rockies: What the College Skier Wears-

Fashion                                                                                   pg.46

Parallel With Stein- Instruction                                                       pg.52

Instructors’ Corner by Doug Pfeiffer and Anthony Ravielli, Technique         pg.57

Interski: The Seventh Congress by Doug Pfeiffer and Miki Hutter,

Bad Gastein                                                                            pg.24

Jill at Aspen-Actress/ Celebrity                                                       pg.50

Buckle Bootmanship- Fitting Buckle Boots                                    pg.67

A Skier’s Roundhouse- Vacation Home Built from a Silo             pg.42


October 1965

Two On the Racing Circuit by Fletcher Manley, Jr., Competition         pg.64

Skiing Avant- Garde by Doug Pfeiffer, Technique                        pg.78

Instruction Corner, Technique                                                        pg.83

New Mexican Ski-Ride by Doug Pfeiffer, Travel                           pg.72

Will Success Spoil Jackson Hole? Travel, Ski Areas, Wyoming    pg.100

Mont Blanc’s Twin Valleys by Harvey Edwards, Europe, Ski Areas,

Travel                                                                                               pg.104

Ten Years for Toni by Denise McCluggage                                   pg.92

Op on Top- Fashion                                                                        pg.96

The Child Prodigy by Mort Gerberg, Humor                                pg.126

Eastern Section

Chaytauqua Harvest by Joyce Ferris Swan                                   pg.E1

Highland Fling by Tom Place                                                         pg.E4


Technically Speaking- Doug Pfeiffer Reviews Interski                  pg.24

Competitively Speaking- Bob Beattie on Overtraining                  pg.29

Car and Skier- Denise McCluggage on Skier’s Dream Cars         pg.32

Letter From Mamaia- At the FIS Congress                                    pg.40

Travel- Fly to Skiing                                                                        pg.44

After Skiing- Books, Films, Restaurants                                         pg.52

In the Ski Shops- Goggles, Equipment                                           pg58


November 1965

It Takes Guts- Photos by Fred Lindholm, Competition                 pg.60

Dry Land Slalom by Bob Beattie, Competition                             pg.64

The Snowplow Christie by Stein Eriksen, Technique                    pg.92

The Jet Turn by Honore Bonnet, Technique                                 pg.104

Instruction Corner, Technique                                                        pg.95

Today’s Skis: How Do They Rate? by Woody Woodall, Equipment     pg.75

Active at Aspen- Fashion                                                                 pg.68

It’s Happening at Sun Valley by Martin Luray, Travel,

Ski Areas, Idaho                                                                    pg.80

Where the Glacier Never Ends by Harvey Edwards, Europe, Travel    pg.88

The Borscht Belt Revisited by Mort Gerberg, Humor                   pg.108

The Fall Line by Jack Tobin                                                           pg.136

Eastern Section

Reserve Your Own Mounatin                                                         pg.E1

Country Club Skiing                                                                       pg.E4


Letter From Chile- Bob Beattie on Portillo and Its Troubles         pg.30

Car and Skier- Denise McCluggage on Custom Cars for Skiers   pg.34

Travel- Campers for Skiers                                                             pg.42

In The Ski Shops- Woodall on Boot Presses                                   pg.134


December 1965

Portrait of a Ski Council by Martin Luray and Anne Farley,

Competition                                                                            pg.56

Forward and to the Outside: Part I by Bob Beattie, Competition pg.62

Snowplow Wedeln by Stein Eriksen, Technique                            pg.99

Ski Like a Pro by Conrad Staudinger, Technique                         pg.102

Instruction Corner, Technique                                                        pg.111

Inside Skis by Woody Woodall, Equipment                                  pg.86

Fabulous Furs- Fashion                                                                   pg.78

High Sierra: Land of the Tender Snowflower by Ernie Gay, Travel,

Ski Areas                                                                                pg.90

Salzburg: Mountains and Mozart by Ruth Rudner, Photos

by Erich Hartmann, Europe, Ski Areas, Travel                   pg.68

Happi Hansi- Photos by Richard Rowan                                       pg.74

Skier’s Christmas Catalogue                                                           pg.83

The Fall Line by John Tobin                                                          pg.130

Lionel Terray                                                                                   pg.32

The All-India Ski Meet by Byron Weis, Humor                             pg.142

Eastern Section

Camelback- Model for Metropolitan Skiers                                   pg.E2

Madonna Mountain                                                                        pg.E20

Bristol Mountain                                                                             pg.E28


Car and Skier- McCluggage on Winterizing                                  pg.122

Travel- Vienna, Europe, Ski areas                                                  pg.128

Letter From Geneva- Portillo Upheld                                             pg.138

In the Ski Shops- Hats and Headbands                                          pg.144


January 1966

Arosa Rediscovered by Jules Eberhard, Europe, Travel, Ski Areas       pg.34

Portraits of Placid- Watercolors by Cecile Johnson                       pg.46

The Rounded Turn by Pepi Gramshammer, Technique               pg.63

Instruction Corner, Technique                                                        pg.67

How to Get the Most From Your Skis by Woody Woodall,

Equipment                                                                              pg.40

Big Racers From Small Mountains by Bill Hibbard, Competition         pg.76

Parka Parade:1966- Fashion                                                           pg.58

Charley Horse, Be Gone! by Walter Rhozen                                  pg.52

That Was the Week That Was by Dinah Witchel                          pg.78

The Fall Line: Part III by John Tobin                                            pg.85

Eastern Section

Shaker Village                                                                                 pg.E1

Nansen Ski Club                                                                              pg.E16


February 1966

FIS World Championships- The Other Half of Skiing, Competition     pg.27

The Contenders- Jumping                                                     pg.28

The Contenders- Cross-Country                                           pg.29

Jumping: What’s It all About?                                             pg.30

What To Look For                                                                 pg.32

Crystal Mountain- Resort Skiing Comes to the Northwest

by Emmett Watson                                                                pg.34

Courchevel-France’s Skiing Supermarket, Travel, Europe, Ski Areas

by Martin Luray                                                                    pg.38

Forward and to the Outside: Part II by Bob Beattie, Technique   pg.44

Instruction Corner by Doug Pfeiffer and Toni Ravielli, Technique       pg.59

Skiing the Moguls- by Stein Eriksen, Technique                           pg.68

Make Your Bindings Work by Alfred Greenberg and Woody Woodall

Equipment                                                                              pg.48

La Vie Apres-Ski- Fashion                                                              pg.54

Vasaloppet and I by George Bush                                                  pg.76

No Mickey Mouse for Mineral King by Burt Sims                        pg.88

Eastern Section

How Did they Learn to Ski in the Cotton Fields?                          pg.E1


March/ April 1966

Spring Skiing- A Sampler                                                               pg.34

The Good Life, Summer Racing Camp Style by John Jerome     pg.60

Kayaking: Sport for Skiers by Roland Palmedo                           pg.72

… And a Bottle of Rum                                                                   pg.42

Preview: FIS World Alpine Championships- Competition            pg.44

Waiting for Goliath by John Henry Auran                                   pg.48

Maine: Skiing’s Last Frontier by Jud Strunk                                pg.64

Instruction Corner by Doug Pfeiffer and Tony Ravielli, Technique      pg.51


Technically Speaking- Eberhard on New Swiss Technique           pg.18

Car and Skier- McCluggage on Reader Mail                                 pg.23

The Sharp Edge- Auran on Women in Ski Racing                       pg.66

In the Ski Shops- Woodall on Waxes                                             pg.76

Letter From Argentina                                                                    pg.84


October 1966

Portillo Diary- World Championships Report by John Henry Auran   pg.31


Ski Tests- How We Do It, What We Look For                     pg.61

Ski Test 1: The Head Standard                                             pg.64

Ski Test 2: The Yamaha Hi Flex Combi                               pg.65

Ski Test 3: The Fischer Alu Steel Riesenslalom                     pg.66

Skis: Capsule Reports                                                            pg.67

Ski Boots: Part I- Dollar vs. Value, Price Categories            pg.68

If You Go to Morocco, Take Along Your Skis- Travel                 pg.72

How To Get to New Hampshire – Ski Areas, Travel by John Jerome    pg.78

Taos- the Kingdom of Blake- Ski Areas, Travel by Paul Gordon pg.82

The Best Slalom Skier in the Whole Wide World- Billy Kidd

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.76

The Tailored Stretchables- Stretch Suits, Fashion by Peggy Collins       pg.94

Instruction Corner- Conditioning Exercises by Doug Pfeiffer       pg.105

Memoirs of an Old Ski Bum by Daniel La Grange                       pg.38

How To Ski In Your Living Room by Tom Joerder                     pg.48

50,000 Racers- What Then? New System for Organizing Races

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.87

Ski Area Development, Western Style                                            pg.99


November 1966

Vive La Difference by Dinah Witchel                                             pg.66

Skiwear Evolution- Fashion by Peggy Collins                               pg.72

Five Areas in a Weekend- Vermont’s Manchester Region, Ski Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.82

Skiing On the Wild Side: Val d’Isere- France, Ski Areas

by George Bush                                                                      pg.98

Heavenly Valley- Ski Areas by John Henry Auran                       pg.102

Where Should You Plant the Pole? by Doug Pfeiffer                    pg.88

Instruction Corner- Tips from Stein Eriksen                                 pg.115


The Trusty Cable and How to Keep It Trusty- Bindings, Equipment    pg.92

Ski Test 4: The Hart Holiday                                                pg.106

Ski Test 5: The Kneissl Red Star RS, RFP                            pg.108

Ski Test 6: Rossignol Strato Slalom                                      pg.110

Skis: Capsule Reports- K2 Holiday, Northland Golden Jet

Toni Sailer                                                                pg.112

Kissing Killy- Jean-Claude Killy                                                     pg.30

The Time They Tried to Tax the Snow- England Ski Jump in

Hempsted Heath by Alan Pospisil                                         pg.60

Science Comes to Ski Safety- Study by Dr. James Garrick           pg.80


December 1966

Yes, Mac, There Is a Matterhorn- Ski Areas by George Bush       pg.62

The Other Colorado- Ski Areas by John Henry Auran                pg.66

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Valley- Sugarbush, Glen Ellen and

Mad River Glen by Al Greenberg                                         pg.70


Make Sure Your New Boots Fit                                                      pg.76

How to Adjust Your Own Cable Bindings                                     pg.78

Ski Test 7: The Fischer Wedel King                                      pg.108

Ski Test 8: The Hart Javelin                                                  pg.110

Ski Test 9: The Kaestle Snow Prince                                     pg.112

Skis: Capsule Reports- Attenhofer, Venture in White

Amann Plastil-A                                                         pg.114

The Last of the Freelance Racers- Rip McManus

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.82

Sweaters- The More the Merrier—Fashion by Peggy Collins        pg.88

Doing the Garlands- Conrad Staudinger shows How to Sharpen

Your Edge Control- Technique                                             pg.96

Instruction Corner– With Stein Eriksen                                        pg.99

Hey Al, Why Don’t You Do Us A Story On Ski Touring?            pg.84

The Day the Chairlifts Stopped by Mort Gerberg                         pg.126


SKIING International Yearbook


United States:

American International Team Races                                     pg.26

22nd Harriman Cup                                                              pg.32

US Nationals                                                                          pg.36

US National Junior Championships                                     pg.40


35th Damenskirennen                                                            pg.42

35th Lauberhornrennen                                                        pg.43

50th Arlberg-Kandahar                                                        pg.44

25th International Hahnenkammrennen                              pg.46

The Pros:

Seefeld                                                                                    pg.52

Windham                                                                               pg.54

The World’s Racers: How They Did                                               pg.58

For the Record: Alpine, Nordic, Pro Results                                  pg.59

The Evolution of Skiing by Doug Pfeiffer, History                       pg.53

How the World Skis by Doug Pfeiffer, Technique                         pg.75

Guide to Skis, Boots, Bindings, Poles, Car Racks, Boot Presses,

Touring Skis and Bindings                                                    pg.86

Fashion: A Primer for Beginners by Nancy Amory                       pg.107

Farewell to Charlot                                                                          pg.112

Skiing to the Sixth Degree                                                               pg.114

Five Across Europe’s Roof                                                              pg.118

Day of the Avalanche                                                                      pg.124

Under Mt. Blanc by Harvey Edwards                                            pg.126

1966 Guide to World Ski Areas                                                      pg.132


January 1967

The Cold Weather Story- On Keeping Warm and Enjoying It    pg.48

Cheat the Cold- Fashion by Peggy Collins                                     pg.52


If You Can’t Edge-Cant!- Mechanical Aids                                   pg.56

Support Isn’t the Only Consideration- Boots                                 pg.58

Bootmaker of the Arlberg- Ross Wagner photos                           pg.60

Ski Test 10: The Head 360                                                    pg.94

Ski Test 11: The Dynastar MV-2                                          pg.96

Ski Test 12: The Kneissl White Star RS                                pg.98

Ski Test 13: The Yamaha All-Round                                    pg.100

On the Way to Parallel- Technique                                                 pg.64

Inside Snowplow Turns with Doug Pfeiffer, Technique                pg.80

Instruction Corner- Tips From Stein Eriksen                                 pg.83

Kitzbuhel- Apres-Ski by George Bush                                            pg.66

McCoy’s Mammoth                                                                         pg.70

Curt Chase- Quiet Pro, Aspen Ski School by John Henry Auran pg.74

Gordon Lipe- SKiing Pragmatist- Inventor of the Release Check

Bindings                                                                                 pg.76


February 1967

Race Day- Photographer Dick Durrance, Jr.                                 pg.34

Anatomy of Racing                                                                         pg.38

Dick Durrance: The First American by John Jerome                    pg.44

Madonna Di Campiglio- Italy, Site of the 3-Tre Race

by Samuel Young                                                                  pg.46

Don’t Call It Park City: It’s Really Treasure Mountain, Utah High Life

Ski Areas by John Henry Auran                                          pg.58

Apres-Ski and All that Jazz- Fashion by Peggy Collins                 pg.50

Madman McConkey- Jim McConkey, Technique                         pg.55

The High Line Impulse Turn- Canadian Racing Turn, Doug Pfeiffer   pg.64

Instruction Corner with Doug Pfeiffer                                           pg.67


The Step-In and Latch-In Heel Bindings,                                       pg.76

Ski Test 14: The Fischer Alu Steel Combi                             pg.78

Ski Test 15: The Head Master                                               pg.80

Capsule Ski Reports                                                               pg.82


Spring 1967

Helicoptering Into the Bugaboos- Canada’s Northern Rockies     pg.40

The Search for New Skiing- Colorado’s Southern Rockies           pg.44

Everybody’s Jumping- Spring Skiing                                            pg.46

On a Clear Night You Can Ski Forever by George Bush, Scandinavia pg.52

It’s Summer Skiing… It’s Europe…It’s Super Camp                      pg.54

It Must Be In Here Somewhere- Burt Sims’ Guide for Organization     pg.24

Whatever Happened to Organized Skiing?                                    pg.36


Ski Tests: A Look Back, and a Look Ahead                                  pg.49

Skiing, Short Ski Style                                                                    pg.50

Daddy, What’s a Telemark? Technique                                         pg.58

Instruction Corner with Doug Pfeiffer, Technique                        pg.61

Anatomy of Racing- Part II                                                            pg.71


October 1967

New This Year… In Bindings- Releasable Bindings                       pg.62

Will Lift Skiing Spoil Snowmass? Colorado Ski Areas                 pg.66

Half of You Is Parka- Fashion, Skiwear                                        pg.68

What Next for the World Cup?                                                      pg.84

France- It’s Not All Apres-Ski, Europe                                           pg.80

Turned On, Flat Out Killy- Jean-Claude Killy Profile                  pg.87

Skis for ’68- Equipment                                                                  pg.95

Cornerstones of Skiing- Snowplow turn, Instruction, Technique pg.103

Instruction Corner- Balanced Stance                                              pg.107

Are You Fit To Ski? Conditioning                                                 pg.76

Those Speedy Americans- Americans Learn and Ski Faster Than

the French                                                                               pg.34


November 1967

Three Around Banff- Canada’s Rockies Ski Areas                       pg.76

My Mt. Snow Caper- Vermont Ski Areas                                      pg.80

Letter From Yugoslavia                                                                  pg.127


Know Your Bindings: Cubco, How to Adjust and Maintain Them       pg.84

New This Year                                                                                 pg.52

Ski Test 18: Rubberized Heads                                             pg.106

Ski Test 19: Toni Sailers                                                        pg.108

Cornerstones of Skiing- The Stem Turn, Technique, Instruction pg.111

Instruction Corner- Up and Down Transitions                              pg.115

Answer Page- on Technique Problems                                            pg.122

Framed in Bold Color- Fashion                                                      pg.88

Canada Loves Nancy Greene                                                          pg.94

Shape Up, Now- Conditioning                                                        pg.99

Through Hemingway’s Vorarlberg                                                pg.141


December 1967

Techniques for Attack- Winning the French Way, Analysis

by Warren Witherell                                                              pg.80

Gemutlichkeit is Alive and Well in Lech and Zurs, Resorts           pg.74

Jackson Hole is for Hollerin’, Resorts                                             pg.87

What Make’s Stowe Stowe?                                                            pg.102


Know Your Bindings- The Look Nevada Grand Prix, Gordon Lipe     pg.92

Ski Test 20: Three Yamahas- AllRound, Combi and

GS High Flexes                                                         pg.122

Ski Test 21: Four Fischers- Superglass, President, Compact and

Wedelking                                                               pg.124

Cornerstones of Skiing- The Uphill Christie, Technique, Instruction     pg.107

Instruction Corner- Edge Control                                                  pg.111

The Answer Page                                                                             pg.120

Report on Farwell- People who make a Living on Skiing             pg.84

Dollars and Sense- Fashion                                                             pg.96

The Revenge of Marvin Kornblatt- Beautiful Skiers Parable       pg.138


January 1968

Switzerland’s Verbier, Resorts, Ski Areas by Paul Gordon           pg.52

Mont Tremblant: Invitation to an Orgy, Canada, Ski Areas        pg.64

Mystique of the Deep- Alta’s Ted Johnson tips on Powder skiing pg.60

Fit Your Christies to the Terrain- Four Ways to fit your Parallel

Technique to the Mountain by Conrad Staudinger             pg.80

Cornerstones of Skiing- The Stem Christie, Instruction                pg.93

Instruction Corner- Edge Control                                                  pg.97


Know Your Bindings: The Marker Simplex DL-Rotamat

by Gordon Lipe                                                        pg.76

Ski Test 22: Blizzard Super Epoxies                                     pg.90

The Skiers- 1968, Fashion                                                               pg.68

Winter Park to Aspen on Skis… (Mostly)- Jac Sangnier ,

Touring in Colorado                                                             pg.56

This Is Good to Excellent? Snow Reports                                      pg.84

Ed Scott, Knight of the White Charger by John Jerome, Ski Poles       pg.72


February 1968

Citius, Altius, Fortius- The Xth Olympic Winter Games               pg.39

The Olympic Scene- An Artist’s View of Grenoble                        pg.40

Olympic City                                                                                    pg.42

Underdogs No Longer- US Team                                                   pg.44

Stage for Speed- Chamrousse’s Downhill Course                          pg.46

The Men: Killy All the Way?                                                          pg.48

The Women: Three’s A Crowd                                                       pg.50

The Coaches: They Take the Rap                                                   pg.52

Autrans: A Matter of Course- Cross Country Course                   pg.54

XC: Beat the Norges! by John Caldwell                                         pg.56

Jumping: Torpedos Away! by Gus Raaum                                   pg.58

A Compendium of Olympiana                                                       pg.60

Arm Chair Olympics                                                                       pg.62

Know Your Bindings: Tyrolia Rocket  1-2-3—Heelrocket            pg.64

Mini Ski Tests- Reports on 7 Skis                                                   pg.78

Control That Christie- Roger Staub Tells How, Instruction,

Technique                                                                               pg.72

Cornerstones of Skiing- Parallel Christies, Technique                   pg.83

Instruction Corner                                                                           pg.87

Squaw Valley Revisited- 1960 Olympic Site, Now                         pg.68


March/ April  Spring 1968

The Best is Yet to Come- Spring Skiing                                          pg.39

Suddenly It’s Time for Fun                                                             pg.40

In the West, Adventure- Avalanche Dodgers                                 pg.42

In the East, A Pilgrimage- Tuckerman Ravine, New Hampshire

Ski Areas                                                                                pg.44

You Can’t Top Topless- Striptease Skiing in European Areas

by George Bush                                                                      pg.47

Cervinia- Matterhorn by Sam Young                                            pg.48

The Instructors Go To the Summit- 8th Interski in Aspen            pg.52

Of Sun, Skis and (Ugh) Snow- Burt Sims Caricatures the Southern

Californians                                                                           pg.54

Know Your Bindings: Dovre Model                                               pg.60

Ski Tests- Wrap Up for the Year                                                    pg.80

Mogul Taming, Coomer Style                                                         pg.56

Cornerstones of Skiing- The Fall Line Christies, Technique,

Instruction                                                                              pg.67

Instruction Corner- Turning by Doug Pfeiffer, Technique           pg.71

You’ve Gotta Be Rich… or Crazy…or Fred Pabst by L. Dana Gatlin    pg.64


October 1968

The Sour Olympics by John Henry Auran

Last Rites at Grenoble- Death Throes of the Olympic Ideal?        pg.67

Shadow of a Doubt- Controversial Men’s Slalom                pg.68

Whatever Happened to the Americans?                               pg.70

Hey, Hey, Ski Jay- Vermont Ski Areas by Al Greenberg              pg.72

Why Europe? First Timer’s Guide to the Alps by George Bush    pg.76

Jackson Hole’s Hoback Ridge- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson        pg.100

Skiwear-1969- Fashion by Peggy Collins                                       pg.80

Instructors on Parade- 8th Interski by Doug Pfeiffer                    pg.86

Exercise, Who Needs It? US Ski Team Trainer Tage Pedersen

Gives Facts and a Program                                                    pg.96

Instruction Corner- Understanding Skiing by Doug Pfeiffer        pg.105

Answer Page- Problems with Technique                                         pg.112

What’s New In Boots and Bindings by Al Greenberg                    pg.90

The New Skis- Better Than Ever by Doug Pfeiffer                        pg.94

Governor Adams, Sir, It’s Time to Start the Lifts- Sherman Adams

Chose the White Mountains After the White House

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.114

Letter From Bolivia- Or How I won the Bolivian Ski Championships

by James Becket                                                                     pg.136


November 1968

The Beattie Machine- US Ski Team by John Jerome                    pg.77

Killy Vient… Hier Kommt Killy… Here Comes Killy- Short Analysis

of What’s Great Abouit His Technique                                 pg.102

The Pros- Their Lives , Circuit and Future                                    pg.104

If You can Ski, You Can Walk- a Thoroughgoing Primer by

Footes Stroller, Famed Gumshoe                                           pg.140

Area With the Mostest- Killington, Vermont by Jerry Aske, Jr.   pg.80

Big Daddy Davos by George Bush                                                 pg.94

Squaw Valley’s KT22 Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson             pg.108

How Much Exercise? US Ski Team Trainer Tage Pedersen

Describes How to Set up a Program                                      pg.82

Instruction Corner- Turning Power by Doug Pfeiffer                   pg.113

Know Your Bindings: Saloman Step- Ins by Gordon Lipe           pg.100

Plastic Boots- Are They for You? by Woody Woodall                  pg.122

Skis—What’ll You Have? 47 Capsule Reports                              pg.126

Flight of Fancy- Newest Skiwear worn in Portillo, Chile, Fashion

by Peggy Collins                                                                     pg.88


December 1968

Conservation and Wilderness- A Guide for the Thoughtful Skier

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.75

How I Won the Three Gold Medals- Michel Arpin

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.88

Wee Gordy, Big Mountain- Steamboat Springs, Gordy Wren,

Manager of Mt. Werner by Al Greenberg                           pg.92

The Bowl Experience- Sun Valley, Idaho Ski Areas

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.84

Two In the Arlberg:

St. Anton: Skiing’s Hometown- Photos by Ross Wagner     pg.98

In Search of Special Snow- Stuben’s Albona

by Jerome Aske, Jr.                                                 pg.102

Stowe’s Sterling Trail- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson            pg.106

Parkas- Fashion by Peggy Collins                                                   pg.78

Set Your Edge for Parallel by Stein Eriksen, Instruction, Technique     pg.104

Instruction Corner- Changing Your Edges by Doug Pfeiffer       pg.111

On-Snow Warm-Ups by Tage Pedersen                                         pg.128

Kid’s Bindings- Buy Them the Best by Gordon Lipe                    pg.120

Ski Tests- Reports on 28 Skis                                                          pg.124


January 1969

Three Fathom the Deep- Powder Skiing                                         pg.53

Up, Up, and Away- Jackson Hole’s Olympian Pepi Stiegler Tells How

To Make a Real Gelande                                                       pg.56

Conservation and Wilderness- A Guide for the Thoughtful Skier

Part II by John Jerome                                                          pg.61

An Italian Charmer- Sleek Sestriere by John Henry Auran         pg.68

Aspen Mountain’s Bell Mountain- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson   pg.84

Pacific Northwest- Land of the Dedicated- Washington and Oregon

Resorts by John Henry Auran                                              pg.98

Snowsuits for Big Kids- Fashion by Cathie Judge                         pg.64

Andean Fashion Album- Portillo, Chile Fashions by Peggy Collins       pg.66

How I Ski- Jean-Claude Killy Analyzes His Technique                 pg.72

For Those Aches and Pains- Program to Get Rid of  Sore Muscles

by Tage Pedersen                                                                   pg.78

Instruction Corner- Pole Planting by Doug Pfeiffer                       pg.89

A Guide to Mixing Bindings by Gordon Lipe, Equipment           pg.74

Are Today’s Skis Worth the Price? by Doug Pfeiffer                    pg.82


February 1969

Those Other Skiers- Mountaineers, Tourers and Cross Country

by George Schelling                                                               pg.43

My Perfect Race- The Only Race Without an Error

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.48

Conservation and Wilderness- A Guide for the Thoughtful Skier

Part III                                                                                    pg.79

It’s Not All Borscht- New York’s Catskill Mountains, Ski Areas

by Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.50

By the Wayside of the Alps, Liechtenstein by Pat Orvis                pg.55

The Bear Facts- California Resort by John Henry Auran            pg.66

The Bowls at Vail- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson                  pg.74

Turnabout- Fashion by Cathie Judge                                            pg.52

Stein Eriksen Does the Mambo- Instruction                                   pg.62

Thrust Those Tips- Mike Hughes’ Tips for Christies, Technique  pg.82

Work Where It Counts- Ellsworth Moore Tips, Technique           pg.84

Blow Your Cool- Sepp Uhl Demonstrates how to Spin 180º

in Mid-air, Technique, Instruction                                        pg.86

Skiing is Kid Stuff- Kids’ Skis, Equipment by Al Greenberg        pg.50

Know Your Bindings- The Gertsch 6D by Gordon Lipe               pg.72


March/ April  Spring 1969

Try It My Way— Jean- Claude Killy Techniques                         pg.48

The End of Innocence-Professional- Amateur Controversy

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.50

Old Racers Never Die- Veteran’s Circuit by John C. Tobin          pg.52

Racing- Man to Man— The French- American Challenge Cup at Aspen

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.56

This May Be Corny, But Spring Skiing is Great!- Photos and Guide    pg.43

Beauty Beats the Weather Beast— Cosmetic Protection

by Cathie Judge                                                                     pg.58

In Memoriam- Brouhaha Over Ski Technique, Humor

by Rigo Thurmer                                                                   pg.60

Rope Tricks- Fitness, Exercise by Tage Pedersen                           pg.62

How to Tackle the Super Steep- Ski School Director at Mammoth

Mountain Gus Weber shows how, Instruction                    pg.68

Power Your Christies with Wide Track—Austrian and French

Feel-apart Techniques                                                            pg.83

Know Your Bindings- The Millel Ambassador by Gordon Lipe  pg.64

Skiing Under the Midnight Sun- Tromso, Norway by Jan Johannesen          pg.54

Alta’s High Rustler- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson                pg.74


September 1969

On Throwing the Rascals Out-Changing of the Guard at USSA

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.48

Al’s Run at Taos- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson                    pg.96

It Was Karli’s Year- Schranz took an Early Lead in the World Cup,

How Good Was He? by Jean-Claude Killy                          pg.77

Gertrud Gabl and her Little Helpers- Noone Would Let Her Give

the World Cup Away by John Henry Auran                      pg.80

The Old Man and the Slalom Deluge- Schranz by John Henry Auran pg.84

Duel in the Sky- A Czech and Norwegian fought for Jumping Honors

by Bill Hibbard                                                                      pg.86

To Tour, To Race, Perhaps To Win- US Team by John Caldwell         pg.88

What’s New for ’70- Fashion by Cathie Judge                               pg.103


What’s New for ’70:

Skis- Fiberglass Harts and Heads by Al Greenberg             pg.

Boots- Plastics                                                                         pg.106

Poles                                                                                        pg.116

Bindings- New Step-ins and Revolutionary Anti- friction

Devices                                                                       pg.118

How to Pick a Pair of Skis by Doug Pfeiffer                                  pg.132

How to Pick a Pair of Boots                                                            pg.134

How to Pick a Pair of Bindings by Al Greenberg                          pg.135

Was Gibt? New Jet Technique by Doug Pfeiffer                           pg.90

This Year, How About Skiing Your Way Into Shape? Ignoring

Pre-season Conditioning by John Jerome                            pg.94

SKIING’s 1970 Ski Area Guide                                                      pg.145


October 1969

Defend Your Right to Ski- The Mineral King Case

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.62

Pity the Poor Ski Patrolman by John Jerome                                pg.112

Promises, Promises- Men’s Alpine Team, Competition

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.126

The Old Guard and the Spear Carriers- Portraits of Our Hopefuls       pg.128

Mountain on the Other Side—Back of Stowe’s Spruce Peak, Madonna

Ski Areas, Resorts by Jerry Aske, Jr.                                    pg.93

When Last Tailed, James Bond was Alive and Well and Skiing in the

Bernese Oberland—007 Scans Wengen, Murren, and

Grindelwald, Lauberhorn Downhill and Eiger Uphill

by George Bush                                                                      pg.98

The Glamour of Sugarbush- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson  pg.116

High Camp at Hood- Fashion by Cathie Judge                             pg.105

Jet Your Christies the Way I Do- by Jean- Claude Killy, Instruction    pg.121

Instruction Corner- Stunts by Doug Pfeiffer, Instruction              pg.141

Ski Into Shape- Oh Yeah? by Tage Pedersen                                pg.156

Here Are Skis, There Are Skis, Everywhere Pairs of Skis, But

Which Pair is for Me? Ski Tests by Doug Pfeiffer                         pg.132

Know Your Bindings: Geze Top Star- Step Star by Gordon Lipe         pg.134


November 1969

Playboy’s Skiing- It’s Not Even for Snow Bunnies- Hugh Hefner’s

Resort by John Jerome                                                          pg.112

The Zen Turn by John Jerome                                                       pg.120

True Grit Triumphant by John Jerome, Competition                  pg.114

Le Danger Americain- Dangerous Gals                                          pg.116

By Helicopter to Dream Skiing- Heliskiing by John Henry Auran        pg.95

Super Tignes- Wow! France, Resorts by Al Greenberg                 pg.147

Heavenly Valley- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson                     pg.130

Location: Iceland- Fashion by Cathie Judge                                  pg.98

How to Stay out of Trouble by Jean-Claude Killy, Technique,

Instruction                                                                              pg.107

Instruction Corner- First Timers by Doug Pfeiffer                        pg.135

How Much Bind Does a Ski Binding Need? Release by Gordon Lipe    pg.122

Skis-Why Not Pick a Pair or Two- Ski Tests by Doug Pfeiffer      pg.127


December 1969

A is for Aspen- Resorts, Ski Areas by Dinah Witchel                    pg.87

Cannon: Big Gun or Cap Pistol? by John Jerome                        pg.102

Vermont’s Mount Snow- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson        pg.118

Norway- The Total Experience by Ralph Thornton                      pg.98

Signs on the Slopes- Astrological Interpretations, Fashion

by Cathie Judge                                                                     pg.104

Powder Power by Jean-Claude Killy, Instruction                          pg.94

The Much Abused Snowplow by Doug Pfeiffer, Technique         pg.123

Liftmanship- The Art of Getting Ahead in Skiing by Paul Laric with

Cartoons by Dave Pascal, Humor                                         pg.136

Skis for ’70- How Do They Rate?- Ski tests’ Capsule Reports

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.116

How Safe are Safety Straps? Options by Gordon Lipe                 pg.113

You Get Hurt, So Who’s To Blame? Admonition to the Suit Happy

by Dan Penofsky, Lawsuits                                                   pg.76


January 1970

Kids, This is a Mountain, This is a Ski- Children and Skiing

by George Schelling                                                               pg.80

Straight Down- Dick Buek, Hero  by John Jerome and Jim Scott         pg.85

Val Gardena: Unexpected and Beautiful- Enthusiasm for the Tourist

by Jim Becket                                                                         pg.59

Boyne Country: Big Time Skiing, Midwestern Style by John Jerome   pg.68

A Reno Vacation- Ski Areas, Resorts by Al Greenberg                 pg.89

Sun Valley’s Baldy- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson                pg.106

Kicky New Pants- Fashion by Cathie Judge                                  pg.64

On the Steep- Hints by Jean-Claude Killy, Instruction                  pg.71

Liftmanship II by Paul Laric, Cartoons by Dave Pascal               pg.94

Lift, Point and Squash- Converting the Stem to Parallel

by Sven Coomer, Instruction                                                 pg.98

Mystique and Ritual: The Art of Selecting Your Skis

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.74

The Old Friction Bugaboo- Steps to Reduce Friction by Gordon Lipe  pg.78


February 1970

Val Gardena: Prelude to a Pro League by John Henry Auran

Competition                                                                            pg.47

How to Win at Slalom- An Understanding of Strategy, FIS

Championships by Jean-Claude Killy                                  pg.50

Skin Strategy- Ski Care Plan by Cathie Judge, Health                 pg.34

Mike Who? Skiing’s True  Superman by John Jerome                pg.52

Suspended Moments-Photos                                                           pg.58

Vermont Step by Step- Vacations by Lance Tapley                      pg.62

Czechoslavakia- Travel, Ski Areas by Al Greenberg                     pg.54

Canada’s Mt. Tremblant- Watercolor art by Cecile Johnson       pg.78

Carve That Turn- How to Add Precision by Doug Pfeiffer and

Sven Coomer, Technique                                                       pg.71

Bottom Problems- Equipment Ailments- How to Diagnose and

Treat Them by Mike Maginn and George Schelling            pg.83

The Eckel Royal- Bindings, Equipment by Gordon Lipe              pg.88


March/ April Spring1970

The Ultimate Schuss- Speed Skiing Carried to Maniacal Limits

by John Jerome, Competition                                               pg.54

The Killy Challenge- Racing Format for the 70′s?                        pg.74

Spring Cleaning- Clearance of Photos                                            pg.45

More to Come- Lots of Snow if You Know Where to Look

by Mike Maginn                                                                    pg.49

Night Skiing by Al Greenberg                                                        pg.60

Have a Spring Fling- Fashion by Cathie Judge                             pg.68

For the Late, Late Show- Ski Kaprun, Kitzsteinhorn Glacier

Travel, Ski Areas by Al Greenberg, Spring- Summer Skiing        pg.50

Adventure in New Zealand- The Tasman Glacier, Travel, Ski Areas

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.57

California’s Mammoth Mountain- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson,

Text by Doug Pfeiffer                                                            pg.76

Tricks for Kicks- Rudi Wyrsch and Doug Pfeiffer                        pg.62

The Spectacular Aerial Turn- Pointers with Pepi Stiegler              pg.86

The New Tyrolias- Bindings by Gordon Lipe                                pg.71

Ski Waxing by Mike Maginn                                                          pg.81


September 1970

Report from San Francisco- USSA Convention, Charlie Gibson

At the Top by John Jerome,                                                  pg.46

The Season of Gloom- Chaos and Frustration Everywhere at the

Start of the Decade by John Jerome, Competition              pg.81

What Happened to the Americans This Time? Val D’Isere

by John Jerome, Competition                                               pg.86

The First Biennial Amateur World Championships for Professional

Ski Racers- FIS at Val Gardena by John Jerome, Competition    pg.88

How a Cripple Took it All- Billy Kidd’s Gold Medal Performance

by Tage Pedersen, Competition                                             pg.84

While the Vodka Flowed- Russians at the FIS Nordics

by John Caldwell                                                                   pg.92

Europe: A Rookie’s Primer, Travel by John Jerome                     pg.138

The East: Primer for Masochists by Al Greenberg, Travel            pg.140

The West: Primer for Powder by John Henry Auran, Travel       pg.142

Skis: The New Crop— Plastics and Big, Bold Ads by Al Greenberg      pg.108

Bubble, Bubble- No Toil, No Trouble- New Comfort in Boots     pg.110


The New Bindings: They’re Really New- Greater Safety               pg.116

Selecting the Right Bindings                                                           pg.118

Selecting the Right Poles                                                                  pg.119

The New Poles by Mike Maginn                                                     pg.120

Which Boot for You? by John Henry Auran                                pg.124

A Pair of Ski s Right for You- How to Find them                          pg.126

Sneak Preview- Fashion by Cathie Judge                                      pg.97

Power to the Ski Instructor- NASIC at Vail, Colorado

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.128


October 1970

Power To You, Skier- New Think Revolution by Doug Pfeiffer   pg.115

Conditioning for the Tight (Tight Ligaments) by Tage Pedersen pg.125

Letter From… Where? Crans- Montana, Switzerland, Travel

Ski Areas by Cathie Judge                                                    pg.76

Will a Lift Line Wait Spoil Ernie Blake? Taos, New Mexico

Travel, Ski Areas by Al Greenberg                                       pg.79

Everything You Wanted to Know About the Eastern Slopes

by Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.84

Austria From A to Z by George Bush, Travel, Ski Areas              pg.90

Big Burn at Snowmass- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson

`Text by John Henry Auran                                                  pg.110

Dawn of the Age of Customizing- A Guide to Perfect Boot Fitting

by John Henry Auran, Equipment                                       pg.82

A Dozen Ways You Can Break Your Leg by Gordon Lipe

Accidents                                                                                pg.95

Ski Tests by Doug Pfeiffer                                                               pg.168

Turkiyeye Hosgeldiniz! Fashion shot in Turkey by Cathie Judge pg.99

Key for the Pros? Big Paydays Won’t Come until Ski Races

Get Niche on TV by Jean-Claude Killy                                pg.108

Behind “The World of Karl Schranz” Paul Ryan Film

by Ellie Waterston                                                                  pg.130


November 1970

At Last- An Easy Way to Teach Yourself How to Ski- Guide for

Beginners and All Afflicted with the Stem Habit

by Stan Tomlinson, Instruction                                             pg.89

Moving Fast- Speed Skiing, Instruction by Jean-Claude Killy     pg.99

If You’re Loose, Get Strong- Exercises for the Double Jointed

by Tage Pedersen                                                                   pg.122

Ski Tests for ’70-’71—Results from Annual Ski Test Program

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.113

“Dear Mr. Lipe, Keep Me Out of a Cast” Excerpts from Reader

Correspondence                                                                     pg.134

The Spirit of ’71- Fashion by Cathie Judge                                   pg.103

Letter from Japan- Travel by O. Thomas Hayes III                     pg.36

High Rise in the High Alps- French Resorts, Travel by Al Greenberg    pg.81

Let There Be Vail- Colorado Resorts, Ski Areas by Dinah Witchel        pg.94

Stratton: The Gentleman’s Mountain- Watercolor Art

by Cecile Johnson                                                                  pg.108

Three for ’72- Palmers and Steve Lathrop, Competition

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.86

I Lost It at Jay Peak by Chris McCall                                            pg.126

On the Bum- New Breed of Ski Bums by Paul Gordon                 pg.138


December 1970

To Ski the Eiger—Sylvain Saudan Skis the Steepest

by Harvey Edwards                                                               pg.90

The Sit-In at the Ski School Bell- Ski Instructor’s Life

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.94

Stocking Stuffers- Christmas Ideas by Beverly Smith                   pg.166

Would You Offer a Lady a Trip to Jackson Hole?

by Margaret Bennett, Travel;  Ski Areas                              pg.44

How to Succeed in St. Moritz without a Numbered Bank Account

by George Bush, Travel                                                         pg.85

The Powder Boondoggle: An Executive’s Diary, Skiing Outside

Salt Lake City, Ski Areas, by Paul Gordon                          pg.98

Winter Park- The Ideal Hill—Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson

Text by Al Greenberg                                                            pg.116

Speed for Fun by Jean-Claude Killy, Instruction                          pg.102

Fall-Safe- Art to Getting Tripped Up  by Sven Coomer                pg.121

For a Quicker Recovery, Exercise by Tage Pedersen                     pg.132

Lifting the Fog Over Goggleland- Ski Goggles, Equipment

by Mike Maginn                                                                    pg.66

Which Skis for You? Test Results by Doug Pfeiffer                      pg.105

Dear Mr. Lipe: Which Binding Do You Recommend?                  pg.128

Getting It all Together- Fashion by Cathie Judge                          pg.109


January 1971

Cross-Country- The Real Lowdown- A Subversive Article

by Woody Woodall                                                               pg.63

Was It Luck? Winning by Ruling Out the Possibility of Chance

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.104

Dressing the Part-X-C Fashion by Cathie Judge                            pg.70

I’m Glad Whistler Lost the Olympic Bid- Glad, Do You Hear?

Canada, Travel, Ski Areas by John Jerome                         pg.74

Yes, They Ski In Lebanon- Arabian Ski Areas, Travel

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.84

Look Southward, Skier- Southern US Skiing by Dinah Witchel  pg.90

Waterville Valley- The Secret’s Out—Watercolor Art

by Cecile Johnson                                                                  pg.98

Overcome the Mogul Menace- Alta Instructor Andy Shearer

Shows How, Instruction, Technique, Doug Pfeiffer             pg.76

Tame the Super- Slick— Advice from Stowe Ski School Director

Kerr Sparks with John Henry Auran                                   pg.108

If You Can’t Ski Parallel- Cant—by Warren Witherell, Equipment      pg.94

The Rosemount SE-1—Lotork-SE-2 System (Bindings)

by Gordon Lipe                                                                     pg.112


February 1971

Easy Turns for Easy Slopes- Christies by Jean-Claude Killy

Instruction, Technique                                                           pg.44

Improve Your Feel for Your Edges- Jim McDill Shows Exercises

for More Control                                                                   pg.48

It’s Wild! It’s a Wheelie! Show off Turn with Bob Burns

with John Henry Auran                                                        pg.63

Letter From Spain- Solynieve Ski Areas, Travel by Mike Booth  pg.24

They Ski Here? Whiteface Mountain, New York Ski Areas, Travel      pg.37

UP the Peninsula- Michigan Ski Areas by Ralph Thornton          pg.52

Boyne: The Snow Plated Mountain- Watercolor Art

by Cecile Johnson                                                                  pg.66

Good Night David: Hello Big Sky- Montana Ski Areas, Chet Huntley

by Ellie Waterston                                                                  pg.74

Which Skis For You? Part III- Ski Test Program Results             pg.56

Gordon Lipe’s Binding Clinic- Readers’ Problems Analyzed        pg.71

Cast Off Advice- Words of Wisdom to Help Enjoy the Breaks of the

Sport, by Sally Tawil, Drawings by Robert Pliskin              pg.60


Spring 1971

Skiing to a Degree- Directory to the Best Skiing Schools

by Lance Tapley                                                                    pg.58

The Greening of Skiing- Spring Skiing by Mike Maginn             pg.60

Ski Chamonix and Die- Vallee Blanche and Les Grands Montets

by Jim Becket                                                                         pg.37

Enter the Lumber Companies- Scott Paper Co. and Squaw Mtn.

Maine by John Jerome                                                          pg.46

Sugarloaf- Maine’s Kilimanjaro- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson     pg.50

Anticipation: Key to Modern Skiing- Turning Power

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.55

Fight Back! by Doug Pfeiffer:

Weapons I and II: Hermann Goellner and Ultimate

One-Up-Manship                                                         pg.68

Weapons III: The Super Tippy Toe Stand with Ruedi Wyrsch    pg.72

Weapons IV and V: Twist Around Masochism with Sepp Uhl     pg.74

Help Yourself to Parallel- Kick the Curse of the Stem Habit with

advice from Max Good by Doug Pfeiffer                             pg.76

Gordon Lipe’s Binding Clinic                                                         pg.24

Boot Sufferers- The Millenium is Here- Discovery to Relieve

Foot Pain by Leonard Bernstein                                           pg.88

Save Face- Sun and Weather Damage by Cathie Judge                pg.66

Snow’s Secret by Ellie Waterston                                                    pg.44

The Mail Did Go Through- Skiing Courier by Jay George Ransom     pg.62

Skiers Without Sight- Blind Skiers by Ellie Waterston                  pg.81


September 1971

SKIING’s 1971-72 Buying Guide: (Equipment)                            pg.77

A Whole New World of Skis by John Henry Auran            pg.78

Boots: Pluperfect or Too Perfect? There Can be Too Much

Control by John Henry AUran                                 pg.80

The Search for the Perfect Binding by Al Greenberg           pg.82

The Pole Story by Mike Maginn                                           pg.86

New for ’72: Glad Rags- Fashion by Cathie Judge                        pg.92


The Year Our Nordic Baby Began to Feel Its Oats: Swor, Martin,

Elliot, Rockwell, Devecka and Miller by John Caldwell      pg.102

The Year the World Cup Lost Its Sex Appeal by John Jerome    pg.104

Chapter 2: Things Never Looked Better, and Then… Oh Boy-

Tht’s How It Was For the US Team                                      pg.107

Winners and Losers- This Season’s Gallery                                   pg.108

Crystal Mountain- Son of Rainier— Watercolor Art

by Cecile Johnson, Text by John Henry Auran                   pg.120

Letter From Detroit- USSA Convention, Olympics by John Jerome      pg.28

The Greatest Show on Snow- Format for the Best Skiers

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.88


October 1971

Vacation Planning Guide:

How to Pick a Ski Area by Al Greenberg                                       pg.88

Where to Ski: Capsule Reports of Ski Areas in:

United States and Canada                                                     pg.92

Europe                                                                                    pg.94

How to Survive in Europe by Don Linn                                        pg.97

Whatever Happened to the Warming Shack? Previews of

New Ski Areas,  Refurbishing of Old Areas

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.98

Vermont’s Bormley Mountain- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson

Text by Dinah Witchel                                                           pg.116

Letter From New Zealand- Don’t Believe Everything You See in a

Dick Barrymore Movie by Hans Kosak                                pg.54

SKIING’s 7th Annual Ski Test Reports                                          pg.123

Are the Bugs Out of the Foam? by John Henry Auran                pg.114

The Spademan System- How to Get the Most Out of Your

Bindings by Gordon Lipe                                                      pg.138

Hullabaloo at Interski: Amicablity at NASIC- Two International

Meetings of Ski Instructors  (Germany and Colorado)

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.101

Conditioning for Beginners by Tage Pedersen                               pg.136

A La Mode: Le Ski Hot- Hot Shot Skiers at Vail set the Pace for

Fashion by Cathie Judge                                                       pg.107


November 1971

Skiing ’72- Where It’s At, Profile                                                    pg.112

They’re Recycling Colorado’s High Peaks- Summit County near Lake

Dillon is Busy With Ski Activity by Al Greenberg                pg.100

Solden: Austria’s Ski Happy Peyton Platz- Ski Areas by George Bush  pg.106

The Vermont Experience  by Martin Luray                                  pg.108

Steamboat: Ski Town’s Mounatin- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson

Text by Al Greenberg                                                            pg.134

Picking Your X-C Gear by Woody Woodall, Cross- Country

Equipment                                                                              pg.126

Through the Nordic Brand-Name Thicket- This Year’s Equipment

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.130

SKIING’s 7th Annual Ski Test Reports- Part II                             pg.143

Look What’s Happening at Look- How to Get the Most From Your

Bindings by Gordon Lipe                                                      pg.148

Fit to be Stretched- Fashion by Cathie Judge                                 pg.118

Revolution in Ski Teaching by Doug Pfeiffer                                pg.132

Had a Lesson Lately? How to tell if Your Inctructor Has Given

You Your Money’s Worth by Doug Pfeiffer                        pg.140


December 1971

The Great T & E  Shakeup- New Technology in Skis and Boots

and How Skiers Use It by Doug Pfeiffer                               pg.110

Letter From Cortina by Paul Gordon, Ski Areas, Travel              pg.54

The California Experience by Paul Gordon, Ski Areas, Travel    pg.89

Stratton on the Split Level by Dinah Witchel                                 pg.98

Take the Kids to France! Ski Vacations with the Whole Family

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.106

Stowe: Supreme and Serene- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson

Text by John Auran                                                              pg.124

SKIING’s 7th Annual Ski Test Reports- Part III                           pg.131

Anti Friction Devices- Do They Work? by Al Greenberg, Equipment   pg.138

The Coaches: Who Is Wearing the Black Hat? Is WIlly Schaeffler

Tyrant or Hero? by John Jerome                                         pg.96

The Cochran Cartel- Sapporo by John Jerome                             pg.104


Holiday 1971-72

Touring in the Sangre de Cristos- Cross- Country at over 11,000

Feet by Al Greenberg                                                             pg.41

The Case for the Small, Family Ski Area  by Al Greenberg          pg.46

Adelboden, Of Course- Switzerland, Resorts,

Travel by George Bush                                                          pg.73

Your Kids and Skiing- Instruction by John Henry Auran           pg.48

Leave It to the Ski School- Sigi Engl of Sun Valley Tells How His

School Handles the Kids                                                        pg.50

Teaching Your Own                                                                        pg.51

The ABC’s of X-C—Primer on How to Get Your Kids to Take Cross

Country First Steps by John Caldwell                                  pg.56

Oh, for a Snow White Christmas- Children’s Styles At Santa’s

Workshop by Cathie Judge                                                   pg.65

Kid’s Bindings Revisited by Gordon Lipe, Equipment                  pg.58

St. Nick, You Fink- Surprise Packages Don’t Always Work

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.62

Dear Santa: Send Me to a Racing Camp by Dinah Witchel          pg.70

Goodies to Get or Give- Gift Suggestions by Cathie Judge           pg.90


February 1972

Stand Up! Are You Giving in to that Incipient Fall Too Easily?

Guide to Keeping Your Balance by Doug Pfeiffer

Instruction                                                                              pg.65

Those Far Out Powder Freaks- Bob Smith and Sam Southwick

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.41

Slalom’s 50th Birthday by John Henry Auran                              pg.46

Life in a Ski Town by John Jerome                                               pg.48

Will the Real Numero Uno Become Super Numero Uno?

Gustavo Thoeni and Sapporo by Melton Davis                   pg.50

Hunter- How You’ve Changed! by Denise McCluggage, Ski Areas       pg.52

Klosters: A Limited Edition- Switzerland, Ski Areas

by Ellie Waterston                                                                  pg.56

Mad River Glen: For the Dedicated- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson

Text by Al Greenberg                                                            pg.77

Mata Hari of the Matterhorn? Fashion by Cathie Judge              pg.59

Where Does the Binding Go? Equipment by Gordon Lipe           pg.74


Spring 1972

Special Olympic Section:

Gotterdammerung at Sapporo- No Hiding the Cracks in the Olympic

Facade                                                                                    pg.33

Alpine Men: The Likely Contenders by John Jerome                   pg.34

Alpine Women: Beating the Odds by John Jerome                       pg.36

The Nordic Cry: Stop the Russkis! by John Caldwell                   pg.38

“Big Excite” at Sapporo- a Round Eyed Look at a APart of Skiing

Most Americans Will Only See on Television by Doug Pfeiffer     pg.42

What Do You Know…About the Winter Olympics? Olympic Facts

and Trivia Compiled by John Henry Auran                        pg.46

Who Won What When? List of Medal Winners from Last Four

Winter Games                                                                        pg.48

SKIING Magazine’s Guide to the TV Olympics                            pg.49

The US Team: It’s a Matter of Budget- Why Americans Won’t Win

as Many Medals as You Think They Should                       pg.50

The Alpine Events: Speed vs. Control                                            pg.52

The Nordic Events: Viewers’ Favorites- Finer Points to Watch for         pg.58

“And Now, a Word from Sapporo…” Complete Olympic Program      pg.62


Letter From Oslo- Ski Touring, Holmenkollen by Woody Woodall       pg.72

Skiing the Cariboos- Canada, Ski Areas, Travel by Mike Maginn        pg.87

Tuning Ski Bindings for Racing by Gordon Lipe                         pg.82

How to Make Molehills of Moguls by Doug Pfeiffer and

Stan Tomlinson, Instruction, Technique                               pg.65

Moguls- The Wong Way by Doug Pfeiffer with Hot Dogger

Wayne Wong                                                                         pg.70

Are You Getting the Most From Your Chair Lift Ride? A Way

to Catch Up on Neglected Conditioning by Rita Chazen     pg.100

Through Woods-East and West- A Poetic Evocation of What

to Wear when Touring by Cathie Judge                              pg.75

Military Skiing is to Skiing as Military Music is to Music- If You

Have Visions of 10th Mountain Glory, Forget Them!

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.104


September 1972


Gearing Up for ’72-’73                                                                    pg.83

Skis- All aboard the Short Ski Bandwagon! by John Auran        pg.84

Boots- New Ideas in “Functional Fit” by John Auran         pg.88

Poles- “Space Age Aluminum” and the Colors of Aquarius

by Al Greenberg                                                         pg.92

Bindings- Joining the Equipment Revolution by Al Greenberg    pg.95

Skiwear ’73- As You Like It by Cathie Judge                      pg.100


SKIING’s ’72-’73 Buying Guide

How to Pick a Ski Shop                                                         pg.110

…Skis                                                                                      pg.111

…Boots                                                                                    pg.113

…Bindings                                                                              pg.114

…Poles                                                                                     pg.116


Sapporo: Can This Be Ski Racing? It Didn’t Look That Way with

the Austrians and the French Shut Out by John Jerome     pg.118

The World Cup Dilemma: Racing at Sixes and Sevens

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.122

US Team: The Best of Times, The Worst of Times by John Jerome      pg.126

Sapporo: Nordic Excitement in the Land of Aahs

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.128

The Hahnenkamm at Kitzbuhel by Jean- Claude Killy, Race Courses  pg.132


October 1972

The Travel Game- Powder, Sunshine, Great Food and Enjoyable

Companions Wherever You Go by Dinah Witchel              pg.75

A Round the World Areas Sampler                                                pg.84

US Areas:

Super- Areas                                                                           pg.85

For the Family                                                                        pg.86

Special Experiences                                                                pg.87

Long and Late                                                                       pg.88

Something for Everyone                                                        pg.89

More than a Hobson’s Choice                                               pg.139

Mini- Vacations                                                                      pg.146

New to the Game                                                                    pg.149

Europe, Canada and Others:

Austria                                                                                    pg.90

France                                                                                     pg.91

Italy                                                                                        pg.92

Switzerland                                                                             pg.93

Canada                                                                                   pg.136

Elsewhere                                                                                pg.148

Exotica                                                                                    pg.148

Shaping Up the Mountain- Resort Report by Alan Pospisil          pg.32

USSA Convention: The Professionals Take Over- News from Seattle

Where USSA Is Headed by John Jerome                             pg.56

Your Very Own Ski House! by Vivian Foltz                                  pg.94

Cubcos for Experts: The Brute and Mogul Jumper- How to Get the

Most from Your Bindings by Gordon Lipe                          pg.96

You Can’t See the Forest for the Touring Skis- Cross- Country Skis,

Equipment by John Jerome                                                  pg.107

Varieties of Touring- At Least Four Different Types of  Touring

Experiences Requiring Different Equipment by Daniel Ford        pg.110

The Lilliputian Revolution- Test Reports on Short Skis

by Doug Pfeiffer and Mike Maginn                                      pg.120

Hot- Dogs- We Love You! Fashion by Cathie Judge                     pg.99

Shape Up To Ski- General Conditioning by Tage Pedersen          pg.22

Some Hope Left for the Ski Instructor? PSIA by Dick Dorworth pg.124

Sweeter Smells the Instructors’ Barnyard- Despite the Gibberish

in the  Latest PSIA Handbook, the American Technique

is a Change for the Better by Doug Pfeiffer                          pg.127

The Piste Verte at Chamonix- How to Ski the World’s Most

Challenging Race Courses by Jean-Claude Killy                 pg.132



Me and Truck- Out of College and Onto the Slopes for this

Ski Bum by Bob Jamieson                                                    pg.136

The Swiss Experience- From Adelboden to Zermatt, European

Ski Areas by George Bush                                                     pg.105

Utah: Burn Before Reading- Skiing the Great Straight Chute of High

Rustler and Environs, Ski Areas by John Skow                  pg.134

Hot- Photo Story on Hotdoggers, Freestyle by Doug Pfeiffer

Photos by Scott Nelson and Virginia Sturgess                      pg.116

The New Pros- Racing as Show Biz—Spider Sabich and Co. Have

Proved that Ski-For-Pay Racing Can Work by John Jerome

Competition                                                                            pg.127

Why Our Racers Don’t Win by Dick Dorworth, Competition      pg.130

Skiing’s Eighth Annual Ski Test Program-Choosing the Right Ski

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.142

The Marker M-4 Toe with Rotamat or Elastomat Heel- How to get the

Most From Your Bindings by Gordon Lipe                         pg.152

Shape Up to Ski (II)- Exercise by Tage Pedersen                           pg.158

Condominiums-To Buy or Not to Buy- Should You Join the Crowd

that’s Buying Ski-Country Apartments? Vacation Real Estate

by Burton Kaplan                                                                  pg.110

What’s it Like to Own a Condominium? For One Illinois Businessman

Aspen Apartment Has Been Great by Carole Newcomer     pg.114

The Piste Emile Allais at Megeve- World’s Great Downhills

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.156


December 1972

The Stem- Should We Love It or Leave It? by Doug Pfeiffer

Instruction                                                                              pg.98

Innsbruck: Skiing’s Capital City- Cultured Metropolis and Many Runs

In this Tyrolean Center, Travel, Europe, Ski Areas

by George Bush                                                                      pg.93

Yes, There’s Skiing in New Hampshire- Northeast, Ski Areas       pg.122

Sugar Bowl: San Fransisco Style- Watercolor art by Cecile Johnson

Text by Margaret Bennett                                                     pg.129

Letter From Andorra- Once Upon a Time Skiing in the Land of

Smugglers by Mike Booth                                                     pg.138

Kid’s Clothes…On the Wild Side, Fashion, Skiwear by Cathie Judge    pg.107

Kid’s Stuff- Children’s Equipment by John Jerome                     pg.114

Skiing’s Eighth Annual Ski Test Program- Part III by Doug Pfeiffer    pg.116

Saloman’s S-444 Combination- Bindings’ Evaluation

by Gordon Lipe                                                                     pg.133

The Exhibition Course at Sun Valley- World’s Great Downhills

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.126

Red Power on the Slopes? Indian Owned Ski Areas, Sierra Blanca

and Sunshine, New Mexico by John Jerome                        pg.24

Sexism- Rampant on the Slopes? Yes, Claim Two Advocates

for Equal Rights for Women Skiers, by Marsha and Lee

Bellavance                                                                              pg.136

The Witherell Effect: Efficiency for Skiing, Learning, Living—

Burke Mountain, Vermont Academy Coach and Director Talks

About His Book by John Jerome                                          pg.142


January/ Holiday 1973

Laff Laughs Last- Top Downhiller Mike Lafferty by John Jerome      pg.62

Dear Santa- Skiing Gift Ideas by Cathie Judge                             pg.70

The Basic Stance- Instruction by Dick Dorworth                           pg.58

To the French Riviera- To Ski? Southern Alps, France, Ski Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.51

Sugarbush Without Makeup- Ski Areas by Denise McCluggage  pg.64

Canada’s Mineral King- Banff-Jasper Areas by John Jerome     pg.82

Little Things that Mean Alot- How to Tell If Its Warm and

Comfortable, Fashion, Skiwear by Cathie Judge                 pg.89

Skiing’s Eighth Annual Ski Test Program by Doug Pfeiffer         pg.74

The Piste O-K at Val D’Isere- World’s Grear Downhills by

Jean-Calude Killy                                                                  pg.94


February 1973

Goodbye, Denver Olympics- The Initial Bid Was a Fraud but

Noone Believed tyhe Coloradans Wouldn’t Go Along

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.68

22 Bad Habits You Can Correct- Instruction by Georges Joubert         pg.52

Letter From Japan by Joan Cohen, Travel                                   pg.41

Playboy East: The Skiing’s Not Bad! Great Gorge, New Jersey

Ski Areas by John Jerome                                                     pg.45

Into the Yohos, Up to My Waist- Journal of Expedition in the

Canadian Rockies by Daniel Ford                                        pg.48

Can Killington Teach Anyone to Ski? by Robert Morrow, Vermont

Ski Areas                                                                                pg.60

Can You Ski Snowmass Without Going to Aspen? by Al Greenberg

Colorado, Ski Areas                                                               pg.71

The Italian Experience

Even a Lift Line Can Be Fun by James Becket

Bormio and Livigno- Still Unspoiled- Upper Valtellina       pg.77

How to Check Your Bindings by Al Greenberg, Equipment        pg.64

The Banchetta Course at Sestriere- World’s Great Downhills

by Jean-Claude Killy                                                             pg.74


Spring 1973

Summer is for Ski Camps by John Henry Auran                         pg.41

Big Speed- Cervinia’s Kilometro Lanciato Photographed by

Del Mulkey                                                                             pg.44

The Ski Writers- Behind the Scenes Look at the Profession and

Leading Members by John Jerome                                       pg.78

Bivouac at Victory Bog- College Course in Winter Survival

photos by Jeff Naughton                                                       pg.82

Get Hot! Hot- Dogger Wayne Wong Shows How by Doug Pfeiffer

Instruction                                                                              pg.48

Wax, File, and Candle- Ski Maintenance, Equipment by Sven Coomer         pg.66

Letter From Farellones- Chilean Skiing by Martin Heckelman    pg.32

The Robinson Bar: Century Old Hospitality for Wilderness Skiers-

Idaho Ranch, Cross Country Skiing by Alice Dieter            pg.57

Arapahoe Ski Basin- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson, Text by

John Henry Auran                                                                pg.61

Skiing the Americas- Three Austrians Made their Way to the tops of

the Western Hemisphere’s Highest Mountains

by Herbert Lackner                                                               pg.72

One- Minute Warning- Former Racer Relives the 60 Seconds Before

the Start by Betty Bell                                                            pg.25

The Race is not Always to the Fast E- Memoirs of a Sugarloaf Ski

Week by Alan Pospisil, Humor                                             pg.64

The Lauberhorn Course at Wengen by Jean-Claude Killy           pg.76


October 1973

Great Ski Vacations: The Possible Dream by Cathie Judge          pg.91

Where To Ski: The US and Canada- Capsule Reports, Resorts,

Ski Areas                                                                                pg.93

How Good Are the New Ones? Four New Western Ski Areas

by John Skow                                                                        pg.96

Where to Ski: Europe                                                                      pg.100

Jumbo Jets Change the Vacation Picture- Cheaper Air Travel

Opens Up a New World of Skiing by Ben Kocivar              pg.102

The Crowd Hater’s Guide to European Skiing by George Bush  pg.104

The Great Comeback- Jean-Claude Killy’s Own Story on his

Return to Competition                                                           pg.120

Cross-Country: It’s a Buyer’s Market- Ski Touring Equipment

by Joe Pete Wilson                                                                 pg.26

Feet Hurt? Fix Your Boots! Tips to Doctor Your Boots

by Michael Chapman, MD                                                    pg.54

Short Skis: Nirvana Ever Nearer, Yet So Far- Ski Test Program

Report by Doug Pfeiffer                                                       pg.114

The Allsop- Pegged for Safety- Getting the Most From Your

Bindings by Gordon Lipe                                                      pg.155

The Ski Is a Tool- Use It to Carve Turns by Warren Witherell,

Technique                                                                               pg.108

Why Can’t We Just Go Ski Racing? Can Mickey Cochran Avoid

Politics- As no Previous US Team Coach Has?

by John Jerome, Competition                                               pg.16

Susie’s Year: Start to Finish (Part II: Fall) Sapporo’s Bronze Medalist

on the  Racing Circuit by Susan Corrock with John Jerome,

Competition                                                                            pg.118

The Racy Look: A Winner Again- Comeback Skiwear, Fashion

by Cathie Judge                                                                     pg.124

Can You Stop On X-C Skis? A Slow Down Guide, Cross-Country

by Margaret Bennett                                                              pg.52

Kwame Driver and the Snow Dance Kid- Game Warden/ Ski Bum

by Bob Jamieson                                                                    pg.69


November 1973

The Great Comeback- On Jean-Claude Killy’s return to Racing

Competition (by Killy)                                                           pg.24

Skiing the Pyrenees- Good for What Ails You- Travel, Ski Areas

by Al Breenberg                                                                     pg.101

Steamboat’s A-Buildin’ by George Bush, Colorado, Ski Areas     pg.106

Mt. Snow in the Age of Ecology- Vermont, Ski Areas

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.126

Killington: For Skiers- And Skiers To Be- Watercolor Art

by Cecile Johnson, Text by Robert Morrow                         pg.148

Kid’s Gear ’74: For the  Super Skiing Generation- Guide to Sensible

Buying, Equipment by John Henry Auran                          pg.117

The Allmat 8000, Jet and PSC- How To Get the Most From Your

Bindings by Gordon Lipe                                                      pg.155

Skis- Which for You? SKIING’s 9th Annual Ski Test Program

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.165

Kids’ Clothes ’74: The Classics Go To Camp- Kids’ Apparel Shot

at Whistler Mountain, B.C., Fashion by Cathie Judge        pg.121

Sitting Back is Nonsense- The Weight Back Position is Crazy

by Warren Witherell, Technique                                           pg.136

Two for the Kids- Ski Teaching at Buttermilk, Colorado and

Mt. Snow, Vermont by Al Greenberg                                   pg.130

Breaking the Stem Barrier by Jonathan Jenkins, Instruction       pg.142

SKIING’s Hot-Dogger of the Year. #1: Wayne Wong (Foldout)   pg.112

Susie’s Year: Start To Finish (Part III) Susan Recounts the Team’s

Trip to Europe and Its Hasty Retreat by Susan Corrock with

John Jerome, Competition                                                    pg.84

Can-Am: It’s the Best There Is- Junior Race Circuit by Bill Tanler       pg.110

This White Wail, This Loud Blur- Ski Jumper Prose Poem

by Claude Liman                                                                   pg.86

Family Sport, My Dr. Spock! Frustrations of a Skiing Mother

by Dottie Schoonmaker                                                         pg.108


December 1973

Hot Dog

Cornering the Sky- Freestyle Skiers’ Fashion by Cathie Judge,

Photos by Bruce Barthel and Virginia Sturgess                   pg.102

Made to Boogie- Memoirs of a Hot-Dogger Who Wonders Why

He Is by Jeff Frees                                                                  pg.110

SKIING’s Hot- Dogger of the Year. #2: Eddie Ferguson-1973

by John Jerome, Foldout by Bruce Barthel                          pg.112

The Great Comeback- Jean-Claude Killy’s Own Story of his Struggle

to Win the Pro-Circuit Grand Prix, Competition                 pg.64

Susie’s Year: Start to Finish (Part IV) How the Bureaucrats Stopped

Susie Patterson and Cindy Nelson from Racing at Maribor

by Susan Corrock with John Jerome                                   pg.75

The New Mexico Experience by John Jerome, Photos

by Virginia Sturgess                                                               pg.85

Never a Snow Drought at Arosa- Switzerland, Resorts, Travel

by George Bush, photos by Del Mulkey                               pg.88

Stowe- Bound- Vermont Ski Areas, by George Bush, photos by

Clyde Smith                                                                            pg.90

Aspen Highlands: Maverick in Paradise- Watercolor Art

by Cecile Johnson, Text by John Henry Auran                   pg.132

Skis- Which for You? Ski Test Program by Doug Pfeiffer            pg.94

The Besser Deluxe and Glas- How to Get the Most From Your

Bindings by Gordon Lipe                                                      pg.98

The Great T & E Tie-Up- Part I— The Boot as a Tool; How It

Evolved by Doug Pfeiffer, Illustrations by Ralph Harris     pg.117

Edge- Then Turn—For Smoother, Carved Turns by Warren Witherell

Instruction                                                                              pg.126

I Taught Myself to Ski (So Can You) by Roy Roberts                  pg.142

The Forward Lean- Humor by Betty Bell                                      pg.137

A Then Skier Tries the Now Gear- Humor by John Skow            pg.148


January 1974

Utah’s Masters of the Deep- Stein Eriksen, Alf Engen and

Junior Bounous Show How to Ski the Deep Powder

by Doug Pfeiffer, Instruction                                                 pg.60

Rendezvous Peak: The Ace in Jackson Hole by George Bush

Ski Areas, Wyoming                                                              pg.53

The Quebec Experience- Travel by Dinah Witchel, Photos by

Clyde Smith                                                                            pg.56

Snowbird: Feeling Free- Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson,

Text by John Henry Auran                                                   pg.92

The Americana: Heel Release on a Plate- How to Get the Most From

Your Bindings by Gordon Lipe                                           pg.66

Skis- Which for You? Ski Test Reports by Doug Pfeiffer             pg.76

The Great T & E Tie-Up Part II— Evolution of the Boot as a Tool

to Control Ski Technique by Doug Pfeiffer, Illustrations by

Ralph Harris                                                                          pg.85

Cheat the Cold- Skiwear, Fashion by Cathie Judge                      pg.69

SKIING’s Gallery of Great Hot- Doggers- Scott Brooksbank, 1972

National Freestyle Skiing Champion by John Jerome

photos by Virginia Sturgess                                                   pg.80

Susie’s Year: Start to Finish (Part V) Susie Scores Her Season’s

First Downhill World Cup Points by Susan Corrock with

John Jerome, Competition                                                    pg.34

The Great Comeback- Jean-Claude Killy Concludes the Account

of his Successful Return to Competition                               pg.46


February 1974

Snow- On Learning to Love It- Photo Essay by Doug Pfeiffer     pg.41

To Ski Hot- Down -Unweight—Freestyler’s Necessary Skill

by Doug Pfeiffer, Illustrations by Ralph Harris                   pg.46

Canting: A Progress Report by Warren Witherell, Equipment     pg.66

We Test 14 Anti-Friction Devices by Al Greenberg, Equipment   pg.77

Susie’s Year: Start to Finish (Part VI) World Cup Pressures and  the

Sometimes Hilarious Ways the Racers Handled Them

by Susan Corrock with John Jerome, Competition             pg.18

Proell Power- Austria’s Triple World Cup Winner is the One to Watch

at This Year’s FIS Championships at St. Moritz by John Auran pg.80

Sun Valley- Idaho, Ski Areas, Travel by John Jerome                 pg.52

Perfect Sweden- Ski Trip to Falun and Surrounding Areas, Travel,

Ski Areas by Dinah Witchel                                                  pg.58

Vail’s Lionshead: Back to the Good Old Days- Watercolor Art

by Cecile Johnson, Text by William Grout                           pg.72

Chamonix to Zermatt on Skis- La Haute Route by Bob Jamieson,

Touring                                                                                  pg.61

Skiing the Presidentials- White Mountains, New Hampshire,

Touring by John Skow, photos by Clyde Smith                  pg.64

Confessions of a Canting Addict by Muriel Wiessner, Humor      pg.70


Spring 1974

Tips for Weekend Racers- How to Lower Your NASTAR Handicap

by Warren Witherell, Instruction                                          pg.56

Tricks for Treats- Hot Dogger Wayne Wong, Bill O’Leary, George

Askevold and Don Pierce Show How by Doug Pfeiffer       pg.61

Maine- Travel, Ski Areas by John Henry Auran, photos by

Clyde Smith                                                                           pg.39

The Eiger Sanctum by Allan Pospisil, Europe, Travel                  pg.44

High Stubai- Austria’s Glacier by John Skow, Travel, Ski Areas pg.47

Mt. Alyeska-Travel, Ski Areas by John Henry Auran, photos by

Nancy Simmerman                                                                pg.52

How Many Feet Did We Do Today? Heliskiing in the Canadian

Rockies by Daniel Ford, photos by Peter Wingle                  pg.74

Going to the Dogs in Norway by Alan Hall                                   pg.82

A Parent’s Eye View of a Summer Ski Camp- 50 year old Dentist

with the Kids at Timberline by Martin Staller                      pg.78

SKIING’s Summer Ski Camp Guide                                              pg.81

The Ski Photographers- Behind the Scenes Look by John Jerome        pg.68

Warren [Miller]: Making It On Film- Profile by Dick Dorworth

photos by Tom Lippert                                                          pg.70

Summer Supplement: For Skiers, There’s No Off-Season-

Affinity Sports                                                                       pg.89

Susie’s Year: Start to Finish (Part VII) Susan Corrock Concludes her

Ski Racing Year by Susan Corrock with John Jerome

Cmpetition                                                                              pg.30

Airborne at Alta- Diary of a Contestant at the 9th Annual National

Gelande Contest by Richard Barnum-Reece, Competition  pg.42


September 1974

Equipment 1974-75: What’s In It for You?                                   pg.82

Skis: Skier Designed by Jon Henry Auran                           pg.84

Boots: Performance Rated by John Henry Auran               pg.88

Poles: Action Ready by William Grout                                 pg.92

Bindings: Safety Engineered? by Al Greenberg                   pg.94

Skiwear 1974-75 Playing in Style by Cathie Judge              pg.99

What’s Gone Wrong With the Weather? Talk of a New Ice Age,

But New England is in a Perpetual Thaw by John Jerome pg.79

For Easy Skiing, Tough Exercises- Lydia Bach’s Studio               pg.106

The Freestylers:” Give Us More Air!” Call for GreaterFreedom

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                     pg.110

The Pros: Veteran’s Day- Hugo Nindl Met the Challenge of Youth

and Walked Off with the Biggest Pot Yet by Gaylord Guenin,

Competition                                                                            pg.112

The Amateurs: Europe’s Year- Thoeni, Piero Gros, by Bill  Tanler

Competition                                                                            pg.114

The US Team: “So What Is So Different?” Cochran Replaced



October 1974

Skiing’s Travel Guide 1974-75- Capsule Reports on 60 major

Ski Areas, Vacation Tips, Edited by Norma Higinbotham      pg.19

Skiing the West by Motor Home by Bob Jamieson                       pg.135

Europe’s Most Elegant- Zurs, Cortina, Megeve, Gstaad, Resorts,

Ski Areas by Al Greenberg, Photos by Del Mulkey                       pg.138

Approaching the Untouchables- Ski Lifts by Robert Morrow      pg.146

All Aboard for Skiing! Getting there by Rail, Ski Trains?

by John Jerome                                                                          pg.180

Regional Guide ’74-’75- Ski Areas in Your Region                       pg.209

Performance is the Cry of the X-C Revolution- Synthetic

Cross-Country Gear, Equipment by William Grout                 pg.33

Know Your Bindings- The Salomon S-555- Equipment

by Al Greenberg                                                                         pg.149

Selecting Skis- Ski Tests by Doug Pfeiffer (10th Annual)              pg.163

Return to Elegance- Quiet, Dignified Clothes by Cathie Judge

Photographed in St. Moritz by Del Mulkey, Fashion                    pg.154

Partners in Fitness- Conditioning by Tage Pedersen                       pg.170

Letter From Anchorage- The USSA by John Jerome                    pg.11

A Gold for Repairs- Incident at Squaw Valley Olympics

y Edward Scott                                                                                pg.45

The Crafty Skier’s Guide- Handcrafts and Skiing, Shopping

by I. William Berry                                                                          pg.174



November 1974

What Happens When the President Goes Skiing?When Jerry Ford

Goes Skiing, the Secret Service Skis Along by John Jerome         pg.56

Seven Ways to Start a Christie- From a Down Stem to an

Airborne Launch, Instruction by Doug Pfeiffer                            pg.121

Boots: Pinning Down Performance- New Testing Program

by Michael Chapman, MD, Equipment                                         pg.109

Selecting Skis- Part II Equipment by Doug Pfeiffer                         pg.133

Know Your Bindings- The Head XD, Competition and Elite

Plates, Equipment by AL Greenberg                                              pg.140

Skiing’s New Horizons- Freestyler Searches for New Worlds

to Conquer, Photo Essay by Virginia Sturgess, HotDogging

Competition                                                                                     pg.117

Big Sky- The Late Chet Huntley’s Land, Great Cross Country

by John Skow, photos by Scott Nelson                                            pg.89

Insider’s Guide- Where the Swiss Ski- Flims, Lenzerheide

Switzerland, Ski Areas, Travel by George Bush                               pg.96

By God, It’s Jay Peak- Vermont, Ski Areas, Travel

by Norma Higinbotham, photos by Clyde Smith                             pg.100

Regional Reports- Ski Areas in Your Region                                    pg.179

Bright, Bold and Beautiful- Fashion by Cathie Judge,

photos by Del Mulkey                                                                       pg.102

What’s a Good Ski Car? Tips for Making the Trip Safer,

Easier and Cheaper by John Jerome                                                pg.28

Why Can’t a Woman SKi More Like a Man? Anatomical and

Socialogical Differences Explain it All by Dinah Witchel                 pg.94

Bad Dreams on Bald Mountain- Snow Ranger in Avalanche Country

by Dave Baldridge                                                                              pg.98

December 1974

The World of Mountains- What’s Under the Snow We Ski On

by John Jerome                                                                               pg.58

ATM: Almost Back to Basics- American Instruction

by John Henry Auran                                                                     pg.106

Selecting Skis- Part III, Equipment by Doug Pfeiffer

Your Bindings- Tyrolia’s Clix Diagonal Heel and 350 Toe

Equipment by Al Greenberg                                                      pg.124

Ready When You Are, CB- Crested Butte’s Expansion

by Al Greenberg                                                                         pg.85

Insider’s Guide: Where the French Ski- Resorts in the Jura

and MassifCentral by Norma Higinbotham, Ski Areas, France        pg.88

Vermont’s Golden Triangle- Stratton, Bromley and Magic,

Ski Areas by John Jerome                                                              pg.114

Regional Reports- Ski Areas in Your Region                                 pg.153

Home At Last- US Ski Team’s National Training Center in

Park City, Utah, Competition by John Jerome                         pg.92

Not So Very Long Ago- Fashion by Cathie Judge                         pg.96

Unfair: Sex Tests for Racers- Olympic Rules by Dinah Witchel   pg.42

Just for the Fun of It- Citizen’s Cross-Country Races

by William Grout                                                                        pg.79


January 1975

The World of Mountains- Part II by John Jerome                        pg.51

Know Your Bindings- The Burt Retractable, Equipment by

Al Greenberg                                                                               pg.76

Poles Apart- Guide for the Downhiller Taking Up Cross-Country

by Steve Reischl, photos by Peter Runyon                                 pg.82

ATM: The Parallel Strand- American Teaching Method

by Horst Abraham, Instruction                                                 pg.86

Insider’s Guide: Where the Austrians Ski, Alpine Resorts

by George Bush                                                                          pg.60

The New York Experience by Dianh Witchel, Travel                    pg.64

Breckenridge is Smooooth- Colorado, Ski Areas by John Jerome         pg.68

Regional Reports- Where to Ski In Your Region, Ski Areas         pg.105

A Surfeit of Ski Flicks- Report on the First International

Ski Film Festival by Archer Winsten                                              pg.24

The Invisible Woman Racer- Race for Equal Opportunity

by Dinah Witchel                                                                        pg.33

Out of Santa’s Fanny Pack- Gift Idead for Skiers

by Cathie Judge



February 1975

The Forest Service- A Timber Broker for Skiing’s Future-

Is Skiing Important to It? by John Jerome                               pg.76

Know Your Bindings- The Geze Jet Set, Equipment by

Al GreenbergMean Modern Mogul

-    Techniques, Instruction by Doug Pfeiffer                                  pg.44

On Balance- For the Downhiller Learning Cross-Country,

Instruction by Steve Rieschl, photos by Peter Runyon                  pg.60

One Ski at A Time- Independent Leg Action, Instruction by

Horst Abraham                                                                           pg.68

The Oregon Experience- Ski Areas by William Grout

tSkiing New Hampshire’s Waterville and Loon by John Jerome,

photos by Clyde Smith                                                               pg.42

To the Finland Stations-Travel by John Henry Auran                 pg.52

Cooke City: Untapped Winter Gold- Montana, Ski Areas

by Aaron Cassidy                                                                       pg.54

Regional Reports- Where to Ski In Your Region, Ski Areas         pg.91

Ski-Biz: An Equal Opportunity Employer? by Dinah Witchel     pg.28

Here Today, Gone In 30 Seconds- Ski Thefts and Prevention

by William Grout, Crime                                                           pg.72


Spring 1975

Someday…the Steeps- Jon Reveal Shows How to Ski Them

by Doug Pfeiffer, Instruction                                                     pg.49

Getting Off at Tahoe- by Bob Jamieson, phot. by Morton Beebe pg.27

The Berkshire Experience: It’s Kid’s Stuff- Travel, Ski Areas

by Allan Pospisil                                                                         pg.36

Saas-Fee’s Special Summit World- Europe, Alpine Ski Station

Travel by George Bush                                                                   pg.42

Letter From the Dolomites- Italy, Ski Areas, Travel

by Barbara Peters                                                                       pg.54

Tips for Summer Storage- Equipment by William Grout             pg.14

What’s a Good Binding? How Skiing Does Design Evaluation

by Al Greenberg                                                                         pg.58

The Pro’s: Nobody’s Laughing Anymore- This Year the Pros

May be the Best in the World by William Grout                       pg.32

“What Am I Doing Here?” Hart’s Red Lodge Camp

by Martin Steingesser                                                                 pg.44

Summer SKi Camps ’75- Annual Listing                                       pg.46

First Time Down Mt. Owen by Robin McClure                             pg.38

What Do You Do When the Snow’s All Gone?

Sports and Activities                                                                        pg.67


September 1975

Equipment: The Spirit of ’76                                                          pg.59

Skis ’76: Simpler to Select by John Henry Auran                          pg.60

Boots ’76: A Search for Comfort by John Henry Auran              pg.66

Bindings ’76: Stop that Ski! Ski Retention Devices

by Al Greenberg                                                                         pg.76

Poles ’76: Safety is the Catchword- Strapless Grips and

Breakaway Wrist Straps by William Grout                                   pg.109

Skiwear ’76: Ready for Action by Barbara  Alley                         pg.82

The Many Splendored Montafon- Austria, Ski Areas, Travel

by George Bush                                                                          pg.48

Colorado’s Glowing Peaks- Summit County, Ski Areas, Travel

by Al Greenberg                                                                         pg.113

Report from Interski- “Down with Extremism!”

by Al Greenberg                                                                         pg.10

How to Mechanize your Conditioning Program- Stress Tests

by Paul Gordon                                                                          pg.150

The World Cup: Winner Take All- Controversy

of Gustavo Thoeniby Hans Heinrich, Competition

Freestyle Goes Dramatic- Hotdoggers and Classical Ballet

by Karen Lamoreux                                                                   pg.130

The US Team: Coming On- The End of a Four Year Decline

by John Henry Auran, Competition                                          pg.134

The Pros: Going Down to the Wire

by William Grout, Competition                                                 pg.136

Nordic: Off Year Gamesmanship by John Caldwell, Competition        pg.144


October 1975

Killington: First with the Most by John Jerome,

Vermont, Ski Areas                                                                    pg.19

Where To Ski ’75-’76 Guide to Major Resorts                               pg.45

The New Age Comes to Winter Park- Denver,

Colorado, Ski areas                                                                    pg.68

Val Thorens- That’s Why by Al Greenberg                                   pg.79

Skiing With Club Med- Europe, Ski Areas by Jerome McFadden         pg.107

The Skills of Skiing- Part I, Balance by Doug Pfeiffer

Instruction                                                                                   pg.87

Train with a Pro- Rudd Pyles, Conditioning, by WIlliam Grout  pg.196

Ski Boots: How to Make Sure They Fit

by Michael Chapman, MD Equipment                                     pg.96

Ski Brakes- Do They Work? SOme Have Problems

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                         pg.159

A Woman’s Guide to Ski Equipment by Dinah Witchel               pg.166

Fashion Forecast: Snow and Warm! by Barbara Alley                 pg.99

The Man Behind the Ski Shows- Harry Leonard Profile

by John Jerome                                                                          pg.178

November 1975

The World of Winter- Life Still Goes on Above, On and Beneath

the Snow by John Jerome                                                          pg.17

The Skills of Skiing, Part II- Edge Control, Instruction

by Doug Pfeiffer                                                                         pg.73

Equipment Close Up- Skis, An In Depth Study on

the Ideal Ski by Doug Pfeiffer                                                    pg.44

Binding Performance Report: Look and Besser,

Which Model for You? Lab Results by Carl Ettlinger                  pg.82

Cross-Country Equipment: The Year of Profusion

by William Grout                                                                        pg.114

Is It Really Skiing? Freestyle, Hotdoggers by Paul Gordon          pg.102

“No Kidding-Aspen’s the Best” by John Jerome,

Colorado, Ski Areas                                                                   pg.32

Skiing the Valel D’Aosta- Courmayeur and Cervinia

by Robert Morrow, Europe, Ski Areas                                      pg.57

The Eastern Townships Unmasked- Eastern Canada Ski Areas

by John Henry Auran                                                                pg.68

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Skiing- Home Grown Skiwear,

Fashion by Barbara Alley                                                          pg.95

Skiwear- Getting It Together- How to Choose and Care For        pg.119


January 1976

Snow: It’s More than Ice- Prose and Photo Essay

by John Jerome                                                                          pg.11

Ski Touring for Tots- Primer for Parents by Marlyn Doan          pg.62

‘Tis the Season- Useful Gifts for Skiers by Muriel Adams             pg.73

Let’s Ski the Bumps! Three Basic Ways to Enjoy a Mogul Field

Instruction by Corky Fowler, photos by Bruce Barthel            pg.52

Cross-Country’s Basic Stride- Text and Photos by John Caldwell         pg.90

Boots: Performance ’76 by Michael Chapman, MD, Equipment  pg.33

Bindings Performance Report: Cubco and Tyrolia

by Carl Ettlinger, Illustrations by Dan Todd                            pg.76

More Mammoth than Ever- California, Ski Areas

by Dinah Witchel photos by Dick Rowan                                 pg.25

In Slovakia, The Snow Isn’t Red- Skiing and Lifestyle in the

Tatras by Al Greenberg, photos by Del Mulkey, Travel               pg.39

The All-the-Comforts-of-Home Ski Tour, Country Inns

by John Skow, photo by Ad Berkey                                          pg.66


February 1976

Special Olympic Section

The XII Winter Olympiad: It’s More than Just a Race

by Al Greenberg                                                                         pg.15

Men’s Alpine: It Won’t Be Easy by John Henry Auran                pg.16

Women’s Alpine: Wide Open by John Henry Auran                    pg.18

Innsbruck: The “Simple Olympics” by Bill Tanler                       pg.20

Flashback: Innsbruck ’64 by William Grout                                 pg.31

US Alpine Team- Is This the Year? by Bill Tanler                        pg.36

Lake Placid: The Invisible Olympics by Dinah Witchel                 pg.40

The Alpine Coaches: Under the Gun by Hans Heinrich                pg.46

Denver: The Phantom Olympics- What if the 1972

Vote Had Gone theOther Way? by William Grout                   pg.51

Nordic: It’s Anybody’s Race by John Caldwell                             pg.54

Olympic Q and A                                                                            pg.56

Conquering the Deep by Corky Fowler, Instruction                      pg.65

Return of the Telemark by Rick Borkovek, Instruction                pg.84

Bindings Performance Report: The Marker M Line

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                         pg.88

The Moguls of Marrakech- Travel by Tom Hayes                        pg.96

What Makes Martha Run? Martha Rockwell Profile

by John Henry Auran                                                                pg.76

The Ski Team Docs by John Jerome, Orthopedic Surgeons         pg.80

An Extra-Ordinary Jill- Kinmont is the Subject of

the Movie “The Other Side of the Mountain by Dinah Witchel        pg.92

The Single Game-Play it for Shorter Lift Line Waits

by Don Clark                                                                              pg.100



Hijinks at Sugarloaf- Maine, Ski Areas, by John Jerome

photos by Fletcher Manley                                                    pg.18

Teton Country- Snow King, Grand Targhee and Jackson Hole,

Wyoming, Ski Areas by John Henry Auran

photos by Bruce Barthel                                                                  pg.34

You Can’t Beat That! Longest Lift-Served Season is at

Canada’s Whistler Mountain by Paul Gordon

photos by Morten Beebe                                                                  pg.42

The Pros: Faster and Faster- Competition, Text and photos

by William Grout                                                                            pg.12

Summer Ski Camps ’76- U.S., Canada and Europe                              pg.74

Flipping Out at Summer Camp by Carol Austin Bridgwater                pg.77

Is Ski Camp For You? Middle Aged Camper Finds It’s a Great

         VACATION FOR ANYONE BY MARTIN STALLER                                            PG.80

One…Two…Three…Ski Ballet! by Corky Fowler, photos

by Bruce Barthel                                                                    pg.65

Ski Tuning is Easy- How to Maintain Your Skis and What

Tools to Use by William Grout                                                       pg.26

Bindings Performance Report: The Gertsch Line by Carl Ettlinger      pg.82

Sports for the Off-Season:

Biking-The Great Conditioner                                                        pg.49

Tennis-The Thwang of a Well-Stroked Shot, Tennis Camps        pg.52

Water-Next Best to Snow, Water Skiing                               pg.58

Backpacking- Freedom, Fresh Air and Mountains                        pg.62



The Whole Ski Catalog- Equipment Selection Rules                    pg.71

Boots ’77 by John Henry Auran                                                    pg.72

Skis ’77- High Performance and Not Racing Skis by William Grout    pg.84

In the Foil Line- Ski Foils by Paul Gordon                                             pg.92

Skiwear ’77- The Racing Influence by Barbara Alley, Fashion             pg.94

Bindings ’77 by Carl Ettlinger                                                                 pg.123

Poles ’77- Many Variations by Al Greenberg                                         pg.128

The Great Cariboo Lift-Off- HeliSkiing in the Canadian Rockies

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.36

Mad River Glen- It’s a Natural! Vermont, Ski Areas

by John Jerome                                                                    pg.173

News of Areas in Your Region                                                                pg.211

Do the Helicopter! Instruction, Technique by Corky Fowler                 pg.46

Knee Builders- Exercises, Conditioning by Tage Pedersen                     pg.195

High Drama at Innsbruck- Klammer, Rosi and Gros

by Al Greenberg, Competition                                                        pg.134

The World Cup: A Season of Promise- Rosi Mittermaier and

Ingemar Stenmark Made a Tough Season Look Easy

by Bill Tanler                                                                         pg.138

Freestyle: A Fight to the Finish- Intense Competition

by Don Russell, Hotdoggers                                                  pg.162

The Pros: Dudu Goes Wild- Henri Duvillard by William Grout           pg.166

Nordic: No More Humble Pie- Bill Koch, First X-C Medal for U.S.

at Innsbruck by John Henry Auran                                               pg.168



Time Trip to Taos- New Mexico, Ski Areas by John Skow                   pg.45

Vermont’s Little Big Ten- Resorts by Linda Cross                                 pg.50

Skiing’s Guide to Great Ski Vacations- Resort Directory

by Linda Cross                                                                       pg.61

Europe’s Super Downhills- Alps, Ski Areas by George Bush                 pg.82

News of Areas in Your Region                                                                pg.211

Fast Skis- Equipment by Al Greenberg                                         pg.163

Bindings Performance Report: The Geze Olymp 76

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                             pg.182

Making Sense of the New Boots- How to Pick Them by

Michael Chapman, MD                                                                   pg.186

Go-Ahead for Ski Brakes? Some Caution is Needed in Their Use

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.195

Carving Your Way to Better Turns- Instruction by Corky Fowler       pg.175

Running a Mountain in Style- How Ski Industry Leaders Dress

For Work and Pleasure, Fashion by Barbara Alley                       pg.100

The Men Who Made the Mountains by John Jerome                            pg.92



In Washington D.C., Skiing Lives! by Dinah Witchel                            pg.34

Fun Skiing in Vail City- Colorado, Ski Areas by John Jerome             pg.51

And Now…the Truth About Mt. Snow by Robert Morrow                   pg.61

Sun and SNow in Sondrio-Alps, Ski Areas, Europe

by Barbara Matthiessen                                                                  pg.199

News of Areas in Your Region                                                                pg.231

Fun Skis by John Henry Auran                                                              pg.125

Cross-Country Equipment: The Waxless Wave by William Grout       pg.158

Are Your Old Bindings Worth Saving? by Carl Ettlinger                   pg.207

Steps to Better Skiing- Stepping from One Ski to Another

is a Sign of Good Technique, Demonstrated

by Jens Husted with Chris Ryman and Weems Westfeldt            pg.141

Stength for Those Turns- Leg Exercises by George Twardokens pg.190

Go, Go, Number 9,514! The Engadine, Competition

by Jerome McFadden                                                           pg.70

Kochie- Profile of First American Olympic  X-C Winner

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.95

Styled for Freestyle- Skiwear, Fashion by Barbara Alley                        pg.86


December 1976 (Pages Cut Off on Copy)

7 Ways to Ski Anything Safely- Demonstrated by Jens Husted

with Chris Ryman and Weems Westfeldt                                  pg.?

Downhill Techniques for Ski Touring by Steve Rieschl                          pg.

The Inner Game of Skiing- How Tim Gallwey’s Teaching Worked

in Two Western Ski Schools by Karen Lamoreux                  pg.

“What Do You Think You Are? A Bloody Swiss?” Said the Moniteur

European Skiing Styles Differ, Leading to a Certain Confusion

by Jerome McFadden                                                               pg.

The New Park City Image:Tough- Utah, Resorts, Ski Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                        pg.

Mt. Washington Valley- New Hampshire, Ski Areas

by Allan Pospisil                                                                       pg.

Long Skis and Cold Nights- Norway Skiing by Allan Pospisil         pg.

Savognin: In Search of a Better Mountain- Swiss Resort

by George Bush                                                                         pg.

News of Areas In Your Region                                                          pg.

Dudu the Magnificent- Henri Duvillard, Competition

by William Grout                                                                      pg.

Freestyle Skis- 25 Models Designed for Ballet or Mogul-Bashing

by William Grout                                                                      pg.

Kid’s Skis by John Henry Auran                                                      pg.

Bindings Performance Report: Kids’ Bindings by Carl Ettlinger    pg.

Dressing for a Colorado Holiday- Skiwear, Fashion

by Barbara Alley                                                                      pg.

White Magic- A Young Woman Amputee Learns to Ski

by Janet Anderson                                                                    pg.

A Night in a Crevasse- At Chamonix, Vacationer Skiing off-piste

Has a Brush with Death by D.W.G. Guest                                       pg.


January 1977

Through the Trees- How to Recognize the Trees that Grow in

Ski Country by John Jerome, photos by Dick Rowan                 pg.40

All I Want for Christmas Is- Gifts for Skiers by Barbara Alley             pg.74

Tree Skiing by Corky Fowler                                                                  pg.51

How to Ski the Crud- Instruction, Technique by Corky Fowler            pg.103

A Whipped Cream Mountain in Cowboy Country-

Steamboat, Colorado Ski Areas by John Jerome                       pg.57

Mont Tremblant- Canada, Ski Areas by Robert Morrow                      pg.67

Portes Du Soleil- With One Lift Ticket, You Can Ski 12 Areas

on the Swiss-French Border, Europe, Ski Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                   pg.76

There Is Skiing, By Golly, In the Midwest- Travel, SKi Areas

by Linda Cross                                                                     pg.87

News of Areas in Your Region                                                                pg.117

Bindings Performance Report: A Really New Look at Look                 pg.108

Burned Out at 14? Young Racers and the FIS-Point Chase

by Dinah Witchel, Competition                                                     pg.91


February 1977

A Skier’s Guide to Animal Tracks by John Jerome                      pg.27

Tracks Tell the Tale- How to Read Your Own Ski Tracks to

Improve your Technique by Jonathan Jenkins                   pg.33

The Lateral Connection by Reudi Bear, Instruction                      pg.81

Franconia: Where It All Began- Can It Make a Comeback as a

Lively Ski Center? by John Jerome                                      pg.41

Two Nuggets of San Juan Gold- Purgatory and Telluride, Colorado,

Ski Areas, Travel by William Grout                                     pg.54

Pontresina- Neighbor of St. Moritz, Ski Areas, Resorts, Travel

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.71

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.97

Freestyle’s New Breed- A Look at the New Professionals, Hotdoggers

by William Grout                                                                   pg.48

What’s Next for Suzy Chaffee? by Dinah Witchel, Profile            pg.64

Bindings and Skiing Performance- The Other Side of the Coin-

How Good Bindings Aid in Edge Control by Carl Ettlinger         pg.86

Steps to Winter Survival- Ways to Cope With Ski Country

Emergencies by Paul Gordon                                               pg.61

Avalanche! Knowing What to Do Can Save Your Life

by Michael Lahey                                                                  pg.76

Alphabet Soup- USSA, SIA, PSIA- What the Letters Mean

by John Jerome                                                                     pg.90


Spring 1977

Spring Skiing: It’s the Best- How to Plan for it, What to Bring,

How to Ski It by John Henry Auran                                    pg.28

Assignment: Freestyle- Freestyle Camp by William Grout,

Hotdoggers                                                                             pg.36

Summer Ski Camps ’77- North, South American and European

Ski Camps                                                                              pg.41

Everyone’s Doing It! Genia Fuller, Wayne Wong and Gary Elliot

Demonstrate Some Simple Ballet Routines, Freestyle,

Hotdoggers by Doug Pfeiffer                                                 pg.46

Spring Skiing on Steep White Sides- Mt. Baker, Washington

by Branley Branson                                                               pg.56

Mountains and Manners- Banff, Canadian Rockies, Travel, Ski Areas

by Linda Cross                                                                       pg.62

Mean Tuckerman Ravine- New Hampshire, Ski Areas,

White Mountains by Daniel Ford                                         pg.72

Taking the (Skiing) Cure at Sport Gastein- New Lifts at an Austrian

Spa by John Skow                                                                 pg.80

Letter From Down Under- Skiing at Southeast Australia’s

Snowy Mountains by William Davis                                     pg.110

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.127

Behind the “Bindings Performance Reports” How to Interpret the

Reports by Carl Ettlinger                                                      pg.120

Tennis: Sweet Strokes at Ski Area Clinics by Al Greenberg

Off Season Sports                                                                  pg.84

Summer Tennis Camps ’77- At or Near Ski Resorts                      pg.89

Sailing: A Schuss Over Open Water by John Henry Auran         pg.92

Canoeing: Summer Slalom for Skiers by Harry Baxter                pg.96

Biking: Vt. 100 Revisited- State Long Bicycle Tour is a Great

Conditioner by Allan Pospisil                                                pg.100

Snowfall: How It Happens by John Jerome                                  pg.114


September 1977

Skiing’s 1978 Equipment/ Fashion Forecast                                   pg.79

Skis: Long, Soft, Stable by WIlliam Grout                                    pg.80

Skiwear: Bright, Warm, Changeable by Barbara Alley                pg.111

Boots: Light, Sleek, Simple by John Henry Auran                        pg.116

Bindings: Convenient, Functional, Durable by Carl Ettlinger      pg.132

Poles: Handy, Sturdy, Safe- Saber Grips, Hollow Ice Tips

by Linda Bauer-Isabelle                                                        pg.140

Weather: Can It Happen Again? Last Season: Drought in the West

Cold in the East, What Lies Ahead by John Jerome           pg.46

Winter Returns to the East ( After Five Mild Seasons)

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.52

Tackling the Great Untracked- Skiing the Bobbie Burns Meant

Putting Tracks on a Never Skied Before Mountain

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.56

Sansicario Rising- Italian Alps, Travel, Ski Areas

by Jerome McFadden                                                            pg.167

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.209

How to Shoot the Chutes- Instruction by Corky Fowler               pg.170

Get Roped Into Fitness- Jumping Rope, Exercise, Conditioning

by Tage Pedersen                                                                   pg.191

The World Cup: Not So Easy? After a Slow Start, Ingemar Stenmark

Proved the Pundits Wrong, by Bill Tanler, Competition     pg.176

Nordic: Toward a X-C World Cup- Thomas Wassberg Came In

First in this Year of Informal World Cup Scoring

by John Caldwell, Competition                                             pg.182

The Pros: Dudu Does It Again- Henri Duvillard’s Records

by William Grout                                                                   pg.184

Freestyle: On With the Show- Hotdoggers by Jim Rawling          pg.186

Fun Racing for the Family- The Equitable Family Skiing Challenge

by William Grout                                                                   pg.188


October 1977

Skiing’s Vacation-Planning Guide: Where To Ski In’78               pg.55

Skiing Europe Smartly- Tips for a Trip To the Alps

by Robert Britton                                                                   pg.82

Squaw Valley and Alpine Meadows by William Grout, Ski Areas         pg.109

Stratton Has Style by Linda Cross, Ski Areas                               pg.115

Feeling Smug in Kitzbuhel- Austria, Ski Areas, Hahnenkamm

by John Skow                                                                        pg.120

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.257

How to Ski the Whole Mountain- How to Vary Your Turns as the

Terrain Changes, Demonstrated by Dave Sause, Roy Loman

and Gary Burke, Instruction                                                 pg.205

Lift Exercises for Mind and Body- Six Yoga Ways to put

Lift-Riding Time to Good Use by Arne Leuchs and Patricia

Skalka                                                                                    pg.227

Racing Skis- 24 Models Designed for Carving and Stability at High

Speeds by William Grout                                                      pg.125

Bindings Performance Report: Update on Plates- Changes on the

Besser, Burt, Cubco, Gertsch and Spademan Lines

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.233

Take It From the Top! Versatile Parkas, Vests, and Windshirts

Fashion, Skiwear, by Barbara Alley                                     pg.142

The Year That Never Was- How a Westerner Survived the Drought

to Rediscover “the Full Funk Raga of Skiing”

by Bob Jamieson                                                                    pg.221

Rich Man. Poor Man, Beggarman- Skier! Skiing Has Special Meaning

to Author Irwin Shaw, by John Jerome                               pg.247

A Lesson in Arctic Driving- At Volvo’s Winter Test Facility

Above the Arctic Circle by John Jerome                              pg.148


November 1977

The X-C Experience- Cross- Country Skiing                                 pg.169

X-C Skiwear: Stylish is In! Cross-Country Fashion

by Barbara Alley                                                                   pg.170

X-C Equipment: The Choice is Yours by John Henry Auran      pg.172

A Ridge Too Far- Caution, Common Sense and Careful Equipment

Check are Vital for Safe Touring by Marlyn Doan             pg.180

Three Ways to Ski Uphill (Cross- Country Skiing)

by John Caldwell                                                                   pg.187

Big Sky Goes Native- Montana, Ski Areas by Linda Cross          pg.100

For Steep, Storied Skiing, It’s Stowe- the Nosedive, the National,

the Goat and the Starr, Vermont, Ski Areas, by John Skow       pg.115

A Pair of Swiss Alternatives- Arosa and Crans- Montana Rival the

Better Known Swiss Resorts by Allan Pospisil                      pg.130

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.243

Early Edging Controls the Turn by Corky Fowler                        pg.107

Cruising Skis- 23 Models by William Grout                                  pg.123

Bindings Performance Report: Update on Toe-Heels­­­— the Geze,

Look, Marker, Salomon, and Tyrolia Designs

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.200

Suited for Powder- Fashion, Skiwear by Barbara Alley                pg.146

Kosinski on Skiing- Author Jerzy Kosinski by Linda Cross         pg.143

Update: Women and Skiing- Do Sexist Cliches Still Prevail in

Teaching Women to Ski? by Dinah Witchel                         pg.193

Great Moments in Skiing- Award Winning Ski photos                 pg.222

He Went Straight In- Personal Reminiscence of Dick Buek,

Daredevil Downhiller of the ’50s by Nicholas Howe             pg.225



December 1977

“Ingemar, Ingemar—Say Something, Ingemar” World Cup

Champion Ingemar Stenmark Lets His Record Speak For Itself

by Bill Tanler, Profile                                                            pg.162

Downhill With the Rich and Super-Rich— Private Instructor

to the Princess of Iran, Bill Bonney by Jerome McFadden

Profile                                                                                     pg.181

Put More Fun in Your Run- 14 Ways to Improve Your Skiing Skills

by Max Lundberg, Instruction                                              pg.117

Quick Turning Skis- Short and Mid Length Skis for Bumps, Powder,

and Fall Line Skiing by William Grout                                pg.77

Trend Setting Boots- Lightweight and High Performance Boots

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.100

Bindings Performance Report: The Geze GC-35 and the Salomon

222- Models That Utilize a Different Interpretation of the

Single-Pivot Cup by Carl Ettlinger                                       pg.169

Sun Valley: The Compleat Resort- Vacation, Travel, Ski Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.70

Christmas in New Hampshire by Paul Gordon                              pg.85

Zut Alors! It’s Val/ Tignes- French Alps, Val d’Isere, Europe

by Linda Cross                                                                       pg.90

Skiing the Twin Dragon- A Visit to South Korea’s Yong Pyeong

without a Bribe from Tongsun Park, Travel

by Michael Maginn                                                                pg.115

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.197

Togs for Tots to Teens- Children’s Skiwear by Barbara Alley      pg.133

Great Moments in Skiing- Award Winning Ski Photos                 pg.138


January/ Holiday 1978

Mountain Light- Photo Essay and Text on the Special Quality

of Light at Altitude by John Jerome                                     pg.46

The Mahres: Two Pieces of the Same Puzzle- US Ski Team’s

Brightest Hopes- Phil and Steve Mahre by John Skow        pg.87

After the Fall- When You Release from Both of Your Skis,

Which One Goes Back On First?                                          pg.44

Skiing in Flat Light- Tips on How to Have Fun When You Can’t

See Terrain Features, Instruction by Corky Fowler             pg.51

Good Pole Action For Good Turns by Paul Jones, Instruction     pg.70

Advanced Recreational Boots- Models for Ambitious Intermediates

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.108

Notes from the Center of Sugarbush- How to Savor the Skiing, Night

Life- and Nuttiness by John Jerome                                    pg.57

Pressure Tactics, Politics, and Powder at “Old Crusty Butt” Last

Year’s Political Furor at Crested Butte Has Left a Bargain Ski

Resort Intact by John Jerome                                               pg.72

To Russia, With Skis- Cheget, Soviet Caucasus by Al Greenberg pg.94

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.135

54 Gifts for Christmas by Carol Feder                                           pg.104

The Many Ways of X-C—Cross-Country Skiing

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.122


February 1978

The FIS World Championships- Can the Americans Win at

Garmisch? by Bill Tanler                                                      pg.34

The FIS Nordics- Leading Contenders in This Year’s X-C

Championships at Lahti, Finland by John Caldwell           pg.57

Why Tauber Is Still the Boss- Hank Tauber Profile by Bill Tanler        pg.41

Cool Coach on a Lukewarm Seat- Head X-C Coach Marty Hall

Profile by John Henry Auran                                               pg.61

The New Racing Turns- Skiers can Learn From the Innovations

of Thoeni and Stenmark by Brooks Dodge

and Helmut Schmalzl                                                             pg.47

Aspen’s Maverick Highlands by Allan Pospisil, Colorado, Ski Areas    pg.64

Burning Up At Jay Peak- Vermont, Ski Areas by Dinah Witchel pg.75

Voyager in the Hollersbachtal- Ski Mountaineering in the

Austrian Alps Leads to Swift Descents and Sudden Danger

by John Skow                                                                        pg.83

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.97

The Whys of Ski Tuning by Peter Weaver                                     pg.70

How Long is Long? Notes on How Ski Length is Measured

by Bard Glenne                                                                      pg.72

How to Set Your Bindings- A Look at the Lipe, IAS, BFU,

Self Release and PRIS Methods of Bindings Adjustment

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.80


Spring 1978

When It’s Springtime in the East- A Time to Savor by Paul Gordon     pg.33

When It’s Springtime in the Rockies by William Grout                 pg.35

A Ski Circus in Summer- Sailer Summer Ski Camp at Whistler

Mountain, British Columbia, Sking Bumps the

Wayne Wong Way by John Skow                                       pg.41

Summer Ski Camps ’78 by Tamsin Venn                                      pg.49

Carving and Skidding- You Need them Both by Jerry Muth

Instruction                                                                              pg.38

Ballet Tricks You Can Learn- Seven Advanced Ballet Maneuvers

by Corky Fowler, Freestyle, Hotdogging                              pg.74

Espana- Skiing in Spain, Europe, Ski Areas by William Grout   pg.34

News of Areas In Your Region                                                       pg.99

Don’t Always Blame the Bindings- Be Aware of How Ski Injuries

Occur by Carl Ettlinger                                                        pg.68

College Skiing- Important Alternative for Young Racers

by Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.71

“What Do You Do In the Off Season?” Skiing Asks some Prominent

Skiers How they Stay in Shape for Winter                           pg.55

Picnic for the Slopes- Recipes, Cuisine by April Herbert               pg.90


September 1978

Skis ’79 by William Grout                                                               pg.72

Boots ’79 by John Henry Auran                                                     pg.96

Bindings ’79 by Carl Ettlinger                                                        pg.111

Poles ’79 by Al Greenberg                                                               pg.119

Skiwear ’79 by Barbara Alley                                                         pg.125

Update on Sun Valley by Linda Cross                                           pg.46

Stalking Utah’s Powder- Heliskiing the Wasatch by Wiliam Grout       pg.65

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.189

Tips for Family Racers, with Hank Kashiwa, Instruction             pg.50

Turn Before a Drop Off, with Corky Fowler, Instruction             pg.52

Use Your Poles When Skiing to the Chair by Karen Schiesser      pg.56

Weight the Outside Ski by Olle Larsson, Instruction                     pg.61

Developing Skills For Skiing: Part I— Basics from the Demo Team

by Horst Abraham and Stu Campbell                                  pg.147

Jogging is for Skiers Too- How to Get Total Body Fitness

by Tage Pedersen, Exercise, Conditioning                            pg.168

The World Cup: A Season without Suspense- By January the Men’s

Race Had already been Decided by Bill Tanler, Competition      pg.136

The Pros: A Season of Surprises- Andre Arnold Finished First

by Wiliam Grout, Competition                                             pg.154

Citizens’ Racing: Fun for Everyone by Paul Gordon                    pg.156

Ingemar’s Garmisch- Stenmark’s Two Golds at the FIS

by Bill Tanler, Competition                                                   pg.158

Lahti: Surprises and Poetic Justice— Only a Few of the Victories

at the FIS World Championships were Unexpected

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.177

King of the Mountain- Skiing Picks Jim Barton as the Top Skier

at Stowe, Vermont                                                                 pg.34


October 1978

Update on Sugarbush by Carol Feder, Ski Areas                          pg.26

Update: Vail’s Night Life by Linda Cross, Ski Areas                    pg.48

Update on Crested Butte by William Grout, Ski Areas                 pg.68

Relax- You’re at Snowmass, Profile of a Family Resort

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.74

Discovering Killington’s Other Side- Excitement Under the Gondola

by Allan Pospisil                                                                     pg.82

Skiing’s Vacation- Planning Guide ’79— Guide to the Top Resorts       pg.111

Bravo, Bormio! Italy, Ski Areas by Dinah Witchel                        pg.136

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.217

Tips for Family Racers, with Hank Kashiwa, Instruction             pg.20

Cigarette Turns for Beginners by Larry Lasch                              pg.50

Banking Against A Mogul with Corky Fowler                              pg.64

Developing Skills for Skiing: Part II- More Basics with the PSIA

Team, by Horst Abraham and Stu Campbell                      pg.144

How to Use Your Ski Muscles- Exercises based on New Research

by Tage Pedersen                                                                   pg.173

Skis for Speed- Racing and Cruising Skis Report by William Grout     pg.149

Bindings Performance Report: The Salomon 727 by Carl Ettlinger      pg.196

Do Your Bindings Affect the Behavior of Your Skis? Test Results

by Bard Glenne and Philip Hofstetter                                   pg.204

Style Among the Stars- Fashion on the Set of Avalanche

by Barbara Alley                                                                   pg.178

King of the Mountain- Skiing Picks Chris Ryman as the Top Skier

at Snowbird                                                                            pg.22

Great Moments in Skiing- Award Winning Ski Photos                 pg.80


November 1978

Update on Mt. Snow by Tamsin Venn, Ski Areas                         pg.48

Update on Vancouver by Robert Morrow, Ski Areas                   pg.84

Rompin’, Stompin’ Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Ski Areas

by Linda Cross                                                                       pg.107

Making Tracks at Verbier- Swiss Valais, Europe, Ski Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.146

Waterville is Well-Bred- New Hampshire, Ski Areas

by Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.171

Update: Steamboat Touring by John Henry Auran                     pg.209

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.231

Tips for Family Racers with Hank Kashiwa, Instruction              pg.44

Smoothing Out the Mountain with Corky Fowler                         pg.62

Anticipation by Olle Larsson and James Major, Instruction        pg.88

Developing Skills for Skiing: Part III- More Basics with the PSIA

Team, by Horst Abraham and Stu Campbell                      pg.113

Building Stronger Legs for Skiing- Exercises Based on New

Research by Tage Pedersen, Conditioning                            pg.212

Lofty Looks for Warmth- Fashion, Skiwear, by Barbara Alley   pg.201

Skis for Fun- Reports on new Mid-length and Long and Soft Skis

by William Grout                                                                   pg.119

Showcase Boots by John Henry Auran                                          pg.165

Bindings Performance Report: The Moog Delta S by Carl Ettlinger     pg.197

Coaching: Enter the New Breed- The Intellectuals Take Over

by James Major, Competition                                               pg.153

King of the Mountain- Scooter LaCouter is Skiing’s Choice

as Aspen’s Top Skier                                                              pg.46

Death of the Ski Bum? The Time Honored Ski Area Employee

is Disappearing by Jeff Frees                                                 pg.159

The Road to Lake Placid- Foldout Painting of US Ski Team        pg.192


December 1978

Skiing is for the Young- How to Get Kids Started                         pg.119

From Santa’s Workshop- Gifts for Skiers by Carol Feder            pg.148

Recreational Skis- Test Reports by William Grout                        pg.97

Boots for Fun- Test Reports by John Henry Auran                      pg.109

Bindings Performance Report: The Burt II- New Version of the

Retractable by Carl Ettlinger                                                pg.170

Update on the Golden Spike Empire by Carol Feder, Travel       pg.56

Looking in on Canada’s Marathon by Linda Bauer-Isabelle, Travel    pg.76

Update on Glen Ellen by Tamsin Venn, Travel, Ski Areas           pg.78

Copper Mountain Serendipity- Colorado, Ski Areas

by William Grout                                                                   pg.81

Lech/ Zurs: For Serious Skiers- A Visit to the Vorarlberg, Travel

Ski Areas by John Skow                                                       pg.101

Exploring the Laurentians- Canada, Ski Areas by Allan Pospisil pg.144

Surprising Sugarloaf- Maine, Ski Areas by Patricia Langan        pg.176

Areas in Your Region                                                                      pg.225

Tips for Family Racers with Hank Kashiwa, Instruction              pg.52

Playing with Counterslopes with Corky Fowler                             pg.60

Spice Up Your Mogul Runs- Four Ways to Ski the Bumps

by Max Lundberg                                                                  pg.87

King of the Mountain- Skiing picks Harold “Hoover” Austin as the

Top Skier at Sugarbush                                                        pg.26

A Brush with Death- Californian Avalanche by Tom Dongo       pg.142

What’s New in X-C Gear? by John Henry Auran                         pg.185

The Trail Blazers- Cross-Country Apparel, Fashion, Skiwear

by Barbara Alley                                                                   pg.192

Sharpen Your X-C Skills by John Caldwell                                  pg.196

Ski Touring Down on the Farm- Green Mountain by John Skow         pg.198




January 1979

Update: The Healthy Life in Aspen by Linda Cross, Colorado,

Ski Areas                                                                                pg.133

Update on Burke Mountain by Tamsin Venn                               pg.40

Looking in on Breckenridge’s Telemark Fest by William Grout   pg.50

First Out of Denver- Front Range Skiing by Linda Cross             pg.61

A Schladming Sampler- South of Salzburg is an Area Combining

Cross-Country, Alpine and Ski Mountaineering by John Skow  pg.86

They Ski in Pennsylvania- Don’t they? by Dinah Witchel             pg.104

Tips For Family Racers with Hank Kashiwa, Instruction             pg.18

Skimming Over the Moguls with Corky Fowler                            pg.38

Taming the Hard Stuff- How to Handle Ice without a Pick

by Mike Hickey                                                                      pg.73

How Good Are Your Old Bindings? by Carl Ettlinger                 pg.119

The Terrors of Tiny Liechtenstein by James Major                      pg.69

Abbi! Portrait of US SKi Team Powerhouse Abbi Fisher

by Nick Howe                                                                         pg.81

Whatever Happened to Freestyle? A Former Competitior Wonders

by Pat Karnik                                                                        pg.94

Do It Yourself Skiwear—Making Your Own by Margo Landrum

Fashion                                                                                   pg.128

King of the Mountain- Skiing Picks Jens Husted as Vail’s Top Skier    pg.24

Ski Tour of a Threatened Wilderness- Minnesota’s Boundary

Waters Area by Allan Pospisil                                              pg.111


February 1979

Tips for Family Racers with HankKashiwa, Instruction               pg.19

Do the Mogul Kip by Corky Fowler                                               pg.39

Hip and Knee Angulation by Olle Larsson and James Major      pg.52

Powder Made Easy by Max Lundberg                                          pg.61

How to Ski with Your Youngster by Karen Schiesser, Children   pg.92

Arizona Snow Bowl: Religion vs. Skiing by William Grout          pg.22

Looking In on Blackjack by Linda Bauer-Isabelle                        pg.24

Update on Whistler- Travel, Ski Areas by Robert Morrow           pg.47

New Mexico Magic by WIlliam Grout, Travel, Ski Areas             pg.54

Alpe d’Huez: La Station Complete- Why they Should Have Had the

Grenoble Olympics Here by Al Greenberg                           pg.76

The Go-Go South by Allan Pospisil                                                pg.83

News of Areas in Your Region                                                        pg.113

King of the Mountain— Boone Lennon, Sun Valley’s Top Skier pg.34

The Green Mountain Boys- The US X-C Ski Team’s Forceful

Foursome by John Skow                                                       pg.95

Mount Holyoke’s Instant Ski Team- Surprising Story of a College

Ski Team’s Start by Jean Valens Bullard                             pg.100

Ski Tuning Tips from the Racer Chasers- Hints from the Top

Pro Service Men by William Grout                                       pg.68

How to Pick a Rental Shop by Carl Ettlinger                                pg.89


September 1979

Skis 1980- Test Reports on  Sport and Racing Models

by William Grout                                                                   pg.98

Boots 1980 by John Henry Auran                                                  pg.106

Bindings 1980 by Carl Ettlinger                                                     pg.112

Poles and Accessories 1980 by Colette O’Conner                           pg.116

Skiwear USA- In an Olympic Year, a Choice of US Fashions

by Barbara Alley                                                                   pg.124

Update on Steamboat by Carol Feder, Travel, Ski Areas             pg.54

Update on Stowe by Tim Petrick, Vermont, Travel, Ski Areas     pg.68

Return to Taos- New Mexico, Ski Areas, Travel by Al Greenberg         pg.91

Ski the Alps- Europe, Ski Areas, Travel                                         pg.163

Essentially Smugglers’- Vermont’s Smugglers’ Notch, Ski Areas  pg.183

Skiing Tip for Family Racers- A Free Skiing Drill for Fall Training

by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                                              pg.36

How to Get Up From a Fall- Demonstrated by Tim Petrick

Instruction                                                                              pg.56

Watch Your Weight- Where Should You Stand on Your Skis?

by Jim Isham                                                                         pg.62

Jogging With a Twist- Conditioning Tips, Exercise

by Tage Pedersen                                                                   pg.63

Mind Over Skis by Carl Wilgus                                                      pg.82

Skiing Tip for Teaching Children by Steve Smith                         pg.88

The Lessons of Interski- US Ski Teaching Ranks Among World’s

Best by Al Greenberg                                                             pg.154

On Skis: A Personal History- Equipment Buff Recalls the Days of

Segmented Edges by Nicholas Howe                                     pg.152

Christa Kinshofer- The Female Stenmark? Competition

by James Major                                                                     pg.32

The 1978-79 Season in Review- Photo Highlights                          pg.132

Braa Humbug! Cross-Country Gets a World Cup and a Nordic Ace

Makes a Comeback by John Caldwell                                  pg.137

The World Cup Unlucky 13th- Walcher and Stenmark

by James Major                                                                     pg.138

The Pros: Arnold, Forland Does It Again by William Grout        pg.142

Racing Bib Fever- Citizen Racers Wax Enthusiastic In More Races

than Ever by John Henry Auran                                          pg.144

Tamara Who? Tamara McKinney by Nicholas Howe                  pg.149


October 1979

Update on Jay Peak by Carol Feder, Ski Areas                             pg.40

Update on Winter Park by William Grout                                     pg.49

Update on Telemark by John Henry Auran                                  pg.92

Where To Ski: The Hottest Cold Spots- Report on 70 of the Best

Resorts in Canada and US                                                    pg.105

Voyage to Jupiter- Park City, Ski Areas by Allan Pospisil            pg.129

Hunter Has It All- Hunter Mountain, Catskills, New York

by Robert Morrow                                                                 pg.138

A Traveler in the Montafon- Vorarlberg, Europe by John Skow pg.142

Where To Ski In Your Region                                                        pg.229

Skiwear: The Texture of 1980- Fashion by Barbara Alley            pg.192

Racing Skis 1980 by William Grout                                               pg.198

Bindings Performance Report: The Tyrolia 60 Series

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.203

Christian Orlainsky- The Next Stenmark? by Olle Larsson and

James Major, Competition                                                    pg.188

How to Get Up From a Fall by Tim Petrick, Instruction               pg.52

Skiing Tip for Family Racers- How to Set a Practice Course

by Hank Kashiwa                                                                  pg.56

Board Games for Leg Strength- Conditioning, Exercise

by Tage Pedersen                                                                   pg.61

Mind Over Skis by Carl Wilgus                                                      pg.78

Ski With Your Feet by Peter Seigel                                                 pg.98

Skiing Tip for Teaching Children- How the “Magic Turning Buttons”

Can Help Kids Ski by Barb Roylance                                  pg.102

What Alpine Skiers Can Learn From Cross-Country

by Horst Abraham and Clint Roberts                                  pg.181

The Best of the Ski Cars- New Front Wheel Drives by Rich Taylor       pg.81

Getting There- Does a Lady Risk Her Virtue Traveling on a Ski

Train? by Nicholas Howe                                                      pg.149


November 1979 (Unclear Copy)

Update on Sun Valley by John Henry Auran                                pg.38

Looking In On Mont Tremblant by Allan Pospisil                        pg.64

Looking In On Boyne Country by …Harbine                                pg.97

The Pleasures of Keystone- Colorado Resorts, Ski Areas

by Tamsin Venn                                                                     pg.105

The New Mt. Snow by Peter Bodo                                                  pg.132

…On the Clouds- La Plagne and Les Arcs, French Alps, Europe

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.179

New of Areas In Your Region                                                         pg.249

Skiing Tip for Teaching Children  by …Lawrence                        pg.35

…Fitness- Sit Ups by Tage Pedersen, Conditioning, Exercise         pg.60

How to Get Up From a Fall by Tim Petrick, Instruction               pg.74

Mind Over Skis by Carl Wilgus                                                      pg.98

…Steps to Efficient Skiing by Horst Abraham, Instruction           pg.113

Tug of War for Better Skiing by Horst Abraham                         pg.228

AnneMarie Moser, Downhill Extraordinaire- Leading Olympic

Contender by Olle Larsson and James Major, Competition         pg.46

The Road to the Olympics- Painting by Cecile Johnson                pg.170

Sport Skis 1980- Report by William Grout                                    pg.142

Skiwear: The Shape of 1980 Fashion by Barbara Alley               pg.164

Boots for Women by John Henry Auran                                       pg.172

The Salomon 626 by Carl Ettlinger                                                pg.209

Cross-Country at the Crossroads- Better Waxless Skis, 50mm Boots

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.189

A Grand Tour of Jackson- Alpine Caliber Vertical in

New Hampshire’s X-C Wonderland by John Skow            pg.198

Action Knits for X-C—Skiwear, Fashion by Barbara Alley         pg.206

Rip Van Winkle in the Space Age- Awakening to Sleek new Gear

A Lace-Boot Devotee is Born by Nicholas Howe                  pg.218



December 1979 (Partially Unclear on Copy)

Update on Killington by Robert Morrow, Ski Areas                                pg.36

Update on Squaw Valley by Dinah Witchel, Ski Areas                            pg.73

Portrait of Aspen by Nicholas Howe, Colorado, Ski Areas                      pg.97

…Once and Future…Expanded Look at Reshaping this New

Hampshire Resort by Al Greenberg                                              pg.128

…Turntable of the Alps- Europe, Ski Areas by Tamsin Venn                 pg.152

Where to Ski in Your Region                                                           pg.219

Skiing Tip for Family…Shaving Your Time Through the Gates

by Hank Kashiwa                                                                            pg.32

How to Get Up From a Fall by Tim Petrick, Instruction                          pg.40

…True Bar for a True…Base- Fine Tuning Skis for Competition

by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                                                        pg.80

Mind Over Skis- How to Handle Stress and Fear While Skiing

by Carl Wilgus, Instruction                                                   pg.84

…Snow Warm Up- Conditioning Tips by Tage Pedersen                         pg.92

How to Enjoy Powder by Horst Abraham, Instruction                            pg.117

Looking In On USSA National Ski Week by WIlliam Grout                  pg.38

A Skier’s Christmas- Gifts by Carol Feder                                                pg.110

Showdown at Whiteface- In the Pre-Olympic GS at Lake Placid,

Ingemar Stenmark faced Competition from World Cup Winner

Peter Luscher by Olle Larsson and James Major                          pg.103

Holly Comes of Age- Downhiller Holly Flanders, Competition

by Nicholas Howe                                                                            pg.147

Recreational Skis 1980- Lab Tests on 18 Easy Turners

by William Grout                                                                            pg.132

Boots for Faster Skiing- Test Reports and Guide to Finding the

Right One for You by John Henry Auran                                     pg.158

Skiwear: The Colors of 1980, Fashion by Barbara Alley                         pg.172

Bindings Performance Report: The New Spademan Line

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                             pg.178


January 1980 (Partially Unclear on Copy)

Skis 1980- Children’s Skis by William Grout                                           pg.90

Boots 1980- Children’s Boots by John Henry Auran                               pg.92

Skiwear: Classy Looks for Kids, Fashion by Barbara Alley and

Hollis Brooks                                                                          pg.95

…Back-  Motivation, Hard Work and Superior Medical Care

Return our Injured Racers to the Slopes

by Nicholas Howe                                                                           pg.86

The Road to the Olympics- ’76 Olympic Star (?) Painting by

Cecile Johnson                                                                       pg.108

Update on Sugarbush by Robert Morrow, Ski Areas                     pg.42

Update on the Holmenkollen by John Henry Auran                               pg.58

…Appeal- Colorado Giant, Ski Areas by Linda Harbine                         pg.65

Triple Threat in… Vermont-… Okemo, and Pico by Daniel Ford

Ski Areas                                                                                pg.81

…at Val Senales- Tyrol Resort, Europe, Ski Areas

by Allan Pospisil                                                                              pg.100

Where to Ski In Your Region                                                           pg.131

How to Get Up From a Fall by Tim Petrick, Instruction                          pg.34

The Pole Stretch- Loosen Up for More Relaxed Skiing

by Tage Pedersen, Instruction                                                pg.39

Skiing Tip for Family Racers- How and When to Plant Your Pole

by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                                                        pg.50

Skiing Tip for Teaching Children- “Peanut Butter and Jelly

Turns” by Kristin Lawrence                                                          pg.56

Mind Over Skis- How to Stop Trying and Ski Better by Carl Wilgus

Instruction                                                                             pg.63

How to Ski Moguls with Style by Horst Abraham, Instruction               pg.73

Running Devil’s Thumb- Near Winter Park, Colorado, Touring

Hideaway for Serious Racers and Vacationers

by Allan Pospisil, Cross-Country Skiing Areas                    pg.110

X-C Skiwear: Multi Purpose Poplins, Fashion by Barbara Alley            pg.116

For a Different Vacation Try Cross-Country- What to Look for

When Planning a Touring Holiday by Marlyn Doan                    pg.119



February 1980(Partially Cut off Copy) Olympics Special

Ready, Set-…Starting Gate, Photo by Kelly/ Russell                                 pg.97

Lake Placid: Olympic Town, Watercolor art by Cecile Johnson,AWS   pg.100

The First Lake Placid Olympics by Nicholas Howe                                  pg.102

The TV Olympics- What You’ll See and When                                        pg.106

The Postal Olympics- Stamps Honoring the Winter Games

by John Henry Auran                                                            pg.110

The Alpine Courses- Whiteface Mountain by Billy Kidd                         pg.112

Men’s Downhill: It’s Anybody’s Race- Ken Read Could Be the

Favorite                                                                                 pg.118

Women’s Downhill: Moser’s the Choice, Cindy’s the Hope

Annemarie Moser and Cindy Nelson                                              pg.120

Men’s GS: Stenmark and the Gods of Chance                                         pg.122

Women’s GS: A German Specialty? Kinshofer and Maria Epple           pg.126

Men’s Slalom: Stenmark…and Then? Upset is Possible, But

Unlikely                                                                                 pg.130

Women’s Slalom: It’s Almost a Lottery- Hanni Wenzel                           pg.134

Jumping, Combined, Biathalon by John Henry Auran                          pg.140

Cross- Country by John Caldwell                                                   pg.142

The US Olympic Ski Team- Sketches of US Team Members Likely

to Compete at Lake Placid                                                     pg.151

The US Medalists- There Have Been Some Skiing Greats Going for

the Olympic Metal for the US by Nicholas Howe                           pg.157

The Trivia Olympics- More than you Ever Wanted to Know About the

Winter Olympics                                                                              pg.163

The Technical Olympics- Modern Technology at the Olympics

by Paul Gordon                                                                               pg.170

Skiing Tip for Family Racers- How Proper Body Position Helps You

Ease Through the Gates by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction               pg.32

Exercises for Fast Recoveries- How to Hasten Your Return to the

Slopes by Tage Pedersen, Instruction, Conditioning                     pg.40

Mind Over Skis- Break Through  Mid Season Blahs by Carl Wilgus     pg.52

How to Get Up From a Fall by Tim Petrick, Instruction                          pg.56

Cycle Your Turns by Peter Siegel, Instruction                                          pg.62

How to Ski the Steep by Horst Abraham, Instruction                    pg.81

Update on Telluride by William Grout, Ski Areas                                   pg.36

Looking in On Grand Targhee by John Henry Auran                            pg.42

Update on Cannon Mountain by Tamsin Venn                             pg.46

Update on Big Sky by Linda Harbine                                                      pg.54

Three in BC- Red, Tod and Panorama by Tamsin Venn                         pg.64

Where to Ski In Your Region                                                           pg.181

Looking in on the Black Summit by John Henry Auran                         pg.48

Racing as it Was- “Old Days” of Racing by Nicholas Howe                             pg.71

Olympic Racers’ Feet Hurt, Too- AT the Pre-Olympics

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                              pg.91


Spring 1980

What You Can Learn From the Olympic Racers by Billy Kidd              pg.33

Update on Timberline by WIlliam Grout                                        pg.26

Mammoth is for Locals by William Grout, Ski Areas                              pg.38

There Are No Spectators at Red Lodge- Ski Camp by Nicholas Howe   pg.44

Summer Ski Camps ’80- Guide by Tamsin Venn                                     pg.53

Mountains Mit Schlag- SKi Mountaineering in Austria’s

Silvretta Range by John Skow                                                       pg.71

Rite of Spring at Mont Ste.-Anne by Allan Pospisil                                 pg.84

Think Sommer-Ski- Zermatt, Switzerland, Ski Areas, Europe

by Jean Bradshaw                                                                           pg.96

Looking in on Marmot Basin by Tamsin Venn                              pg.105

The 21st Century Binding- Industry Experts Discuss the Binding

of Tomorrow by Carl Ettlinger                                                      pg.100

Skiing Tip for Family Racers- How to Fininsh a Turn

by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                                                       pg.16

Shape Up- Jumping Rope, Conditioning, Exercise by Tage Pedersen     pg.20

How to Get Up from a Fall by Dave Ingram                                            pg.28

The Subtle Skills of Unweighting by Max Lundberg                               pg.59

Mind Over Skis- Transcendental Skiing by Carl Wilgus                         pg.91

Ball Games on Skis by Robb Pigg                                                   pg.104

Do the Wedge Hop- An Exercise to Develop Edging and Balance

by Jim Isham                                                                         pg.111

The Greening of Ski Racing- Where the Money Comes From

and Who Gets What on the World and European Cup

Circuits by James Major                                                                pg.79


September 1980

Skiwear: Styles that Shine by Hollis Brooks                                             pg.72

The New Skis- More Racing Models by William Grout                           pg.78

The New Boots- Ultra High Models by John Henry Auran                     pg.88

The New Bindings- Line by Line Review by Carl Ettlinger                     pg.98

The New Poles by Kathryn Gross                                                    pg.106

Sun Valley: The Magic Lives On by Nicholas Howe, Ski Areas              pg.51

Sugarbush Stretches the Season by Al Greenberg, Ski Areas                  pg.110

Update on Killington by Dinah Witchel                                                    pg.148

Update on Jackson Hole by William Grout                                              pg.154

Looking in on Whiteface After the Games by John Henry Auran          pg.160

Skiing Tip for Citizen Racers- Warming Up by Hank Kashiwa

Instruction                                                                              pg.44

Skiing Tip for Safety- How to Avoid Trouble On Cat Tracks

by Max Lundberg, Instruction                                                       pg.48

The Billy Kidd Dry Land Tune Up Caper- How to Make Turns

Without Snow by Billy Kidd, Instruction                                      pg.63

Sharpen Your SKills on a Ski Deck by WIlliam Grout                            pg.117

Squirt Your Turns by Jim Isham, Instruction                                          pg.158

An Olympics to Remember- How Stenmark, Stock, Moser, and Wenzel

Garnered the Golds, by James Major, Competition            pg.124

Team Wenzel Takes the World Cup by James Major, Competition       pg.134

The Nordics: Younger, Tougher, Closer by John Henry Auran             pg.140

Freestyle Comes of Age-Again- This Year’s FIS Sanctioned

World Cup Could Change the Face of Freestyle

by Daniel Ford, Hotdoggers                                                  pg.145


October 1980

How Phil Mahre Won His Silver- Photo Analysis of Phil’s Run

at Lake Placid by James Major                              pg.180

Update on Squaw Valley by Tamsin Venn, Ski Areas                    pg.48

Update on Copper Mountain by William Grout, Ski Areas, Colorado   pg.58

Looking in on Hunter Mountain, by John Henry Auran, Catskill

Mountains, New York, Ski Areas                                          pg.60

Where to Ski: The Peak Experience- A Ski Vacationer’s Guide

to US and Canadian Ski Areas                                                       pg.87

Serendipity at Snowbird, Utah, Ski Areas by Nicholas Howe                  pg.119

A New Chapter at Stowe- To Celebrate its 40th- New Lift,

More Snowmaking by Tamsin Venn                                              pg.129

The Sunny Side of the Matterhorn- Cervinia, Alps, Ski Areas

by Allan Pospisil                                                                              pg.136

Where to Ski in Your Region                                                           pg.203

Skiwear ’81: Classics in Color- Shot in Telluride, Colorado

Fashion by Hollis Brooks                                                                pg.142

Racing Skis 1981- Reports on High Speed Skiing Models

by WIlliam Grout                                                                            pg.148

Fast Boots by John Henry Auran                                                    pg.164

Bindings Performance Report: New From France- Look and

Salomon by Carl Ettlinger                                                    pg.177

The Pros: Getting Richer and Richer- Last Season Prize was over

One Million Dollars by William Grout                                          pg.170

How Phil Mahre Won His Silver- Photo Analysis of Phil’s Run

at Lake Placid by James Major                                                      pg.180

What It Takes to be a Great Ski Racer by Billy Kidd                              pg.190

Ski Blind to Learn Body Awareness by Scott Singleton, Tip                   pg.25

Skiing Tip for Citizen Racers- Quick Starts by Hank Kashiwa

Instruction                                                                              pg.46

Mind Over Skis- Getting Mentally Ready to Ski by Carl Wilgus            pg.52

Round Turns for Moguls by Jim Isham, Instruction                               pg.85

How to Make Your Skis Turn by Horst Abraham, Instruction               pg.154

Skiing Tip For Safety- Carrying Your Skis with Care

by Max Lundberg                                                                           pg.197



November 1980

Skiing Tip for Citizen Racers- The Ready Position

by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                                                        pg.28

How to Get Off a Chair by Dave Sanctuary, Chairlifts                           pg.44

Ski One Legged on the Flats by Scott Singleton, Instruction                   pg.56

Mind Over Skis- Making Your Lift Time More Valuable

by Carl Wilgus                                                                                pg.62

How to Edge Your Skis by Horst Abraham                                             pg.116

Skiing Tip For Safety- Slow Speed Areas by Max Lundberg                  pg.155

How to Build Confidence in the Bumps- Mogul Skiing

by Billy Kidd                                                                         pg.157

Design Your Own Training Schedule by Tage Pedersen

Conditioning                                                                          pg.175

Sharpen Your Short Swing by Jim Isham                                                pg.203

Skiwear ’81: Winning Looks for Citizen Racers, Fashion

by Hollis Brooks                                                                              pg.108

Sport Skis ’81- Models For Cruising, Bumps and Powder

by William Grout                                                                            pg.164

Men’s Recreational Boots by John Henry Auran                                     pg.180

Bindings Performance Report: The Geze Line by Carl Ettlinger             pg.186

The Ground Swell of Citizens’ Racing- Racing Fever Is Proving

Contagious by John Henry Auran                                       pg.91

An Equitable Family Ski Challenge Journal- A Family Goes to the

National Finals by Kurt Ulrich, Competition                                 pg.103

How Stock Won His Gold by James Major                                              pg.128

Looking In On Waterville Valley’s World Cup by Nicholas Howe                   pg.58

Update On Beaver Creek by Tamsin Venn, Ski Areas                             pg.60

Update On Crystal Mountain by John Henry Auran                              pg.64

Holiday at Banff- Canada, Ski Areas by Al Greenberg                           pg.67

Shhh- Winter Park is a Secret by John Skow, Colorado, Ski Areas        pg.134

Stratton Goes Double by Robert Morrow                                       pg.170

Where To Ski In Your Region                                                                   pg.213





December 1980

A Small Ski Lesson for Small Skiers- Illustrated Tips for

Children by Jebbie Brown                                                    pg.116

Junior Skis 1981 by William Grout                                                 pg.118

Boots 1981- Children’s Boots, What to Look For

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.124

Bindings 1981- Kids’ Models by Carl Ettlinger                               pg.135

Skiwear ’81: Lively Looks for Kids- Junior Fashion

by Hollis Brooks                                                                    pg.142

Gifts for the Skier Who Has (Almost) Everything

by Dinah Witchel                                                                             pg.150

Skiing Tip for Citizen Racers- How to Accelerate on the Flats

by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                                                        pg.24

Mind Over Skis- How to Start a Skiing Day by Carl Wilgus                   pg.26

Skiing Tip for Safety- Exercise Care When Jumping

by Max Lundberg, Instruction                                                       pg.33

Keep Your Hands In Front in the Moguls by Dave Sanctuary                pg.40

The Pole Plant: Your Key To Better Turns by Billy Kidd

Instruction                                                                              pg.43

Ski Frisbee by Scott Singleton                                                          pg.81

How to Control Pressure on Your Skis by Horst Abraham                     pg.157

Unbuckle for Snaky Turns by Jim Isham, Instruction                            pg.177

Smoothing it in the Sawtoooths- A Leonard Cross Country

Expedition by Linda Harbine                                                        pg.9?

X-C Gear with an Alpine Touch- The Telemark Turn is Helping

to Set New Equipment Trends by John Henry Auran                  pg.10?

X-C Skiwear ’81: Going for Bold by Hollis Brooks, Fashion

Cross Country                                                                        pg.10?

How to Teach Kids to Ski Cross Country by Marlyn Doan                    pg.11?

How Annemarie Moser Won Her Gold by James Major, Competition   pg.8?

The Perils of Pete Patterson- A Profile of the US Ski Team’s

Most Successful Downhiller                                                   pg.16?

Update on Snowmass by William Grout, Ski Areas                                 pg.3?

Looking In on Indianhead by Nicholas Howe                                          pg.3?

Steamboat Will Surprise You- Colorado, Ski Areas

by William Grout                                                                            pg.8?

A Smuggler in Ischgl- Austria, Resorts, Ski Areas by John Skow           pg.9?

Journey to the Northeast Kingdom- Jay Peak and Burke Mtn.,

Vermont, Ski Areas by Allan Pospisil                                            pg.14?


January/ Holiday 1981

Stenmark: The Early Days by Ingemar Stenmark, Tarnaby                            pg.42

Ingemar Stems! He Proved the Importance of Independent Leg

Action by James Major                                                                  pg.45

The Incredible Art of Downhill Racing by Billy Kidd                              pg.101

The Courage of Christin by Nicholas Howe                                             pg.123

Looking In on Park City by Nicholas Howe                                             pg.36

Franconia: Then and Now- New Hampshire, Ski Areas

by Nicholas Howe                                                                 pg.49

Tracking the Mad Wolf and Other Adventures- Big Ski, Ski Areas

by Allan Pospisil                                                                              pg.88

A Traveler in the Three Valleys- Savoie Region in the French

Alps by John Skow                                                               pg.96

Looking in on Vernon Valley/ Great Gorge by Dinah Witchel,

New Jersey, Ski Areas                                                            pg.120

Update on Mad River Glen by Gregory Stone                                pg.126

Skiing Tip for Citizen Racers- How to Ski a Dual Race

by Hank Kashiwa                                                                            pg.26

Low Hands for Better Balance by Jim Isham, Instruction                       pg.30

Skiing Tip for Safety by Max Lundberg                                         pg.32

Mind Over Skis- How to Develop a Positive Mental Attitude

by Carl Wilgus                                                                                 pg.40

What Adult Skiers Can Learn From Children by Horst Abraham         pg.81

Improve Ski- Agility the Ski Team Way- Foot- Eye Coordination

by Charles Dillman                                                                pg.118

Skiwear ’81: Stretch Pants Are Back by Hollis Brooks, Fashion             pg.104

Bindings Performance Report: The New Marker Line

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                             pg.106

Women’s Boots by John Henry Auran                                                     pg.110

Recreational Skis 1981 by William Grout                                       pg.114



February 1981

Stenmark: Why I’ll Never Race Downhill- Tells Why

Slalom and GS Victories Are Enough for him                     pg.51

The Wind From the East- The Communist Nations May soon be

Dominant in Alpine Skiing by James Major                        pg.83

Heidi- Profile of Heidi Preuss by Nicholas Howe                            pg.87

Looking In On Taos by Tamsin Venn, New Mexico, Ski Areas    pg.20

Update on Sugarloaf by Daniel Ford                                             pg.40

A Magnet Called Crested Butte, Colorado, Resorts, Ski Areas

by William Grout                                                                   pg.54

Pain and Pleasure on the Haute Route, Alps, Europe

by AL Greenberg                                                                  pg.68

Bindings 1981: Mountaineering Designs by Carl Ettlinger           pg.77

How Ski Length Affects Performance by Bard Glenne                 pg.91

Skiing Tip for Citizen Racers- Use the Ruts to Best Advantage

by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                                              pg.18

Skiing Tip for Safety- Off Limit Signs by Max Lundberg            pg.22

Getting Started In Deep Snow by Jay Abbot                                 pg.26

Mind Over Skis- Conserving Energy on the Slopes by Carl Wilgus       pg.36

What to Do For Cold Hands by John Jerome                               pg.43

Ski With Your Body and Your Mind by Horst Abraham            pg.61

The Importance of Making Round Turns by Billy Kidd              pg.80


Spring 1981

Stenmark: “To Win, I Have to Get Angry!” by Ingemar Stenmark      pg.52

A Good Run at Bend- Bob Beattie’s Summer Race Camp

by Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.58

Summer Ski Camps ’81- Where to Go, What’s Taught, What It Costs

by  Deborah Cooper                                                              pg.64

My Favorite Spots for Summer Skiing by Billy Kidd                    pg.68

What Are the Ski Researchers Up To Now? Making Gear Safer

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.88

Ski Tuning for Fun- Mammoth Mountain Pro Shows How

by Ed Cereda                                                                         pg.90

Skiing Tip for Citizen Racers- How to Accelerate Across the

Finish Line by Hank Kashiwa, Instruction                          pg.16

Edge With the Entire Leg by Jim Isham, Instruction                    pg.23

Putting Your Skis Back On In Deep Powder by Scott Singleton   pg.27

Mind Over Skis- How to Beat Late Season Burnout by Carl Wilgus     pg.33

How to Cut the Crud by Doug Kinne                                            pg.84

Technique: Stenmark vs. Wenzel by James Major, Competition  pg.49

Who Makes the Team? How Science has Entered the Picture to

Determine Advantages to Being Selected for a

National Ski Team by James Major                                     pg.54

Update on Keystone by Dinah Witchel                                           pg.20

Looking in on Lutsen by Nicholas Howe                                       pg.22

If It’s Spring, This Must Be…Alpine Meadows- Lake Tahoe

Resorts, Ski Areas by Tamsin Venn                                      pg.35

The Maine Thing by Daniel Ford, Ski Areas                                 pg.41

Lost! When Sierra Sunshine Gives Way to a Blinding Storm

by Tom Dongo                                                                       pg.81


September 1982

Skiwear: Suit Up to Ski! Fashion by Hollis Brooks                       pg.143

Skis: Gearing Up for Longer Turns- New GS Models

by William Grout                                                                  pg.148

Boots: It’s In the Details by John Henry Auran                             pg.158

Bindings: Easier Release for Combined Loads- New Ways to

Compensate for Friction by Carl Ettlinger                           pg.162

Update On Alpine Meadows by Doug Pfeiffer, Ski Areas             pg.48

Looking In On Passo Stelvio by Al Greenberg                              pg.52

Go Ahead, Deer Valley, Pamper Me- Utah, SKi Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.75

Loose in the Monashees by William Grout                                     pg.110

A Mountain of Character- Mt. Snow by Nicholas Howe               pg.170

How to Turn Around: The Ski Flop by Walt Chauner                 pg.54

The Fundamentals of Racing: The First Time Racer by Billy Kidd       pg.107

Are You Fit to Ski? by Brian Lowdon                                           pg.186

Ski In Your Living Room- Exercises, Conditioning

by Horst Abraham                                                                pg.189

Alpine World Cup: It Was Phil’s Year- Phil Mahre by James Major    pg.82

Steve’s Gold Medal Run at Schladming- Photo Analysis by

James Major                                                                          pg.86

FIS Alpine World Championships- Steve Mahre, Christin Cooper,

and Cindy Nelson by James Major                                       pg.88

The Pros: Who’s On First? by Dinah Witchel                                pg.96

Nordic World Cup: Skate, Kochie, Skate! Bill Koch and

Effective New technique by John Henry Auran                   pg.102

Stenmark: “I Like to Win Big” by Ingemar Stenmark                 pg.94



October 1982

’83: Year of the Skiers’ Choice- Survey of Vital Statistics on Over

70 Major Ski Resorts                                                             pg.59

Cheater’s Heaven- Heavenly Valley, Ski Areas by Allan Pospisil pg.89

Mt. Mansfield: Tough But Civilized- Stowe, Vermont, Ski Areas

By Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.97

A Maiden Violated, A Killer Downhill, and 007- Switzerland’s

Jungfrau Region, Lauberhorn by Al Greenberg                 pg.114

Looking In On Stratton by Richard Kahl                                     pg.36

Looking In On A Lathrop Racing Camp at Waterville Valley

By Richard Kahl                                                                    pg.40

Update on Blackcomb by Tamsin Venn                                         pg.42

Where To Ski In Your Region                                                        pg.213

How to Turn Around: The Pinwheel- Instruction by Walt Chauner     pg.32

Back to the Stem for Better Skiing- Instruction by Jens Husted and

Chris Ryman                                                                          pg.104

Winning Technique on a Citizens’ Course- Competition Basics

by Billy Kidd                                                                          pg.125


Inclination/ Angulation- Vocabulary of Ski Instructors

By Horst Abraham                                                           pg.186

Mind Over Skis- Control Your Breathing by Denise McCluggage         pg.191

Skiwear ’83: Red, White, and Bright- Fashion by Hollis Brooks  pg.130

Slalom Skis ‘83- Test Reports by William Grout                           pg.134

A Close Look at Six Racing Boots by John Henry Auran            pg.151

The New Tyrolias- Bindings Report by Carl Ettlinger                  pg.157


November 1982

Loon: Can this Be Family Skiing? New Hampshire, Ski Areas

By John Henry Auran                                                           pg.86

Great Ski Town­— Park City-Text by Al Greenberg, Watercolor Art

By Cecile Johnson                                                                  pg.90

Breckenridge in the Big Time- Colorado, Ski Areas by William Grout pg.123

Enter Panorama- Canada, Ski Areas by John Skow                    pg.152

C’est La Vie- C’est La Gastronomie! Dining and Skiing in the

Laurentians, Canada, Ski Areas by Daniel Ford                 pg.189

With the Gods at Parnassus- Greek Skiing Adventures

By Tony Roberts                                                                    pg.206

Looking In On Action Week at Sugarbush by Nicholas Howe     pg.80

Looking In On Keystone/ Arapahoe- Colorado, Ski Areas

By Richard Kahl                                                                    pg.196

Where To Ski In Your Region                                                        pg.231

Sport Skis ’83 by William Grout                                                    pg.128

6 Boots for Good Recreational Skiers- Test Results and Fitting

Tips by John Henry Auran                                                   pg.159

St. Moritz Ski Chic- Elegant Skiwear by Hollis Brooks, Fashion  pg.168

Bindings Performance Report: The Saloman ’37 Line

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.175

A Stingy Skier’s Guide to Savings by Bill Tanler                          pg.198

Definitions: Anticipation by Horst Abraham                                 pg.44

Ski Games Two Can Play- 8 Games to Play with a Partner to help

You Ski Better by the PSIA Ski Team                                  pg.108

Winning Technique for the Advanced Skier by Billy Kidd           pg.144

For Better Balance, Wall Yourself In- Instruction by  Dave Evers         pg.150

How to Turn Around- Instruction by Walt Chauner                    pg.186
A Lesson with Junior Bounous by Doug Pfeiffer                          pg.193

Mind Over Skis- The Power of “As If” by Denise McCluggage    pg.218

If It’s Friday, This Must Be Lenggries- Behind the Scenes with the US

Women’s Ski Team, by Nicholas Howe                                pg.101

Keep an Eye on Bryce- Citizen Racers Turn It On by Dinah Witchel    pg.182


December 1982

How to Ski With Your Child and Enjoy It by Mo Adamski             pg.86

Gifts ’83: Soft, Warm, and Wonderful                                          pg.104

Looking Back on Vail- History by Bob Parker, Colorado, Ski Areas    pg.42

Taos: A Special Place- New Mexico, Ski Areas, by Dinah Witchel         pg.51

On Skis in the Notch of the Smugglers- Vermont, Ski Areas

By Allan Pospisil                                                                    pg.96

Great Ski Towns—Aspen- Text by John Henry Auran and Watercolor

Art by Cecile Johnson                                                            pg.110

Don’t Tell a Soul- It’s Solden- Austrian Resort by Grace Lichtenstein   pg.154

Where To Ski In Your Region                                                        pg.201

Junior Racing Skis ’83 by William Grout                                      pg.81

Bindings for Your Child by Carl Ettlinger                                    pg.90

Skiwear fit for a Star- At the Park City Celebrity Event

Fashion by Hollis Brooks                                                       pg.115

6 Boots for First Time Buyers- Recreational Models

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.120 The Lightweight Markers by Carl Ettlinger                                                                                   pg.136 Choosing a Ski Rack for Your Car- Test Results by Carl Ettlinger                                       pg.142

My Favorite Ski Cars- 6 Top Vehicles by Rich Taylor                  pg.150

At Home With Erika- (Hess) Profile of the Swiss Triple World

Champion and World Cup Winner by James Major                   pg.58

The Kick Turn- Instruction by Walt Chauner                               pg.28

Definition: Sequential Leg Rotation by Horst Abraham               pg.64

Shaving Tenths of a Second Off Your Time- Competition Basics

By Billy Kidd                                                                         pg.131

A Lesson with Elissa Slanger (Founder of Woman’s Way)

By Doug Pfeiffer                                                                    pg.162

Anticipate with Matador Turns- Instruction by Jim Isham          pg.175

More Gates for Richer Skiing- Slalom Pole Combinations to Help

Recreational Skiers Improve Skills by Shawn Smith          pg.177

Mind Over Skis- Self Awareness Needn’t Mean Self Destruct

By Denise McCluggage                                                          pg.189


January 1983

Looking In On Kirkwood                                                                  pg.26

Skiing Sunny Side Up- French Alps Resort by Tamsin Venn       pg.51

Great Ski Towns— Sun Valley- Text by John Henry Auran

Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson                                        pg.74

The Pleasures of Purgatory- Colorado, Ski Areas by Susan Heath        pg.88

Skiin’ South- East Coast, by Daniel Ford                                      pg.123

X-C ’83: Gearing Up For Downhill- The Waxless Revolution Glides

On, the Telemark Rage Continues to Blur Distinctions

Between Nordic and Alpine by Ray Gastil                           pg.106

Telemark Fever by David Sumner                                                  pg.112

Abroad in the Bush- Kwagama Lake, Northern Ontario, Backcountry

Skiing by Allan Pospisil                                                         pg.116

China Coach- China’s National Ski Team Coach John Norris of

Stratton, Maine by Nicholas Howe                                       pg.80

The Hop Turn- Instruction by Walt Chauner                               pg.24

How to Ski Powder- and Love It! Instruction by Paul Jones and

Jerry Warren                                                                         pg.67

The Fundamentals of Racing by Billy Kidd                                   pg.118

Mind Over Skis by Denise McCluggage                                         pg.132

Definition: Simultaneous Leg Rotation by Horst Abraham          pg.136

Recreational Skis ‘83- Test Reports by William Grout                  pg.60

5 Boots for Racing by John Henry Auran                                     pg.96

Stop and Go for It Red! Fashion, Skiwear by Hollis Brooks        pg.104

The Geze 950 by Carl Ettlinger                                                      pg.128


February 1983

Nature Leads the Way- Utah, Ski Areas, Photo Essay by Scott Nelson     pg.27

Backcountry Magic- Guide to the Places, Equipment and Experience

Of Hinterland Skiing by Hank Barlow                                pg.33

A Diamond As Big As Le Ritz- Mont Ste. Anne by Tamsin Venn          pg.52

A Taste of Piancavallo- Italy, Ski Areas by John Skow                pg.76

Update on Big Sky by Tamsin Venn                                              pg.22

Lookng In On Great Northern Snow Cat Skiing by Kerry McPhedran         pg.116

Ski Tuning for High Performance- a Test on How Tuning Procedures

Affect Various Skis by William Grout                                  pg.65

Poles Apart- Test Results by Carl Ettlinger                                    pg.82

6 More Boots for Fast Skiing- Test Results by John Henry Auran        pg.94

Look Again- Bindings by Carl Ettlinger                                        pg.109

How to Do a 360- Instruction by Jan Bucher                                pg.24

A New Way of Seeing- How To Use Mental Images to Improve Your

Skiing by Horst Abraham                                                     pg.43

The Wilt and Mickey Turn- Instruction by Walt Chauner           pg.81

For Top Speed, Try the White Pass Turn by Billy Kidd               pg.99

Check Out Your Body Language in the Bumps- Instruction by

By Hilary Engisch                                                                  pg.103

Use the Ski Tip as a Sensor by Jim Isham                                      pg.108

Definition: Jetting by Horst Abraham                                           pg.119

Color It Warm- Thermography Reveals How Skiers Get Cold

And Ways To Keep Warm by Charles Roberts Jr.              pg.74

Skiing Can Be Hazardous to Your Skin- Avoiding Ski Cancer

By Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.91

A Little Night Skiing- Cross Country Skiing at Night by Allan Pospisil          pg.114


Spring 1983

In Search of Speed at Snowbird- Snowbird’s Summer Racing Camp

By John Skow                                                                        pg.53

Summer Ski Camps- Annual Listing                                              pg.56

Copper Mountain Summer- What It’s Like to Vacation at a Ski Area

When There’s No Snow, Colorado, by William Grout        pg.85

Summer at the Ski Areas- Annual Listing of What Ski Areas Offer in the

Summer                                                                                  pg.92

Taking on Tuckerman- Mt. Washington, New Hampshire, Ski Areas

By Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.30

Definition: Carving/ Skidding by Horst Abraham                        pg.24

Taming the Short Radius Turn- Instruction by Jens Husted and

Chris Ryman                                                                          pg.38

Mind Over Skis by Denise McCluggage                                         pg.113

Six Fast Boots for Recreational Skiers by John Henry Auran      pg.104

Goggles and Sunglasses- How Good Are They? Test Results

On 52 Lenses by Carl Ettlinger                                             pg.108

Coming Of Age in a Starting Gate- Cindy Nelson of the US Ski Team

By Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.64

Downhill Racing by Billy Kidd                                                       pg.68


September 1983

Skiing’s ’84 Shopping Guide by Al Greenberg                                pg.83

Skiwear: Super Suits- Fashion by Hollis Brooks                            pg.84

Sport Skis ‘84- Test Results by William Grout                               pg.90

Bindings ’84 by Carl Ettlinger                                                        pg.100

Boots ’84 by John Henry Auran                                                    pg.106

Accessories by Carl Ettlinger                                                           pg.118

Update on Waterville Valley by Tamsin Venn                               pg.48

Great Ski Towns—Stowe, Vermont, Ski Areas, Text by Dinah Witchel

Watercolor art by Cecile Johnson                                         pg.113

First Tracks at Aspen- Photo Essay by John Kelly                        pg.124

The Many Faces of Louise- Canada, Ski Areas, Resorts

By Allan Pospisil                                                                    pg.132

The Many Uses of the Pole by Joe Waggoner                                pg.81

Skirobics- Ski Dek Techniques by William Grout                         pg.163

Skiing Quiz: Wide Wedge or Narrow? By Jim Isham with

Shawn Smith and Dave Ingram                                            pg.212

Inside Foot Under the Belly Button- Instruction by Jim Isham     pg.226

The Pros- Pro Racing Searches for TV while Norwegians Take Top

Purses, Competition by Dinah Witchel                                 pg.50

Pointing ‘em Down Velocity Peak- Trying for 130 MPH

By Peter Shelton                                                                     pg.53

Coming On Strong in an Off Year- US Nordic Atheletes Thrived

By John Henry Auran                                                           pg.64

Phil Does It Again! How Phil Mahre Almost Lost, then Regained

His Third Overall World Cup by Gregory Lewis                 pg.170

Tamara Does It Right! 1983 Women’s World Cup Champion

By Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.171


October 1983

Great Escapes- Reports on Over 70 Major North American Resorts         pg.83

A Fine Swiss Holiday- Crans-Montana by Al Greenberg              pg.100

Downhill Runner- A Top Marathoner and Cross Country Buff Finds

Alpine Skiing at Keystone/ Arapahoe Colorado

By Hal Higdon                                                                       pg.139

A Colorado Skier Skis New England by Hank Barlow                 pg.146

Chasing Powder in a Motorhome by Hank Barlow                      pg.152

The Pole as a Stabilizer by Joe Waggoner                                      pg.32

Report From Interski XII- US Telemarkers Stole the Show

By William Grout                                                                  pg.73

8 Games to Sharpen Your Senses- For Quicker Reaction Time

by Jonathan Jenkins                                                            pg.184

For Safety’s Sake, Exercise Your Bindings by Scott Singleton     pg.208

Skiing Quiz: Which Stance for Best Balance? By Jim Isham with

Shawn Smith and Dave Ingram                                            pg.217

On Course Colors- Fashion, Skiwear by Hollis Brooks                 pg.164

Recreational Skis- Test Results by William Grout                         pg.170

Geze Revamps Its Line by Carl Ettlinger                                       pg.178

Performance Boots- For Advanced Intermediates

By John Henry Auran                                                           pg.194

The Racing Classics- The Lauberhorn, Great Race Courses

By Billy Kidd                                                                         pg.38


November 1983

Great Ski Towns—Steamboat Springs- Text by Jeannie Patton

Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson                                        pg.83

A Proprietary Look at Sugarbush- Northern Vermont, Ski Areas

By John Skow                                                                        pg.95

Ticket to the Savoy- The Portes Du Soleil Ski Pass Gives Access

To 12 Areas on Both Sides of the French-Swiss Border

By Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.102

Utah Interconnected- Guided Tour Linking Five Wasatch Range

Resorts by William Grout                                                      pg.137

The New Sophisticates- Fashion, Skiwear by Hollis Brooks          pg.110

Ski Gear ‘84- GS Racing Skis- Test Results on 22 Giant Slalom

Models by William Grout                                                      pg.124

Bindings Performance Update- The Salomon Line by Carl Ettlinger    pg.144

Ski Gear ‘84- Racing Boots- Test Results and Tips for Foaming

By John Henry Auran                                                           pg.148

Camera Gear for the Skier-Photographer by Del Mulkey            pg.167

Bindings Performance Update- The Look Line by Carl Ettlinger          pg.181

Push the Tips Down in the Moguls- Instruction by Scott Singleton        pg.40

A Cure for the Intermediate Blues- Help for those Who Fear They’ll

Never Advance by Shawn Smith and Pat King                    pg.157

The Pole as a Sensor- Instruction by Joe Waggoner                      pg.194

Skiing Quiz: What’s the Best Way to Edge? By Jim Isham with

Shawn Smith and Dave Ingram                                            pg.200

‘Basically, You Challenge Them’ Philosophy of Bill Marolt, the

Man Behind the US Ski Team by Nicholas Howe                pg.171

Racing Classics: The Val Gardena Downhill- Great Race Courses

by Billy Kidd                                                                          pg.186


December 1983

High Tech/ High Touch- Computer Age Gifts                                   pg.96

Vail Comes of Age- Colorado, Resorts, Ski Areas by AL Greenberg     pg.85

Skiing the Great White Way- Hunter Mountain, New York, Catskill

Mountains, Ski Areas by Allan Pospisil                                pg.128

Going Wild in the Dolomites- Cortina’s Superski Pass, Italy, Ski Areas

By William Grout                                                                  pg.156

Skiing Quiz: Which Motion Increases Ski Pressure? By Jim Isham with

Shawn Smith and Dave Ingram                                            pg.50

Rhythm and Skiing- Instruction by Horst Abraham                    pg.135

Video Skiing- Home Video Ski Instruction Does Help, Guide to

What’s Available by William Grout                                     pg.200

The Pole as a Brake- Instruction by Joe Waggoner                       pg.208

Slalom Racing Skis- Test Results by William Grout                      pg.102

Bindings Performance Update- The Tyrolia Diagonal System

New Way to Handle Combined Loads by Carl Ettlinger    pg.125

Rear Entry Boots- Test Results by John Henry Auran                 pg.168

Bindings Performance Update- The Marker Line by Carl Ettlinger      pg.192

‘You Have to Be Ready’ Profile of John Atkins, US Women’s

Ski  Team Trainer by Nicholas Howe                                   pg.149

Racing Classics: The Hahnenkamm- Great Race Courses by Billy Kidd        pg.175

On Skis With the Over the Hill Gang- Over 50 Skiers, Ancient Skiers

By Linda Harbine Martin                                                     pg.184


January/ Holiday 1984

Boots: High Tech at $225- Test Results by John Henry Auran    pg.56

Two in the Fall Line- Sun Valley, Idaho, Ski Areas by Tamsin Venn    pg.48

A Salzburg Ski Circus- Austria’s Provinces, Europe, Ski Areas

By John Skow                                                                        pg.72

The Quebec Connection- Jay Peak, Vermont, Ski Areas

by Daniel Ford                                                                       pg.79

So Close to Texas- Sierra Blanca by Allan Pospisil                        pg.129

“When Should I Start My Child Skiing?” Some Guidelines

by Caron MacLane                                                                pg.97

Kids Need Good Boots, Too by John Henry Auran                      pg.100

Kids’ Wear Grows Up! Children’s Fashion by Hollis Brooks       pg.104

Common Myths (About Children Skiing) by Mo Adamski          pg.107

Choosing A Ski For Your Child by William Grout                       pg.112

Children’s Bindings- Only the Best Gear Will Protect Them

By Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.116

The Pole as a Glide Enhancer- Instruction by Joe Waggoner       pg.26

Skiing Quiz: What’s the Best Way to Start Your Turn? By Jim Isham

with  Shawn Smith and Dave Ingram                                  pg.29

First Get the Motion, then Add the Angles- Instruction

By Paul Jones                                                                         pg.87

Getting a fast Start Out of the Gate- Instruction by Jim Barrows

and Kiki Cutter                                                                      pg.114

Racing Classics: The Aspen Winternational- Great Race Courses

By Billy Kidd                                                                         pg.67

Racing Tactics- Where to Start the Turn in GS, Slalom

By Harold Schoenhaar                                                          pg.134

Skiing Goes to A Wine Tasting- Skiers’ Lifestyles by AL Greenberg     pg.120

The Story of St. Anton- How a Last Ditch Stand by the Nazis

Affected this Austrian Ski Village by George Bush              pg.122


February 1984

Skiing in Yugoslavia by Al Greenberg                                              pg.66

Ski the Park- Winter Park, Colorado, Ski Areas

by Linda Harbine Martin                                                      pg.100

Great Ski Towns- North Conway, New Hampshire—Text by

Nicholas Howe, Watercolor Art by Cecile Johnson              pg.124

The Boots of Sarajevo- A Rundown of the Top Models the Racers

Will Use by John Henry Auran                                             pg.60

Ski Gear ’84: The Super G’s- Reports on 10 Models by William Grout          pg.94

The ESS Variable by Carl Ettlinger                                               pg.121

Tuning In to Skiing- Skiers’ Lifestyles by John Henry Auran      pg.130

Skiing Quiz: What Kind of Turn- Long or Short? By Jim Isham

with  Shawn Smith and Dave Ingram                                  pg.26

In Crud, Use the ‘Hi Mom’ Turn- Instruction by Walt Chauner  pg.93

How to Make Molehills out of Moguls- Instruction by Jens Husted

And Chris Ryman                                                                  pg.111

The Pole as Rhythm Builder- Instruction by Joe Waggoner         pg.135

Racing Classics: At Waterville Valley, Racing Is a Tradition- Great

Race Courses by Billy Kidd                                                   pg.106

One Day With the Chinese National Team- An Insider’s Look at

How the Chinese Train for the Olympics by John Norris    pg.70

Olympic Section        

Is This the Year for US Gold?                                                          pg. 33

Inside Sarajevo- A Look at the Town and the Skiing Hills of the

XIV Olympics by Al Greenberg                                            pg.34

Men’s Downhill- The Odds for the Medals go to the Austrians

By Al Greenberg                                                                    pg.40

Women’s Downhill by Nicholas Howe                                            pg.41

Women’s Giant Slalom- Tamara McKinney is the Favorite          pg.42

Men’s Giant Slalom- Phil Mahre is the Favorite                            pg.44

Women’s Slalom- Erika Hess and Tamara McKinney are the Favorites

But Watch Out for the Polish Tlalka Twins                         pg.46

Men’s Slalom- Ingemar Stenmark’s Sidekick Stig Strand May Be the

One to Beat, But Either Mahre Could Do It                         pg.48

The Nordic Events- This May Be the Year the Outsiders Take It Away

From the Traditional Nordic Powers by John Henry Auran        pg.50

A Look Ahead: Calgary in ’88 by Allan Pospisil                           pg.54


Spring 1984

The American Ski Classic at Vail/ Beaver Creek                           pg.51

Racing Classics: Vail’s International- A Racer’s Favorite—Great

Race Courses                                                                          pg.52

The Legends of Skiing- All Time Greats Meet on the Same Course

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.56

The Jerry Ford Celebrity Cup                                                        pg.58

Looking In On Valle De Las Lenas- Argentina’s Andes

by Al Greenberg, Ski Areas, South America                        pg.20

Mammoth in More Ways Than One by John Skow, California  pg.28

Ski Bulgaria? Balkans, Europe, Ski Areas by Al Greenberg        pg.60

Skiing “The Other Washington” Washington State Ski Areas

by Bill Tanler                                                                         pg.92

Summer Ski Camps ‘84- Guide                                                      pg.96

A Fresh Look at Four Skiing Problems by Horst Abraham          pg.85

How to Handle Spring Snow- Instruction by Scott Singleton       pg.106

Women’s Boots- What Our Tests Reveal by John Henry Auran  pg.44

Two Track Triple Threat- For Handicapped World Champion

Paul DiBello, Skiing Offered a Way Back- and a New Life

by Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.38

For Good Glide, Add Structure to Your Skis- New Approach to Ski

Preparation by John Boles                                                    pg.48

A Close Call at Crystal- Skiing Doctor Discovers a Former Patient

Just in Time by Gerhart A. Drucker                                     pg.102


September 1984

Skiing’s 1985 Buying Guide                                                           pg.91

Sport Skis ‘85- Test Reports by Bill Grout                                     pg.92

Skiwear: The Skier’s Choice by Virginia Langner, Fashion         pg.100

Boots ’85 by John Henry Auran                                                    pg.111

Bindings ’85 by Carl Ettlinger                                                        pg.121

Accessories ‘85- Glasses, Goggles, Car Racks and Ski Poles

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.126

For the Women, It Was a Swiss- and American Year—Swiss

Dominated the Cup, but US Racers took the Olympic GS

by Nicholas Howe, Competition                                            pg.156

For the Men, Johnson Got the Headlines, Zurbriggen Got the Cup

By Al Greenberg, Competition                                              pg.162

Bill Johnson: Skiing’s Lone Ranger by Gregory Lewis                 pg.170

How Bill Johnson Won the Gold by Georges Joubert                   pg.199

Nordics: Two Steal the Show- US X-C Fortunes Waned in ’84

While the World Chased a Finn and a Swede

By John Henry Auran                                                           pg.276

Look What’s Happened at Little Ol’ Steamboat- Colorado, Resorts,

Ski Areas by Al Greenberg                                                    pg.229

Stratton Joins the ‘80s- This Southern Vermont Area Looks to Its 25th

Year by Allan Pospisil                                                            pg.240

Whistler—New Whistler-Blackcomb Village by Bill Grout           pg.258

Align the Upper Body Naturally- Instruction by Scott Singleton  pg.54

You, Too, Can Dance- You Can Be a Hot Skier by Hank Barlow         pg.236

How to Program Yourself for Better Skiing- Exercises by

Tyrone Polastri                                                                       pg.268

Keeping the Body Square in the Moguls: The Head- Instruction by

Hilary Engisch                                                                       pg.294


October 1984

The Spoiler: Deer Valley, Utah- Area for the Pampered

by Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.36

The Bowls of Jackson Hole by Bill Grout, Wyoming                    pg.80

Skiing’s 1985 Vacation Planning Guide- 75 North American Resorts   pg.96

The (Mostly) Brave New World of Killington by Nicholas Howe pg.128

Return to Val Tho’- France’s Val Thorens by Al Greenberg

Europe, Ski Areas                                                                  pg.132

The Best of the Ski Cars (of ’85) by Rich Taylor                           pg.154

The ‘Golden Age’ of Ski Trains- When Skiing Was Young, the Way

to the Slopes was On the Rails by Hank Barlow                 pg.158

High Class Color- Skiwear, Fashion by Virginia Langner            pg.164

Recreational Skis- Test Reports by Bill Grout                                pg.190

Boots: Rear-Entry vs. Front Entry- Lab and Slope Comparisons

Produced Surprising Results by John Henry Auran            pg.202

Bindings Performance Report: The Saloman 47 Series

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.206

Boot Toe Over the Tip to Descend Stairs- Instruction

by Scott Singleton                                                                  pg.38

What’s the Best Arm Position? Skiing Quiz by Jim Isham and

Shawn Smith                                                                          pg.62

How to Start Your Skiing Day— On-Snow Exercises by Carol Levine pg.210

What Makes a Great Downhill Racer? Primer on how to go Faster

by Georges Joubert                                                                pg.218

How to Start the Season Right- Conditioning by Tage Pedersen  pg.230


November 1984

Which Stance is the Most Balanced? Skiing Quiz by Jim Isham and

Shawn Smith                                                                          pg.30

Revolution in Powder Skiing- Instruction, Method for Carving

by Max Lundberg                                                                  pg.191

One Hour to Better Balance- Exercise by Jack Heggie                  pg.249

Keeping the Body Square in the Moguls: The Head- Instruction

by Hilary Engisch                                                                  pg.256

Step Through the Moguls- Instruction by Scott Singleton            pg.266

Ski Gear That Works- Fashion and Function by Virginia Langner      pg.100

Slalom Skis ’85 by Bill Grout                                                         pg.124

Racing Boots: Not Just for Racing- These Can Improve Performance

For the Recreational Skier by John Henry Auran               pg.136

Bindings Performance Report: Tyrolia’s 390-290 Series

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.161

The Soothing Effects of Snowmass by Linda Harbine Martin     pg.92

The ‘White Arena’ —Swiss Alps’ Flims-Laax, Europe, Ski Areas

by G.S. Bush                                                                          pg.164

Skiing the “Land of Enchantment”- New Mexico, Ski Areas by

Bill Tanler                                                                              pg.204

Snowshoe Packs ‘Em In- West Virginia Ski Area by Tamsin Venn       pg.224

Lone Wolf of the Pros- Peugeot Grand Prix National Champion

Cary Adgate by Richard Kahl                                              pg.108

Pro Racing’s Class Act- Toril Forland Profile by Claire Walter    pg.112

A Natural Force Named Armstrong- Olympic Medalist

Debbie Armstrong by Nicholas Howe                                  pg.117

A House Alive- Skiers’ Lifestyles by John Henry Auran               pg.48

Teaching What Skiing Is- To Weems Westfeldt, Ski Instruction

Doesn’t End With a “Biomechanical Cookie,” Frontiers of Ski

Instruction by Denise McCluggage                                       pg.90

Travels with a Snow Ranger- Don Michel, Forest Service Specialist

by Allan Pospisil                                                                     pg.233

Avalanche Prediction by John Skow                                              pg.238

The Joy of ‘Cascade Concrete’- Pacific Northwest Ski Areas

by Robert Lovitt                                                                    pg.252


December 1984

Holiday 1984: Sumptuous Gifts For Skiers Who Have Everything

by Virginia Langner                                                              pg.130

Women’s Boots- Test Reports by John Henry Auran                   pg.136

Giant Slalom Skis- Test Reports by Bill Grout                              pg.146

Bindings Performance Report: The New Gezes by Carl Ettlinger pg.168

The Look 89RX and 49LX                                                   pg.196

The Marker M-26                                                                  pg.208

Learning to Ski On Scorpions- Frontiers of Ski Instruction

by Denise McCluggage                                                          pg.48

How Should You Handle A Blind Drop-Off? Skiing Quiz

by Shawn Smith                                                                     pg.104

Eight Progressions to Better Skiing- How to Increase Body Awareness,

Flexibility, and Responsiveness by Jonathan Jenkins          pg.181

Angle Your Body for Better Edging- Instruction by Scott Singleton     pg.219

Keeping the Body Square in the Moguls: The Hips- Instruction

by Hilary Engisch                                                                  pg.223

Savoring Mont Ste. Anne- Canada, Ski Areas by Richard Kahl  pg.58

Mining the Light and Dry at Park City by John Skow                 pg.108

Making the Most of Mayrhofen- Austrian Village, Europe, Ski Areas

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.112

A Family that Skis Together- The Reynolds Family of Waterville

Valley, New Hampshire by Tamsin Venn                             pg.123

Ski Cooper: The Cradle of the Rockies- The Army’s Camp Hale

At Leadville, Colorado is still Hale and Hardy by Steve Voynick pg.192

Endrun on Homerun- An Irresistible Slot opened in the Trees and a

Heli-skier left her Companions and Safety Far Behind by

Barbara Guild                                                                        pg.202

Diary of a Winter on Skis- How One Man Skied all Ten Worldloppet

X-C Marathons in a Season by Stuart Stevens                     pg.210

Brews for the Slopes- Skiers’ Lifestyles by Dennis Burnside         pg.68


January 1985

At Aspen, Ski the Secret- The Highlands by Linda Harbine Martin,

Colorado, Ski Areas                                                               pg.48

Exploring the “White Reserve”- Limone Piemonte, Italy

by Allan Pospisil, Europe, Ski Areas                                     pg.78

History at Every Turn- Whiteface Mountain, Adirondacks, New York

Ski Areas by Nicholas Howe                                                  pg.82

Nordic Combined: Two in Montana- Crosscut Ranch and Chico Hot

Springs, Cross-Country by Allan Pospisil                             pg.119

Boot Adjustments: Do They Work? A Look at Forward-Flex, Cant

And Other Adjustments Can and Can’t Do for Your Skiing

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.60

We Test Cross- Country Skis by Bard Glenne and Bill Grout      pg.126

Skiing With Your Kids by Hank Barlow, Children                      pg.90

Out-Of-This-World Skiwear—Children’s Fashion by Virginia Langner        pg.98

Launching Your Child on Skis- How to Select the Right Model

by Bill Grout                                                                          pg.100

Kids’ Boots Reach New Heights by John Henry Auran                pg.104

Who’s Responsible for Your Child’s Bindings? What You Must Know

To Maximize Safety by Carl Ettlinger                                  pg.108

Skiing With Kelly- A Ski Instructor Finds Skiing With Her Daughter

Brings Unexpected Trials by Marjorie McCloy                    pg.114

Keep The Shoulders Level for Good Short Turns- Instruction by

Jens Husted                                                                            pg.22

When and How Should You Plant the Pole? Ski Quiz by Chris Ryman         pg.37

Glide, Grip, Brake- For Better Turns by Paul Jones, Instruction pg.64

Finding the Line in the Moguls- Instruction by Hilary Engisch    pg.140

The Thursday Board Meeting- The Frontiers of Ski Instruction

by Bill Grout                                                                         pg.40

Are These Guys Skiing? Photo Essay on Snowboarding, the Latest

Rage                                                                                        pg.141


February 1985

Who’ll Win at Bormio? A Look at the Favorites and US Hopefuls In

Each Alpine Event at the FIS World Championships

by Billy Kidd, Competition                                                   pg.74

Can the US Women Do It Again in the Bormio GS? Georges Joubert

Examines the Latest in GS Techniques and Assesses the Chances

For Debbie and Tamara, Competition                                  pg.78

Inside Every Racer is a Human Being- Profile of Harald Schoenhaar,

The New Alpine Director of the Ski Team by Nicholas Howe       pg.84

Summit County is Everyone’s Playground- Colorado’s Front Range

Foursome, Ski Areas by Dinah Witchel                                pg.32

Renaissance at Squaw Valley by John Skow                                 pg.54

Skiing a Laurentian Legend- Quebec’s Mont Tremblant, Canada

Ski Areas by Daniel Ford                                                      pg.64

A Ski Snob Discovers the Poconos by GS Bush                             pg.94

For Smooth, Flowing Movement, Do the Leg Chase- Instruction

by Chris Ryman                                                                     pg.34

From Station to Station- Frontiers of Ski Instruction by

Dinah Witchel                                                                        pg.51

For Better Short Turns, Clap Your Hands- Instruction

by Chris Ryman                                                                     pg.103

How to Handle the Hard Stuff- Exercises to Develop Your Hardpack

Skills by Shawn Smith                                                           pg.105

Boots: A Wide Choice at $180 by John Henry Auran                   pg.112

How Safe Is Racing Gear? A Look at Some Prevailing, But Mistaken

Opinions About Equipment on the Race Course by

Carl Ettlinger                                                                         pg.89


Spring 1985

Bachelor Gets to the Top- Mt. Bachelor by Al Greenberg, Ski Areas     pg.50

A Loyalist Skis Wildcat- New Hampshire, Ski Areas by John Skow     pg.58

Maple Syrup and the Matterhorn- In Late June, With a Little Help

from his Friends- Several Dozen 12-18 Yr. Old Campers- A

Visiting Skier Takes on Zermatt’s Swiss Challenge, Switzerland,

Europe, Ski Areas by Del Mulkey                                         pg.64

Summer Ski Camps ’85- Guide                                                      pg.70

For Checking Your Stance, the Shadow Knows- Instruction

by Jim Isham                                                                         pg.14

For Better Racing Turns, Join the 3-H Club- Instruction by Bill Dark  pg.24

Stressless Racing Camp- At the Rossignol- Lange Race Camp at

Mammoth Mtn. Last Spring, A Special All Women’s Sub

Group Took a Different approach to Gate Bashing. Frontiers

Of Ski Instruction by Grace Lichtenstein                             pg.28

Choreographed Skiing by Chris Ryman                                        pg.75

Rear-Entry Redux- Test Reports by John Henry Auran              pg.80

Is Your Old Gear Still Good?- How to Evaluate your Boots and

Bindings by Carl Ettlinger                                                    pg.84

Waiter! Table for Two! Making a Snow Table by Robert Doyle  pg.12

Discovering March- How a Tyro’s Lunatic Descent Transformed His

Thinking About March by Daniel Ford                               pg.22

The Bevel, You Say? Here’s How It’s Done by Jim Deines           pg.87

“If I Make the D Team…” A Psychoanalyst Finds Himself Out

Classed at Snowbird by Steven Levy, MD                            pg.95

The World Cup Comes to North America- A Skiing Magazine Salute  pg.33


September 1985

Skiing’s 1986 Buying Guide by Al Greenberg                               pg.117

Skiwear ’86: Getting the Jump on Fashion by Virginia Langner pg.118

Sport Skis- New Constructions, “Visible Sales Features” by Bill Grout

and Bard Glenne                                                                    pg.126

Hot Boots- New Built-in Heaters! By Dinah Witchel                      pg.142

Bindings by Carl Ettlinger                                                              pg.155

How to Pick a Ski Shop by Al Greenberg                                      pg.161

Goggles and Glasses- Why You Need Them, How to Pick Them

by Claire Walter                                                                     pg.168

Ski Racks… and Bike Racks and Boat Racks by Paul Gordon    pg.197

Poles- of ’86 by Bill Grout                                                               pg.201

Save a Little, Ski A Lot- Instruction by Walt Chauner                 pg.60

Are You a Butterfly or a Bee? Instruction by Jim Isham              pg.76

In the Bumps, Maintain Your Rhythm- Instruction by Dave Merriam pg.166

Three Steps to Peak Performance- Exercises by Horst Abraham  pg.251

Weather was the Opponent- Competition by Christin Cooper and

Nicholas Howe                                                                        pg.233

High Style in the Deep Woods- Sugarloaf/ USA, Maine Ski areas

by Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.206

Stalking the White Fantastic- Utah Powder Skiing by Hank Barlow     pg.268

High Route to Telluride- An Alpine Tour in the San Juans, Colorado

Ski Areas by Peter Shelton                                                    pg.288

The Jimmie Heuga Express- Superstar Skiers Log More than One

Million Vertical Feet by Linda Harbine Martin                   pg.101

Color Explosion! Portfolio of Great Skiing Shots                          pg.278


October 1985

Summit County: The Light at the End of the Tunnel- Four High

Altitude Colorado Resorts on the Western Side of Loveland

Pass by Linda Harbine Martin                                              pg.84

Skiing’s 1986 Guide to Great Vacations- Thumbnail Sketches of

Over 70 North American Resorts                                          pg.94

Stowe- Vermont Ski Areas by Bill Grout                                       pg.130

A Fine Madness at Badgastein- Austrian Resort by Allan Pospisil         pg.146

The Brights Have It! Fashion by Virginia Langner                       pg.156

Recreational Skis- Test Reports by Bill Grout and Bard Glenne  pg.194

Best Buys in Boots by Dinah Witchel                                             pg.206

Bindings Performance Report: The Look XM by Carl Ettlinger  pg.213

Pick a Safe Place to Stop- Instruction by Hank Barlow                pg.34

For Smoother Turns, Cross over Your Skis- Instruction

by Dave Merriam                                                                   pg.83

How to Build Strength- An Easy Way to Tone Muscles for More

Skiing Fun by Christin Cooper, Conditioning                     pg.183

Punch the Turn in Powder- Instruction by Scott Singleton           pg.187

Three Steps to Peak Performance- How to Train the Mind for

Maximum Physical Output by Horst Abraham                   pg.217

Using Home Video to Improve Your Skiing by Michael Moran   pg.222

Doug Lewis: King of the Hill? By John Skow, Competition         pg.188

Bill Johnson: Over the Hill? By Greg Lewis                                  pg.189

The Last Run- The Poetry of Skiing at Day’s End, Photo Essay

with Text by Hank Barlow                                                    pg.140


November 1985

La Dolce Utah- How Deer Valley Draws the Well Heeled to the

Wasatch, by George Bush                                                     pg.106

Marriage, New Hampshire Style- Loon Mountain’s Union with

North Peak Means Better Skiing by Allan Pospisil               pg.126

Station De Ski Sans Finis- Les Ares, French Alps, Europe, Ski Areas

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.150

Heaven, Come Eleven- South Lake Tahoe’s Heavenly Valley

by Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.184

Wired for Action- Skiwear, Fashion                                               pg.220

Slalom Skis- Test Reports by Bill Grout and Bard Glenne           pg.228

You’ve Come a Long Way Baby!- Women’s Boots by

Dinah Witchel                                                                        pg.240

Bindings Performance Report: The Marker M46 Twincam

by Carl Ettlinger                                                                    pg.257

For Smoother Skiing, Start Your Turns in the Fall Line- Instruction by

Kent Stevens                                                                           pg.48

Portrait of an Extremist- How Patrick Vallencant Skis the Steeps

by Del Mulkey                                                                        pg.157

Three Steps to Peak Performance- Winning Attitude can Make a

Difference by Horst Abraham                                               pg.165

Playing the Spectrums of Skiing by Chris Ryman                         pg.169

How to Locate a Ski Buried in Powder by Weems Westfeldt        pg.261

For Effective Edging, Show Your Bottoms- Instruction by

Scott Singleton                                                                       pg.278

Small is Beautiful- Diann Roffe, GS World Champion

by Nicholas Howe, Competition                                            pg.113

A Champion for the 80’s – How Marc Girardelli took Three World

Cups by Olle Larsson                                                            pg.121

Snow Dance Through the Trees- Tree Skiing Photo Essay

Text by Hank Barlow                                                            pg.100

A School for Fitness? In Which the Austrian Smokescreen meets

American Dynamite by Bill Corbett                                      pg.263


December 1985

Hot Tracks- Color Photos of Signatures in the Snow                    pg.64

Looking In on Bromley- Vermont, Ski Areas by Dinah Witchel  pg.40

Sampling Two by Tahoe- Alpine Meadows and Northstar, California

by Allan Pospisil                                                                     pg.68

Mont Ste. Anne Joins the International Set (by Snowmaking)

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.146

Mt. Snow Enters the Computer Age by Andrew Nemethy            pg.161

Down Pike’s Peak- Or Bust by Jeff Frees                                       pg.197

Downhill on Skinny Skis- In Michigan You Can Combine Cross

Country Racing with Norpine or Alpine by Hal Higdon     pg.208

On Catwalks, Pass Carefully and Quietly- Instruction by

Weems Westfeldt                                                                    pg.56

The Thousand Steps- Exercise Games by Walt Chauner              pg.169

After a Fall, Put On the Uphill Ski First- Instruction by Hank Barlow  pg.239

Splendor in the Snow- Fashion, Skiwear by Kim Brizzolara        pg.80

Giant Slalom Skis ‘86- Test Reports on GS Cruisers by Bill Grout

and Bard Glenne                                                                    pg.88

High Tech Ski Gloves by Kim Brizzolara                                       pg.134

More Best Buys- Boot Manufacturers Select the Best in their Lines

by Dinah Witchel                                                                   pg.136

Hard-to-Fit-Feet by Dinah Witchel                                                 pg.140

High Style X-C- Fashion                                                                 pg.207

Athletes in Motion- Handicapped Skiers by Tamsin Venn            pg.221

The Story of the 10th (Mountain Division) by Nicholas Howe

Ski Troops                                                                              pg.181

Erica Loves Jill- A Psychoanalyst Discovers the Pain of abandonment

As His Daughter Finds a New Relationship by Dr. Steven Levy   pg.203

I’ll Take Age- On Skis or Off- An Old Timer Finds Time Has Its

Rewards by Enno Hobbing                                                   pg.218

Wrestling with the Black Bear by Berkeley Rice                            pg.230


January 1986

The World Cup Returns                                                                 pg.75

Back to Hamburgers and Hot Dogs by Christin Cooper               pg.76

17 Races to Watch- Schedule                                                          pg.80

A Rising Star Named Eva- Twardokens by Nicholas Howe          pg.94

Kids Just Wanna Have Fun- Children’s Fashion by Kim Brizzolara     pg.108

Skis for Fun- A Guide to Junior Skis by Bill Grout and

Bard Glenne                                                                           pg.112

Kids Boot Up by Dinah Witchel                                                     pg.116

Kids’ Bindings- What You Need To Know by Carl Ettlinger       pg.121

A Skier’s Holiday Fantasy- Big Ticket Ideas for the Skier who Has

Almost Everything by Kim Brizzolara                                  pg.129

Looking In On Big Mountain, Montana by Linda Harbine Martin      pg.26

Telluride- the Secret’s Out—Colorado, Ski Areas by Al Greenberg       pg.40

Taking Flight at Panorama- Fast Cruising and Heli-skiing in

British Columbia by Bill Grout                                             pg.52

The Promise of Pico- Vermont, Ski Areas by Daniel Ford             pg.63

Get Tall Till One Leg Takes Over- Instruction by Walt Chauner pg.24

Tune Up Your Turning- Series of Games by Walt Chauner         pg.99

Wedge Busters- How and Why to Break Your Child’s Braking-

Wedge Habit by Mo Adamski                                               pg.126

For Dynamic Turns, Jump Out of Your Skis- Instruction

by Kent Stevens                                                                      pg.136


Spring 1986

Seeking Out the Butte- Crested Butte, Colorado, Ski Areas

by Linda Harbine Martin                                                      pg.30

Serendipity at Saas-Fee—the Swiss Valais, Europe, Ski Areas

By John Skow                                                                        pg.38

Ice Dancing in the Vallee Blanche- Chamonix by Lito Tejada-Flores    pg.44

Spring Skiing in the Land of the Midnight Sun- Above the Arctic

Circle, Swedes’ Resort by Robert Parker                              pg.52

Summer Ski Camps ‘86- Guide                                                      pg.79

Three Ways to Sharpen Your Mogul Skills- Instruction by

Hilary Engisch                                                                       pg.23

Tactics for Spring Skiing by Shawn Smith and Pat King             pg.73

For Better Balance, Do the Huggy Bear Turn- Instruction by

Jim Isham                                                                               pg.88

How the Racers Carve on Hard Snow by Olle Larssen                 pg.59

For Skiers, Sun Protection Makes Sense- How to Select Glasses and

Lotions by Joana Jebsen                                                       pg.64

Why All the Knee Injuries? By Carl Ettlinger, Ski Accidents       pg.70

How to Store Your Gear by Al Greenberg                                     pg.86


November 1986

Snow Watch- Photo Essay, Winter Photography                          pg.62

Making Training Fun- A Program for Reaching Optimum Fitness

by Christin Cooper                                                                pg.66

Home Tuning Made Easy- Step by Step Guide by Jim Deines     pg.83

Big Sky- Montana, Ski Areas by John Skow                                 pg.90

The Second Coming of Aspen- Colorado, Resorts, Ski Areas

by Hank Barlow                                                                    pg.96

It Started in St. Anton by Al Greenberg                                         pg.123

Glory Comes to Gore- New York’s “Best Kept Secret” Unveiled

by Nicholas Howe                                                                  pg.155

Sport Stars- Test Reports by Bard Glenne and Bill Grout            pg.208

A Boot Tester’s Smorgasbord- Test Results by Rick Kahl            pg.220

Marker: Elegant Solutions- The Twincam M36 by Carl Ettlinger         pg.229

Eurofash: Shocking and Chic- European Skiwear, Fashion

by Kim Brizzolara                                                                  pg.241

On a Fast Track- Nordic Skiwear, Fashion by Iseult Devlin         pg.251

Look Uphill Before You Start- Instruction by Paul Jones             pg.34

Race Day Routine- Instruction by Hank Kashiwa                         pg.52

Warm Up With the Pole Hop- Instruction by Ellen Post Foster    pg.60

Breakthrough on Skis- Part II How To Achieve A Bombproof Parallel

Start by Lito Tejada- Flores, Instruction                              pg.257

The Squire of Shangri-La—Profile of Tom Corcoran by Dinah Witchel        pg.264


December 1986

Bumps! By Hank Barlow                                                                pg.46

In Search of Mogul Meaning- A Natural History

by John Henry Auran                                                           pg.50

Bump Basics- Exercises to Get You Started by Walt Chauner      pg.58

State Secrets in New Hampshire- Cannon and Sunapee, Ski Areas

by Daniel Ford                                                                       pg.70

In Deep at Mammoth by Nicholas Howe                                        pg.77

On Course in the Cantons De L’Est-Quebec’s Eastern Townships

by Al Greenberg                                                                     pg.84

Saloman’s Super Savers- The 547 and 547 Sport Bindings by

Carl Ettlinger                                                                         pg.113

Rugged and Good Lookin’- Fashion, Skiwear by Kim Brizzolara         pg.136

Equal Whites for Women- Test Reports on Boots by Rick Kahl  pg.150

Skis for Speed- Test Reports on Slalom and Giant Slalom Skis

by Bill Grout                                                                          pg.166

X-C: A Systems Analysis- Reports on Cross-Country Boot Binding

Systems by Iseult Devlin                                                        pg.183

Geze: Rugged and Reliable by Carl Ettlinger                                pg.189

Racking ‘em Up- Car Top Carriers by Irwin Curtin                     pg.192

Finding the Optimum Line- Instruction for Recreational Racers

by HankKashiwa                                                                  pg.38

Tighten Your Grip to Tighten Your Turn- Instruction for Advanced

Skiers by Jim Isham                                                              pg.149

Breakthrough on Skis- Part III: The Secret of Dynamic Anticipation

By Lito Tejada- Flores                                                           pg.195

The World Cup inNorth America-Preview of the Alpine Racing

Season by Al Greenberg                                                        pg.93

Ski Magazines
Indexes in Ski Periodicals